[Player] Ein Gehege für Nemus

Like every morning, looked out the window toward Remigra stable if eventuel someone had arrived today to collect to the material for Nemus enclosure. Full of joy she saw someone today who might belong to her by the clothing Tinanio Stados helpers.

She stormed out of her living-tree and welcomes arrived Matis. The imagined her as Trigno di Gisti and she was here to take the building materials.

Remigra offered her a quarter in their guild tree, but she refused and expressed that she wanted to make in the wide grooms-Quartier to be permanently present, if someone wants to give something.

Remigra nodded and had to smile when she noticed how the look of Varo Cuirinia the grooms and Trigno di Gisti met and a sparkle in the eyes of both heard.

In a good mood, they put a new piece of information to the notice of Davae ...

Dele Silam citizens of Davae & Visitors

Trigno di Gisti (Materials Adoption NPC) has arrived in Davae.

It required 100 Fence elements for it are needed:
  • 3000x Choice Forest Wood (From q 50 of any kind)
  • 1000x Choice Forest Fiber (from q 50 of any kind)
  • 1000x Choice Forest Resin (from q 50 of any kind)

I ask for your help, and thank you on behalf of Davae and Nemus in advance for it.

Filirae Remigra Mortes

*Sry for google translate ^^


"Decateis I Kamirac" "Necateis Sye Mideshye"
"Decateis I Loke" "Necateis Atys Morhdeis"
"I Nidran Sye Alede E Sye Neyde Ilya Necateis I Ulca"

"Liberi I`Margus"

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