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[FIX] Mac crash or cannot login problems

Hi my Ryzom app won't even open now :( i click its icon, it animates, but then stops.... I don't get an error message or a crash report...

I opened the client itself and console gave me this info:

Last login: Tue Dec 3 13:25:46 on console
Rays:~ Ray$ /Applications/Ryzom.app/Contents/MacOS/ryzom_client ; exit;
Parse error on the "/Users/Ray/Library/Containers/com.winchgate.Ryzom/Data/Libr ary/Application Support/Ryzom/client.cfg" file, line 54

[Process completed]

I know there can be problems with the config files, but they're hard to find on a mac and don't know exactly what to do when i do find them....
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Last visit mercredi 12 Juin 19:24:28 UTC

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