Anyone out there still doing Fan-Art? :)

Merry Christmas/Atysmas everyone!

Here's my Atysmas present for you: Some of the fan arts I did. :)
And a puzzle to solve, so there's also something you can play with under the tree.


Here's help for solving the puzzle: the pencil lines. :)

Mektoubs are wearing dark glasses. I thought, maybe it's for preventing them to see all the dangers we make them run through. This is something that might happen quite a lot to Denrak: He got knocked off his mount. :O

A portrait ;)

And something very sketchy. The idea was provided by Chanchey, so he's the main character. I scribbled it while I was on a bike trip and didn't like to draw that random tryker with the weird hairdo more than 2 times... which is obvious. :]

Have fun :)
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