
Arispotle Syndrome

Let me get this clear. This what what I understand so far:

1. You believe non-RPers influence players not to RP.
2. Therefore non-RPers are the reason why the RP circle is smaller.
3. The way non-RPers play is wrong.

I say:

1. You didn't read/want to admit that Mjollren made some very valid reasons.
2. Simply leaving the game (like French Kara did) because they could not impose their "rules" upon the rest of us, is in my opinion a pathetic excuse. Karavan are not doing great atm for a very long time, I am more motivated than ever to do something about that to empower us further. You say inaction is the cause of destruction but you can thank your fellow RPers who left the game since you self-destructed imo.
3. There is no right or wrong way to play. Just like in real life, there are liberals and extremists, you tolerate, you come to a consensus and you accept others in your faction will be different. Again and again I say, the French Kara did not CARE to know us or understand, they basically attempted to bully us into playing their way. Is bullying the right way to go about brining people over to RP you think?? I don't think so.

Anyways, I am glad you did open this topic actually, and believe me I understand your concern. But I feel you are blaming the wrong people instead of looking to the devs (like Mjo suggested and stated because first contact for new players is not former Ari guilds) and look to yourself to find out what's wrong and do something about it.


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