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Bug tracking and fixing is not working well.
- When a bug from a ticked gets to the board, it usually to track as many issues as possible, you can let me know.

The point I am making is ... that when I get a response from a ticket filed 6 weeks ago ... if it doesn't include the original message like it used to, then the response doesn't really serve any purpose and is a waste of the sender's time.

"We rec'd your ticket and .... now comes a bunch of words that I can not associate with any specific ticket."

I mean it's nice to know a ticket was rec'd and it's being looked at, but a bot could do that.  The rest of the comments needed no explanation.

I will comment on this tho.

Bug Ticket:  The mission from the "Nasty Nachos Nudist Colony" says go out and collect 2 skulls from a level 158 Mob Name in this 150 region but there's no such animal in the region.

What's to test, either there is or there isn't.   If you change the level number from 158 to a number that already exists in the region, it's fixed.

If there's gonna be a response, and I say if cause I don't expect one, "Got your message on the arma mission from the Nudie people, its on the list".

1.  It shows that the effort was recognized and 2.  Time permitting, it will get done someday  3.  I know what ticket it refers to.  When i see themm it's like getting a Thank You card for a wedding and it doesn't mewntion the gift or whosewedding.

Again, on point with the title, "I'd like to see" the original bug report with the response, but if that's gonen slow down th work, Im cintent to get no response.


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