Runku'o Anzhanto, the Writings of Anzhanto

1h - Holeth, Medis 30, 4th AC 2575
Another long day, Master Apokos had us digging all day and now Master Cegrips has Lorick working on his crafting skills. He's not the best armorer apprentice but he's working hard.

To Pyr!
As I wrote last night, we arrived here in Dryon midday on Dua Floris 2, ate a warm meal—everything is warm, even when it's cold, in this place—and then we immediately left. The map given us lead to a Kami altar among the Frahar Towers and then through the dunes to Oflovak's Oasis and the Kami altar there. From the Kami altar we journeyed in to Pyr. Our travels from Dyron to Pyr was largely in the dark both to protect us from the heat and to hopefully avoid notice as we travelled. This seemed to work well as we had no difficulties crossing the desert; although, the night was filled with the grunting bellows of frahars and the splitting screams and growls of varinx.

Pyr! We saw the bark wall rising above the dunes, blotting out the night stars, long before we reached it. I had, of course, heard stories about the great city, Pyr, but until I saw it, I could only believe half of what I was told: Gates of fire; strange Kami floating above the bark; and most wonderful of all, the Academy of Pyr! They are all real! I have seen them all with my own eyes now.

A desert Kami Sentinel and the Pyr Academy

It was very early, only the 7th hour, on Tria Floris 3 when we arrived at the Cerakos Gate. We had stabled our meks and the guards just waved us into the city. Passing through the flames was strange, I could feel sap flowing through the place and the warm flames licking my skin but I was not burned. Lorick looked as surprised as I felt! We wandered through the streets and became quite lost near Miners' Row, of course, we had no idea what the street was called then. Lydix Deps found us though. He owns a bar on Oasis Fountain Square and was just heading there when he found us. His twin brothers, Eutis and Eurius rent rooms to travelers like ourselves, and he took us straight to their door on Central Lane. The rent was 200 dapper a day, we had plenty to cover a few nights but we needed to find work right away or we wouldn't have any dapper for meals.

Oasis Fountain

Eurius suggested we work for his cousin, Eunix Deps, who runs a weapons shop on Trader's Way. He told us we could sweep the shop and help Eunix out for a few dapper a day. We didn't come all the way to Pyr just to sweep floors! Instead, we enlisted with the city guards. Each day one of the corporals would give us tasks to complete around Pyr. We worked for Apollo Boethus, Tin Lyseus and Xykos Zessen almost every day. We also served the local Kami as often as we could.

We tried to enroll at the Academy but we were turned away. Well, we were really told that we should return to Dyron and study with the Masters there. I wanted to study in their archives but was told that was a privilege reserved for well known scholars and masters only. Which brings us back to Dyron and me sitting near the lake while Lorick works away making helmet after helmet for Master Cegrips.


An'Zhanto, Jeweler
Blessed by Ma-Duk
Guardian of the Theocracy
Eldest, Order of the White Lotus Guild Info
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