[Zoraïs / All] Purple Gubani

Now to something completely different, though closely related.

The storyline of the current event string seems somewhat unclear to a majority of players. Personally, I have participated in a large part of related events, but have a couple of gaps to be filled in. My summary, starting early in 2014, reads as following:

A couple of years ago, the circles of Hoi Cho offered to the Akenak of Dyron assistance in creation of a water source for the Desert, in particular for the water supply of the Kitin observation camps. After the delivery of the necessary materials, a drill was set up in Great Outback, protected by guards of the Theocracy. The water retrieved prove as contaminated by mud and probably by Goo. So a search for water filters began (event series). By the help of the Root Tappers (expedition to their camp, led by me :) ) clearing from mud was achieved.

The problem of Goo contamination of the well remained. The Federation of Aeden Aequeous was asked for assistance. After providing the requested compensation (event part) two engineers, along with their equipment, were escorted from Fairhaven to Zora. The expedition arrived there after a minor incident. Marauders in Trench of Trials had demanded ransom before letting the trek pass, but as no settlement could be achieved, passage was achieved by force (the marauders gave a good fight and took it as good sports).

After that, the Tryker engineers vanished. A search was set up and resulted in finding the Tryker scientist O'Bannon Emmen who had travelled to Zora to assist the engineers in their work.

(Here I have a gap in my account. Somebody with knowledge about please fill in.

Short after the contact of the researchers with O'Bannon Emmen the catastrophic progression of Goo in the void occurred. There is some evidence that the two Tryker engineers are somehow involved in this development. In addition, several "Goo researching" (and Goo drug consuming) tribes are under suspicion, the Master of Goo, situated in the Void, in particular.

So far my knowledge. Somebody kindly fill in the gaps.


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