
Tryton hatte doch recht

Noch etwas, was rein OOC gesehen über Tryton vielleicht nicht uninteressant sein mag. Ein Interview aus alten Zeiten, als David Cohen Corval noch der CO von Nevrax war. Damals gab es noch Pläne für ein Intro, in dem Elias Tryton eine wichtige Rolle spielen sollte:
Developer's corner : Chat with David Cohen
Q: To help us to organize your questions, can you precise what is exactly your job?

A: My job is: founder of the company, president of the company, producer of the game, and I have a quite sharp hand on graphic design / story of the Saga. I am also involved in some level design concepts.

Q: When we start to play. What happen to us? Where are we? In front of a teacher, in a classroom, in our house?

A: Well let me tell you about the intro. when you start the game, someone named E. Tryton will tell you a few things about the Essence of the Ryzom. He will tell you a little about the great Kitin wars, when Homin were great civilizations proud and powerful, but isolated and not too friendly among themselves. The Kitin (who knows where they come from, and what the really are) arrived from the depths of Atys and great wars began. The Kami were still very much an underground phenomenon and too few Homins were keen on the realm of Magic. the Karavan was taken by surprise and was way outnumbered by the Kitin. Huge monsters springing from the underground layers of the Prime Roots, Wave after wave. the Homins were slaughtered without understanding the real reason behind this hatred. the Homins almost disappeared, but a few were saved by this E. Tryton, a powerful force this E. Tryton. 3 generations later, the Homins who managed to escape in the Green Wilderness of Atys heard about a new dawn among the Homins. new Civilizations are being rebuilt, and you have been sent by your parents to find these new sprouts of Civilizations, to join them, and play your part in what will be the new face of Atys. the Free Spirits. so when you begin the game you have been traveling among dangers you managed to avoid. and you finally find an outpost of your Civilization for the first time you will see the buildings you heard so much about from your parents. and then you start playing, you will have to push your travel towards the villages, then the Cities, and then, it will be up to you to take an active part in the future of this planet. the future of your people, and you might find yourselves in events bigger than this planet.


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