A new continent

Thanks, Bittty. I was of course aware of our expedition into unknown bugs^H^H^H^H lands, and the reaction of practically everybody who heard about was one of the reasons why I made this proposal.

In fact, everybody was excited, wanted to go to the new region as soon as possible. This extended to players recently unsubbed.

I well recall when the Dark Mines had been made accessible. Practically all players visited this region and explored it, figured the behaviour of the NPC, size and limits of the area opened. I know about resubs for that reason only.

Surely, new regions with new content are not the only thing possibly able to extend the player base, but it is an important one. And it also has to do with issues of more bosses and additional boss spots. The existing regions are not too large, especially the 200+ regions. Given that the playerbase is mature with a large overweight of high level players, the higher regions are particularly crowded. And littering 20 or more bosses with 60 or even 100 or more additional spots onto this regions would not be easy and free from unwelcome interactions. Therefore I thought, indeed, about a continent with 200 and higher regions only.

Also, other aspects of the game are affected. The Trytonists need kind of a home, and a home region. Marauders could get a capital (maybe changing place like the famous tent capital of Djengis Khan). The new area might be not as easily accessible as regions in the new territories, forcing to plan longer stay, not just popping in, killing a boss or leeching some sup, or grinding some plod, jab, jug, or horncher, then going elsewhere. It should definitely not be a beginners' region, though open to all who like exploring and do not mind dp.

It would also allow to explore new things without sacrificing old habits or activities of the playerbase. As long as it would not crash the game too often, and the consequences remained local, even a certain amount of bugs would be easily tolerable.

This is why I feel that extending space would be a good idea.


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