
I think this is a
Good Idea
Atys: Arfur, Byrana, Gorran, Indobi, Kilgoretrout
Arispotle: Eivor, Marelli, Sueky
Bad Idea
Atys: Shadowknight
Arispotle: Pokeraitis
2 (1)
Needs Improvement
Atys: Bitttymacod
Autre 0
S'abstenir 4
Le sondage est clos

#24 Reporter | Citer[en] 

I think this is a great idea, but having been hit by the lore-stick (very Selective interpretation of lore ignoring the actual game-world) before, I'm leery of allowing lore as the sole basis of comment.
Well I never meant it as having to be based in "THE lore as deemed official by the self-appointed RP-cabal". Different interpretations of the lore are part of the reason why one would chose one faction or the other.

I meant it as reasons based on the game itself rather than based on other players, because I wanted to avoid reasons along the line of "I chose Kara because Kami players are all doo-doo heads". But even then I had my doubts because reasons based on other players also include many great RP stories like "this and this person taught me the Kami ways when I was young" etc.

And Eivor correctly points out that fighting over different interpretations of the lore can bring up just as much flaming anyways, so my idea is shot and the No Comments rule is still the best we have.

#25 Reporter | Citer[en] 

..."self-appointed RP-cabal"...

Where are these people, I want to meet them? :P

#26 Reporter | Citer[en] 

On Aniro, I think :P
Last visit mercredi 27 Novembre 06:54:51 UTC

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