Discussing the Marauder Faction/Cult

You honestly think any marauder would teach a homin who has 67 fame in all he hates a craft plan? and you call youself a roleplayer? lel

Daomei marauders are entirely different to any other civilisation. To assume they are the same (which is what your point is based upon) is just idiocy. Here lets take a look at Marauders Vs Normal Civs:
1) Our guards are completely opposite to normal civ guards. Matis guards won't attack Fyros, Zorai, Tryker, Kami blah blah etc etc. Our guards will attack anyone not marauder.
2) Our merchants follow the same trait
3) Our skill trainers follow the same trait.
4) Every single other marauder alive except our sage who inducts marauders.. guess what? they follow the same trait.

So why should our camp welcomer be any different? Well I am saying for the purpose of new players in the game who want to know more.. I am more than willing to compromise and allow neutrals of 0 fame. But to expect you rocking up to our camp with +50 in all fames and be taught something? Sheer lunacy.



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