occupation: repairer

The idea of repair has be uttered not seldom, and has some attractivity. The baseline is that the original mats have to be provided again, together with additional effort. Cidre's idea may point in the same direction.

Some polemics ignored, I agree to Mjollren in pointing to the core of the problem. One would not repair the grind stuff made from everydays' material, but only the extraordinary pieces, such as the rubbarn weapon or armour, the armilo digging suit, the NPC gear, all that. There would be a considerable risk that this way the demand for maximum grad mats would be further reduced, at an intake of about 52,000 superior mats per month (and excellent nearly unlimited for practical purposes).

If one needs exactly the same materials for repair, no harm would be done. Yet I fail to see a majjor advantage over simply rebuilding. In addition, the repairer would have to know the original recipe which is not obvious. For the more sophisticated recipes, that would mean that only the original crafter or her guild could do the repair. And I see lots of technical issues how to make sure that a repair is done with the correct recipe. And for some special stuff such as NPC armor or Sage mission gains, no recipe does and can exist at all. So I remain reserved about the idea.


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