log off or die

Irfidel (atys)
Thanks Daomei, for remembering my story. I feel honoured.
Avvy, during that trek it would have made a big difference: I did not trek from Pyr to Yrkanis in one sessions. It took me plenty of real life hours to get there. This trek was split across more than a week if I remember correctly. And I was low level (I believe around 60-80 or so) compared to the regions that had to be crossed (Hidden Source). I'm a casual player. If at any time, Ryzom had me reset to Pyr or Thesos this would have discouraged and prevented me from doing this.

Indeed, reading all the suggestions, my feeling is that the proposals are just too complicated. With many "ifs" in a proposal, it will be hard for players to recognize how the system works, especially newbies.

You can solo from Yrk to Pyr, easily within 5 hours (with a low level), but then again that's without stopping to write about it. If you want to do a trip over several days, then best bet would be to stop at a tp. You can even do HS with a character straight from Silan (although after they finish there) speed up can be useful.. Having said that I don't see any reason why you couldn't do Yrk to Pyr with a level 1 character as you can't kill anything anyway. There is an element of luck too though which can make a big difference in time and that's generally if a mob decides to double back on itself quickly, or a mobs had a touch of lag, but those don't happen that often.

But anyway it would be inconvenient for a lot of people and I've already said that in this thread.

So how would you tackle the issue of people circumventing the timer when they're dead, by logging out for a few minutes to extend the time? You might say this off topic, but the op solution would have stopped this practice as well.
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Last visit vendredi 20 Septembre 12:40:42 UTC

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