Balance at op fights

IMHO, Ryzom is the sort of game that allows for the players to balance the game out themselves but that is down to hard graft, planning and developing new tactics and trying out new things.

As for the player base and numbers in factions - thats not the be-all-and-end-all of who wins the OP battle. But since the topic, imo, seems to point towards an inbalance in players as a cause then I will say this:

For both ideas, I think it would push aside a lot of people, naemly F2P players who might get overlooked for masters or those who think themselves a "VIP" compared to others who may not possess PvP skills despite being masters. If you were to set a max amount of players to attend, who would decide who goes? And if F2P did get involved on a first-come-first-serve basis, would those who are on the "waiting list" resent them or ask those "not doing much" to leave? I don't think such a situation would be good for the game.

I think there are internal issues that need to be resolved within the factions themselves since a lot of players in the Karavan left due to the inability to work with the players from the other servers since the merge. Clearly the Kami were able to work better in cohesion than the Karavan having retained their French and German players and since the merge there have been a lot of shift in guilds and in factions of numerous players resulting in a decline of Karavan players. At the end of the day, your paying money to play something which gives you enjoyment. If that enjoyment is not there of course you have every right to rectify that in any way you see fit. Clearly in the early days of the merger, the Karavan struggled to unify and address their concerns with eachother. Thus, here we are continuing to lose members to other factions. That is probably, one of the main, if not the main reason for the inbalance in my opinion.

As Placio mentioned... the dreaded aggro dragging... well, it IS a tactic and I would also say a skill. I guess to create a barrier to stop aggro coming in is a great way to allow the OP battles to be what they should be: PvP not PvE. This for sure would get my vote.


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Last visit vendredi 20 Septembre 11:30:17 UTC

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