
Control of multiple characters in OP Battles.

hmm direct accusastions with no proof. so slander eh? yeah you arent being personal at all. pvp does this to a lot of people though. was in one game where they made a direct accusation of cheating a bannable offense to avoid things like this. perhaps the management should think about that as well. send your complaints to where they should go and stop grandstanding.

wanted to clarify on this. i really wasnt being sarcastic (at least not totally) earlier. there really are a lot of people who cant handle pvp. I value and appreciate my in game enemies. would take them out for beer and bs if it was practical because i have fun, win or lose it is fun. We pay for the game to have fun and I do. Part of that is having people to fight against. Some are great sports and handle it well win or lose. Some dont and we end up with things like this.
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Last visit samedi 28 Septembre 21:39:17 UTC

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