Code of Conduct regarding OP battles needs to be changed

That is demonstrably false. Quoting the CoC
Yes, my fault. I got used to the fact that with simultaneous attacks there is always someone attacking here or there.
So that clear violation of CoC happened up to 2 years ago, and was inquired by the CSR. The accused side asserted a mistake and was warned, so case was settled. What has that to do with the recent OP conflicts?
This is another example of system abuse, when OP declarations used not for getting PvP content or taking outposts, but for harassing. I find it hard to believe that was a mistake, not two times in a row in one week. It's that some people consider declaring on a low-level OP as a cheap way to annoy someone.
So the rule in the CoC "a number of players reasonably sufficient to pass the threshold against the NPC defense squadrons alone" is met with 2 or 3 players attacking a q50-100 OP
Which is wrong, because nobody attacks with 2 or 3 toons, knowing there will be decent defending forces present. And there will be defending forces, as right now all low-level outposts, except one, belong not to independent guilds, but factions. That renders "let small guild of three guys to take an OP" opportunity useless. That probably never happened, except for possible GvG matches, and unlikely to happen anytime in the future. Such an opportunity maybe looked well on the paper, but since OP warfare has been designed as a faction playfield, there is no room for small independent guilds of three guys. However, this system is vulnerable to abuse, as illustrated by examples in my previous posts. 

OK, let's pretend none of the events I described before have been started for harassment purpose. There is no guarantee, that q50-100 declarations will not be used for harassment later. There is no guarantee, that attack at q50 OP starting at 8 a.m. on Sunday morning will not be a troll, but merely "a mistake". In this case, I can't tell a real attack from fake, as all it takes is one character showing up at the OP for a minute.
motives of their attack.
Let's see. They weren't after the OP, because they knew it would be defended by the faction and they didn't bring enough numbers to overcome defenders and barely tried to kill NPC. They weren't after PvP, because they didn't engage in PvP. They weren't going for a grab from inactive guild expecting nobody attending the defense, because the owners of the OP are active. You see, I'm trying to think logically.
Did you contact WP people at all?
Why should I care? The attack itself is a sign of hostile intentions. Had they wanted PvP, they would came and PvP. Had they wanted the OP, they would actually tried to take it. Had they wanted GvG, they would announced it prior to the battle. Nothing of this happened. Had they have a quarrel with the guild holding the OP, they would have made a statement, explaining as why they do it and what exactly has pissed them off. Needless to say, there was no statement. So if some guild repeatedly use harassment tactics, I'm the last one to care about reputation of this guild, and I call harassment, if I feel harassed.


"People let the same problem make them miserable for years when they could just say "So what". That's one of my favorite things to say. "So what". - Andy Warhol.

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