PROPOSAL: Remove material restricions on race-based crafting plans and add s ...

Harvesting these few months has left me with two impressions concerning Choice and above materials and their restrictions on usage. My only issue with this is the current system - the only diffference being between CM and above a matter of different colors and (except for PR mats) restrictions to use only in the making of racial weapons.

To this end, I propose two following changes:

* REMOVE THE MATERIALS USAGE RESTRICTIONS UNLESS A COMPLELLING ARGUMENT CAN BE MADE FOR THE CURRENT SYSTEM. African cotton and American cotton, to give a real-world example, have little in the way of an argument concerning why one blend should be used over another, when both have the same basic applications with no noticeable advantage on the part of either type of cotton. I believe this should be done with similar items in-game, such as the difference between two varieties of materials seems to be merely cosmetic only.

Which brings me to my second point - which I will address immediately following up this post. -DT'K


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