

In my recent experience it's not so much a difference in the communities, but really in individuals. About 90% of homins I encountered while slaying bandits are very polite. Sometimes there's a low language barrier, but soon enough, when you ask "How many left", some numbers pop up, and people queue up nicely. It's even some fun to sit there on a hill right next to the bandit's camp fire or maybe dig up some material in a relaxed way while waiting. One can help one another, and some nice chance meetings happened with homins I did not know before.

Two times so far I have come across an individual that literally said "screw you" (or did not answer at all) and just shot down bandits even when those who were at the front of the queue had them already targeted and under fire.

It's sad to see, but cannot really be helped. What's really sad to me is that there are those other players that actually admire the impatient for the fast progress they do. As a Zorai I can only feel sympathy with those living on the fast lane. It seems they have learned nothing of the camaraderie during the exodus. The times of need are only 8 years gone, Kitins are still all over our places, and some have already forgotten.

There will be the time when they need help, and other homins passing by will tell them that they have more important things to do. Zorai have a good memory...
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