Useless stuff

Just a couple of ideas which are completely useless:

1. Underwear

I would love to have the opportunity to wear underwear in the style of the other peoples. It does not seem logical to me that we may wear armour of any nation, magically fitting our size (great thing!), but have to stick with the dessous fashion of our people all time.

Same with color. Undies are red when one logged off naked and log on again, but only until one reclothes. I would like the opportunity to have more than one color, and have it either persistent or a way to re-dye. This may be depend on materials, even hard to get ones. I am prepared to die for ;)

2. Hairstyles

I know that interracial hairstyling was once possible, but considered a bug and turned off soon (was only for a day or so). I met a Matis with Fyros hairstyle, once. I would love to have that possibility, maybe along with the once announced hair stylist advanced occupation.

3. Facial expressions

While the variety of looks and the individuality of characters is absolutely great, our faces are a bit mask like. I would love to be able to change the expressions, maybe over an emote, to smile, laugh, look sad, or cry. I fear that this would be hardest to implement, just to think about.


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