Collecting your interface woes

Dear players,

I would like to collect your feedback on the user interface, so we can work at making it better.

Please reply here to let me know:

- what you like about it
- what you hate about it
- what functionalities you would like to see added.
- what functionalities you never use
- any bugs you have found

Please note that the following improvements are already under advisement so you do not need to list them again:
- scalable UI for those with poor eyesight.
- extra bags/subcomparments/other divisions to enable to group sets of items (jewels, armor)
- more exchange slots
- 2nd key for actions
- more customizable 2nd action bar

Please remember that development time is very limited, so the best suggestions are those that require little time :)

Please also limit your input to user interface related things -- for example, extra guildhall inventory slots or bulk is *not* an interface issue.

Thanks in advance for your input!

PS: For those new to Ryzom, you may not know it, but Ryzom is very right-click driven. Try rightclicking on stuff and you may be surprised :)
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Last visit samedi 8 Juin 07:54:07 UTC

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