
#1 Citer[en] 

Hey all, I'm using the Linux client on Arch Linux (Had to download it from Sourceforge as AUR one didn't seem to work). I can load the game up, and can get to the character selection, but when I click 'create new' at the bottom, I get nothing but a green screen with no other buttons on. My cursor changes, and it turns to some circular arrows when I left-click, but I don't get anything to actually click! Anything I can do to fix? :)

#2 Reporter | Citer[en] 

There are people playing on Arch that will probably have more useful things to say, on Ubuntu it just worked so I never really got into the guts of it. Not saying you should switch, god forbid I'd ever suggest changing distro.
It could be just some resource file is missing. Not familiar with Arch but I'm assuming AUR is its software source? So what I would try if you haven't already, is install through that then just replace binaries for those from SF.

#3 Citer[en] 

AUR is the Arch User Repository, it's the one where all the user-contributed packages go (Not the 'official' repository) and is where the Ryzom client is downloaded from.

However, after trying that and it failing, I completely removed all traces of the AUR-gotten client, and instead went for the Sourceforge one, starting from scratch, so can't really compare the two!

The only difference between the AUR and SF downloads (Apart from maybe one's an earlier/later version?) Is that one is downloaded to your home folder and the other one, presumably, goes in /usr/bin.

I tried running the in a terminal hoping for error messages, and the only one that popped up was one about not connecting to Pulseaudio (Which I fixed) And then no error messages at all on the character creation greenscreen.

#4 Citer[en] 

Olmo - I do have a Ubuntu partition on my drive, I'm slowly phasing it out, but I'll try the game on that see if it runs, and if it does I'll see about transferring the file over to my Arch partition and see if that works!

#5 Reporter | Citer[en] 

It will need write permission in folder where binary is, then it creates logs which you can consult. On Ubuntu however binary gets put in /opt/ryzom and everything else in ~/.ryzom so I'm assuming this divide is done with ./configure at compile time. No clue how SF client was built. Building from source and not touching ./configure gets you first version.

#6 Citer[en] 

Maybe we're getting somewhere now - I've nothing in /opt relating to ryzom!

I didn't build the client from source either, just downloaded the .7z file from SF and extracted it, ran the then the ryzom_client file.

Would a source-compile put it in /opt by default? Would it be worth trying that do you think? Or are there certain files from the .7z that I should copypaste to /opt? Not sure what effect that'd have. This is about my first experience with native gaming on Linux outside of Runescape and SuperTux, so I'm not sure if there's a way of doing things! Thanks for helping so far, it's appreciated and I'm sure a solution will present itself.

If a source compile is the way to do it, is there a help page I could be pointed to for that?

#7 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Create a folder somewhere where your user has write permission, I guess /opt/ryzom is as good as any. Extract archive into it with full paths. To be sure create .ryzom in home folder and copy everything but, ryzom_client and client_default.cfg to it. Run

Now in root folder (where is) look for log files and see if there's any clue in them. If there are no logs, check ~/.ryzom folder. If you get game running, alternatively move data folder out of /opt/ryzom and ~/.ryzom and see which location is correct. Rest of files take next to nothing.

For building your own, see here

Dernière édition par Olmo (il y a 1 décénie).

#8 Citer[en] 

Hmm... It would appear I don't have a file!

I have all the other files you've listed though, so I'll try putting those in /opt/ryzom as you suggest.

#9 Citer[en] 

OK Now I'm getting segmentation fault. This is getting more and more confusing!

#10 Citer[en] 

The static client you linked me to - Apparently can't find ryzom.ttf.

#11 Reporter | Citer[en] 




if [ ! -d "$DATA_DIR" ]
  mkdir -p "$DATA_DIR"

# Check if a directory contains Ryzom data
  # Check for directory, gamedev.bnp and ryzom.ttf

  if [ -d $1 ]
    # If there are a least 220 bnp files, we could use this directory
    # There are 226 bnp files in last version
    COUNT=$(find -L $1 -name *.bnp | wc -l)

  echo $COUNT

COUNT=$(ryzom_data_found $DATA_DIR)

echo "Found $COUNT BNP files in $DATA_DIR"

if [ $COUNT -lt 220 ] && [ -f $WGET ] && [ -f $P7ZIP ]
  mkdir -p "$DATA_DIR/tmp"

  # Check free diskspace
  echo "Checking for free disk space..."
  DISKSPACE=$(df "$DATA_DIR/tmp" | grep "/dev" | awk '{print $4}')
  if [ $? -ne 0 ]
    exit 1
  if [ "$DISKSPACE" -lt "8000000" ]
    $ZENITY --error --title="Ryzom" --text="You don't have enough free space to download and uncompress Ryzom client data."
    exit 1

  # Download
  echo "Downloading ryzom_client.7z from sourceforge..."
  # wget
  $WGET -c -O "$DATA_DIR/tmp/ryzom_client.7z" 2>&1 | $ZENITY --no-cancel --progress --pulsate --auto-close --title="Ryzom" --text "Downloading Ryzom data files - Depending on your download speed, this process could take quite some time."
  if [ $? -ne 0 ]
    $ZENITY --error --title="Ryzom" --text="An error occured when downloading Ryzom."
    exit 1

  # Extract data
  echo "Extracting data from ryzom_client.7z..."
  cd "$DATA_DIR/tmp"
  # 7z
  $P7ZIP x ryzom_client.7z
  if [ $? -ne 0 ]
    $ZENITY --error --title="Ryzom" --text="An error occured when extracting data."
    exit 1
  cd ..
  mv -uf tmp/ryzom/data/* .
  # Delete temporary downloaded files
  rm -rf tmp

if [ -f $RYZOM_CONFIG ]
  echo "Updating $RYZOM_CONFIG..."

  # Escape path for sed using bash find and replace

  # Update RootConfigFilename to be sure it's using the right default config
  sed -i 's/RootConfigFilename.*/RootConfigFilename   = \"'$RYZOM_CONFIG_DEFAULT_ESCAPED'\"/g' $RYZOM_CONFIG

if [ -f $RSYNC ]
  echo "Patching Ryzom data..."

  # Rsync
  $RSYNC -rtzv --progress --stats $DATA_DIR 2>&1 | $ZENITY --no-cancel --progress --pulsate --auto-close --title="Ryzom Update" --text "Patching Ryzom"
  if [ $? -ne 0 ]
    $ZENITY --error --title="Ryzom" --text="An error occured when patching Ryzom."
    exit 1

# Launch Ryzom client if it exists
if [ -f $RYZOM_CLIENT ]
  echo "Launching Ryzom..."

  $RYZOM_CLIENT $1 $2 $3

exit 0

Didn't link that build for you to use but because it contains link to instructions on how to BOY :) But hey, if it works, why not. It does however expect all files to be next to it, same folder and subfolders so if you want to use it you either modify startup script or just run ryzom_client.

#12 Citer[en] 

Used your .sh script as a test -

Found 228 BNP files in /home/eddie/.ryzom/data
Updating /home/eddie/.ryzom/client.cfg...
Patching Ryzom data...
Launching Ryzom...
./ line 112: 12472 Segmentation fault $RYZOM_CLIENT $1 $2 $3

#13 Citer[en] 

Scrap the above - Moved it to the ~/.ryzom directory and it loaded.

Still greenscreening!

#14 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Well than only idea I have left is there's an issue with your graphics driver.

#15 Citer[en] 

It's the proprietary ATI driver (I have an HD raden 4350) And it runs RS on full settings without issue - Though if you'd recommend it I'll try a re-install.
Last visit lundi 17 Février 03:28:48 UTC

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