Talking about lurking...

Emilie (atys)
If I turn this around, why would we make the online presence for megacorp available and what would we lose by doing it?

There are codes in game where you can toggle who can and can't see you, such as "guild only" or "friends only". Would you not ask the same for Megacorp?

We would lose nothing.

I would say that Megacorp in fact gave a vast and uncontrollable freedom and access to Guild Chat that we do not have in game since we do not know who is accessing it.

In game, the freedoms of privacy that we have are, I think, very well thought out so I do not see why they should not be mirrored in Megacorp.

Like I mentioned above, it leads to an environment of distrust especially regarding the newer members because unfortunately there are a lot of people who are willing to exploit the fact that we cannot know who is viewing the chat log.

What Talk suggests is what I would like to see.


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Last visit vendredi 20 Septembre 08:52:24 UTC

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