
Any tips for a new player?

There are some aspects of Ryzom I could compare to some other games, but yet I feel the comparisons fall short. The world is definitely open and you are not limited by class. Ryzom is not mission based, although if you enjoy missions you can find them, as they do not drive the storyline as in other games.

I would suggesting reading and learning about the game by doing all the quests in the starter area. Ryzom is a bit different than other games, so take the time to read what the mission givers are telling you. You can also find information on the signs near the misison givers.

There are pleanty of active players and active guilds to help new players out. One of the great things about Ryzom is that you do not have to be in a guild to get help from others in the community so there is no hurry to rush into a guild.

Welcome to Atys and hope to see you around!

Peace, luv & cookies,


Peace, Luv & Cookies,
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