Ky Ta-Ro

Atys'ata, Initiate Ky Ta-Ro,

I'd like to add some bits of knowledge about the Goo that had been uncovered lately and other bits from different parts of the world before the Second Great Swarming.

* an Academy has been founded in Zora as per request by the Circles after an initiative of Hoï-Cho on Pluvia 3rd in the 3rd Atys-Cycle 2575 (OOC: November 10th 2013). This Academy is called "Temple of Knowledge". Its symbol is a young sprout peeking out of the ground, symbolizing "new knowledge that has only just found the path to the light, growing bit by bit".

On the occasion of announcing this founding, First Dynastic Physician Tao Sian told the Great Circles in Zora as a reply to a question of Awakened Fey-Lin Liang, that a seminar explaining how to fight Goo is in the works and will be open to the public in the future.

On Nivia 28th in the 4th cycle of Atys-Year 2573 (OOC: July 11th 2013) Tao Sian has confirmed in front of the Great Circles in Zora that research on the Goo had already been done in the past by a small number of chosen scholars. Tao Sian then announced a meeting of scholars to provide answers to some questions; including details about how Goo can be destroyed by homins. Unfortunately these seminars and/or meetings have not taken place as of yet.

Although research about Goo had once been forbidden (at least for "ordinary" Initiates) within the Theocracy in some parts of the world before the Second Great Swarming, in other parts of the world researching the Goo had in fact been a task officially assigned to the Circles of the Zoraï by the Sages instead. /L_Die_Kreise_der_Zorai

* regarding Nung Horongi's research I have to point out that this is indeed very unreliable.

Magic has in fact been one of the most important means to destroy the Goo in the past - before the Second Great Swarming the inscriptions on the Sanctuaries of Ma-Duk have stated: "Using their magic and their knowledge of magnetism, the Zoraï fought the Goo that was eating away at the forests of Atys. In the name of the Kamis, they bravely battled this plague." #39

At one point even Nung Horongi himself mentioned in his amber-cubes a probe of Goo that was NOT corrupted by magic during an actual experiment. PHPSESSID=v99q4ukvt9ntm05id35hjkpbl7

* the Ma-Duk- Sanctuaries (that have been destroyed during the Second Great Swarming) also explained why the Kami themselves can not get rid of the Goo, even though they are masters of magic: "The Kami were helpless in the face of this menace, because they could not destroy the Void. Salvation would have to come from other beings: the homins." The Ma-Duk-Kamism views the Goo as a part of the "Void" as the primary opposite force to the Creative Energy.

* on Germanally 24th in 2550 Sage Sens (Gangi Cheng-Ho, brother of our Grand Mask Mabreka Cho) had once long ago explained some of the beliefs of our Sages about the Kamis and the Goo during an Assembly in Zora. I'll try to give a summary:

As by the teachings of Ma-Duk all Kamis are connected with Ma-Duk and a part of him. The Kamis emerge from Ma-Duk and merge with him - again and again. Only a few of the Kamis are long-lived. Ma-Duk is gigantic and the number of the Kamis is vast. Sometimes it occurs that a Kami is seperated from the others, like by contact with the Goo. It seems likely that Ma-Duk perhaps does not even realize the loss of a few Kamis because of his sheer size as well as the great number and "fleetingness" of the Kamis.

The Grand Sage Mabreka Cho (so his brother told us) believed that Nung Horongi's experiments did exactly that to some Kamis. It could be possible that a separated Kami is no longer able to transfer it's knowledge back to the Eternal Tree any more, especially not about the experiments. That would explain why the other Kamis did not learn about Nung's experiments, and why the Kamis neither informed any homins nor tried to stop Nung themselves.

* I'd also like to add a few more theories that have been made public about the nature of the Goo itself

- the "teachings" on the now destroyed Sanctuaries of Ma-Duk told us what most Zoraï of today believe the Goo to be: "Hidden in the midst of the wonders of Atys, the Kamis encountered the Goo, born from an infinitesimal particle of Void that was mixed in with the creative breath of the great Life Giver. The Goo was gradually devouring Atys.
Because they were conscious of their own essence, and of Atys and the Void, the homins had the power to change the world. Because, although they can be destroyed by the Void, like any of the Energy's creations, their own conscious awareness of the Void conferred on them an astonishing ability to resist its corruption and, even more importantly, to effectively fight the Goo.

The Kamis met with the homins and entrusted them with a sacred mission of fighting this plague."

(The "Void" in this texts of course means the "nothingness", as the opposing force of life and creation, but not the north-eastern region of the Witherings.)

- our most honorable chieftain of old, The Great Cho, has once called the Goo a "devouring sickness", as is told in the well-known story known as "Tears of Serenity". Every Zoraï should knows this story.

- before the Second Great Swarming Sage Sorrow has taught a few more details about the Goo and the tribes of the Witherings that are abusing Goo. In his amber cubes filled with his conclusions, the Sage explained Goo as a "plague/disease that eats up the heart of Atys". /C_Goostaemme /C_Tribes_of_the_Witherings_and_Goo

- Matis-scholar Kilor Tasmatian has publicized an interesting theory about the Goo, assuming that Goo could be a fungi, similar to mold or must, and that the purple clouds over Goo-infected soil could be spores. The Goo could be consuming sap and use flora as well as fauna as "hosts". 1
Kilor Tasmatian once also suggested to concentrate research to the few known animals and plants that seemingly cannot be corrupted by the Goo to develope a cure.

- the temples of Jena that have been destroyed during the Second Great Swarming used to call the Goo a "pollution" or even "corruption", as opposed to the "sickness" we Zoraï traditionally view the Goo to be.

However the inscription on the temples of Jena also told this horrible lie: "In order to prolong his own life force, Ma-Duk gradually devours the bodies and souls of the homins that follow him, like a monstrous parasite."

Many Matis and loyal Karavan-followers justify their hatred of Kami-disciples and Zoraï with these teachings. Some of them even claim that our whole people are "corrupted" (by the Goo or Ma-Duk, or both) which would cause our blue color of skin.

So in my personal opinion we Zoraï should refrain from describing the Goo as being a "pollution" like the Karavan do, but preferably as a "disease" instead, respecting our own teachings and traditions. Especially since there is no indication that any Ma-Duk-devotee who we know of has ever gotten sick nor crazy from his beliefs in Ma-Duk. While Goo on the other hand certainly is able to poison both body and mind severely...

May the Kamis smile on you!

Awakened Zhoi

(OOC: please regard all the links as mere OOC-additions for the readers who wish to learn more by viewing the source of these informations; so you may simply ignore them IC)


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