

I agree with Generallee using 2 toons or 4 toons is multiboxing so going from 4 to 2 makes no sense.

I have been training hard and paying my subscriptions for my alts and I have a total of 366 days of played time cumulated. All this work will just be wasted, because even if I can still play two characters at the same time, it just won't be the same.

I just like to play like that, its a good way for me to have fun I find it more challengin and interesting. And because a few people dont accept it me and several others will not be able to play anymore.

You have on one side people who complain, who are subbed 1 months per year and me and others, subbed every year for the whole year.

I don't undertsand who do I annoy when I train alone with my alts and who cares if I dont want to team with other people sometimes. It doesn't keep me from enjoying a nice hunt with other people sometimes.

Azazor says that when he talks with an alt its just a bot but no there is a player behind this alt, and if this player chooses not to answer (even if it's an alt), then it's his fault for not being nice. If someone sent a tell to one of my alts, I would answer.

The problem was the use of a software to control them not the numbers of alt and I dont think its a reason to just waste the fun and time of players who enjoy playing this way if we don't bother anyone.

As far as I know, me and players who play the same way (tell me if I'm wrong) have almost all sent a video to prove that we don't use any software to manage our alts.

Just be aware that ryzom will lose a huge part of its interest for me and many others if this is implemented without any discussion with the players.
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Last visit samedi 28 Septembre 04:43:18 UTC

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