Website Updates

I have to agree with this.

Ryzom is legit, but I think what is really hurting it is the website.

I realize that the publisher doesn't have a ton of money, but a good website is not very expensive. It seems that an updated website would be a very cost effective way to promote the game.

First impressions are important, especially in today's visually driven gaming culture. It wouldn't hurt to package something as great as Ryzom into an attractive box. Not simply to attract shallow people who only care about pretty graphics, but to show that it is a game worth playing.

As it stands, the website looks like a third party forum board, and what is communicated to the public is that the publisher isn't very proud of their game. Ryzom is shooting itself in the proverbial foot.
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Last visit jeudi 13 Mars 10:00:20 UTC

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