

#1 Reporter | Citer[en] 

I was searching for something totally different and stumbled across this artwork once again after a long time http://www.ryzom.com/data/artwork/re-ba-fy-hu-2000-05-26.jpg

I'd really like to see that in color (maybe even 3D) but I don't really have the skill to make it look good.

Anyone out there able to either create a 3D landscape (in blender, 3DSmax, ...) or color it "by hand" (in Photoshop, gimp, ...)?

I'm not able to give you anything except maybe the fame here in the forum and ryzom community ;-)

Thanks a lot in advance!

Dernière édition par Jarnys (il y a 1 décénie).


Last visit lundi 17 Février 06:37:20 UTC

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