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Bitttymacod (atys)
Virg --
As Salazar has pointed out, there is no way to become a Ranger the way that one can become a Kami or Karavan follower or become the subject or citizen of any of the Nations or even become a Marauder. Therefore, to become a Ranger (or rather to aspire to be a Ranger), you must roleplay it. Period. There is no other way to do it -- yet. This doesn't mean that you have to write long, formal third-person narratives about what you are doing, but it does mean that you have to use your imagination and pretend things, because the game mechanics don't support Rangers -- yet.

I carefully said earlier that some people dont enjoy "talking- roleplay". I made references to people invading kitin nests and killing kitins. This is in itself a form of roleplay is it not? The point I am making is that some people do as such roleplay. The rangers however have closed themselves off from everyone who doesn't attend meetings. If everyone was given the chance to participate in the beginning on the termite mounds things would be different. Everyone would have been given an equal opportunity and people who excelled at the practice could be allowed to continue.

Instead what actually happened was just a few people were given the chance. These people got better unsurprisingly (they were the only ones who could actually get better). This has caused a massive rift between RP-talking rangers and others.
You also seem to have a very limited idea of what a Ranger is. All homins should (and usually do) fight kitins -- that does not make them Rangers. Digging kitin larvae is lucrative in terms of crafting -- again, that doesn't make the digger a Ranger

Firstly digging kitin larvae is not lucrative. Kitin larvae is a distinctly average mat and comes at an extremely low yield (2-4 per nest). My idea of what a ranger is is as you put someone who "fights the kitin threat".

This is getting slightly off topic into what makes a ranger however I will raise a few points to you:
So far how well have the rangers done in fighting off the kitin threat with rotoa trees? Have they made things worse? Do you intend to seal the kitins off? Do you not foresee another great swarming eventually? What about the kitins that aren't on the other side of the "barrier" when you block the other kitins out? Will these need killing?

Yes more is needed than just simple killing I do not dispute this. However you will not be able to remove every kitin from our lands without killing any. Killing kitins is needed. Pure and simple.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
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