Proposal for map and markers

Addressing the problem of the markers being stored locally: The character's *.icfg files can be copied between different installations. One can even copy & reuse between installations on Linux and Windows. Personally, I sync my icfg files from my desktop/laptop computers into some online storage ("the cloud"). This sync is best done manually because some of the available sync tools do have a problem with Ryzom changing these files every so often - and sometimes while the sync tool is comparing them for changes.
The files can be found in the Ryzom installation directory, in the "saves" subfolder.

That aside: I agree with having the flags stored on the server, and also increasing the numbers of them. However, this will increase the load on the server proportionally to the number of players logging on, when all of the flags have to be transported to the client. But since the Ryzom data is not stored in one single database anyway, maybe this can be load balanced to some other db.
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Last visit vendredi 20 Septembre 12:44:58 UTC

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