How to fix the game (brainstorming)

Hello there, not trolling this time. Let's be serious!

I have just come back (if I may say so) to Ryzom and I have a lot of things to comment:

- The aura's cooldowns (anti melee, anti magic, war cry, and range protection) are WAY TOO LONG (and so is the duration). It should be on a 2 minutes CD (down from 15) and a 4 seconds duration (down from 20/22).

- The auras should definitely be independent from one another: for instance, using war cry should not make the use of the other auras impossible.

- The auras should remain team linked but their time of desactivation should be shorter (let's say you can't activate the same aura for 2 minutes but don't forget they are independent so you can still activate more than one different aura at a time!)

- Sap/stamina/life auras should remain the same except that their CD should be shortened to 2 minutes (down from 15), with a 8 seconds duration (down from 20) but with a greater effect (800 increased regeneration instead of 100, for example).

- Same for self heal: should be on a 1 minute CD (down from 6min10s) with a reduced effect (1300 instead of 2600) but NOT independent from one another (it would be totally abusive otherwise).

- Invulnerability should be on a 10 minutes CD (down from 15) and should also be cancellable (use it a second time to abort its effect).

- Berserker should be on a 1 minute CD (down from 10m35s), with greater effect: increases damage of 250 for 15 seconds (down from 34) but costs you 300 damage every 5 seconds (up from 54 every 4 seconds)).

These changes are very easy to implement (it's only a matter of variables) and at the same time it would totally change the gameplay of Ryzom (both PvE and PvP wise). It would definitely make it more dynamic, more strategic, and it would really give a new look at some of the "never used" stanzas. It would also develop a certain team spirit with the use of independent and shortened auras which could, possibly, turn any kind of situation in your favor if used properly.

What do you guys think?
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