Ryzom favorites club

Virg (atys)
No you would have not had a head start. I tried like many other people to log in unsuccessfully. It would appear (correct me if im wrong Daomei) that Daomei found a way past the security or an area with no security. I can see why people would call you a hacker if this is the case. As in essence thats kind of what you did. Firstdo found an area with no security also- and he got banned for it.

I correct you. You are wrong. I did neither search nor find a way past the security nor an area with no security. I just entered in my firefox browser, entered my name Daomei and my Ryzom password. Then I was logged, no circumvention of security, nothing. And in the afternoon of that day some other players who had visited the site had a short chat about, nothing unusual.

Maybe access was blocked at different times. I have visited that site only once before the event. I mastered 4 combat skills during that week, and had some RL, additionally. I was not particularly interested in the site, just followed the teaser.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
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Last visit vendredi 20 Septembre 10:30:45 UTC

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