PvP Week

Binarabi (atys)
And I am trying to put my dappers where my mouth is by being tagged and must say it makes me nervous ... but give it a go

I've done PvP in this game in the past. It's fun at higher levels in events like outposts but it's not much fun at lower levels. At lower levels I'd prefer to just watch, end result is about the same as you would more than likely end up healing poorly anyway.
Binarabi (atys)
Maurauders deserve a lot of respect for taking their role - they have an extremely hard life, cannot take missions to earn dappers, cannot take rites to get for example extra 100 focus, cannot even change their hair/tattoo. I think regular RP events where homins can voluntarily tag for a purpose might be the way to go and homins who just want to dig & craft can do so, but we need to cater for our pvpers more thoughtfully than just tag up and go and attack mauro in their own city

I'm all for more RP PvP events as long as there is an option where you don't have to join in. What concerns me is that as PvPers leave the game, the remaining PvPers are likely to get more desperate as their gaming experience becomes less. I've never really seen this game as a great PvP game mainly due to the long skill levelling and the fact of the low population level. Would be interesting to know what percentage of the current population are PvPers.

But after all is said, more should be done for PvPers if possible, but that shouldn't include annoying the PvEers. So by that I mean, whatever plan people come up with should take into consideration all types of players.
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Last visit vendredi 20 Septembre 17:43:18 UTC

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