Ranger Teleport appearance

No added artificial symbols in the world would be great. Seems so far we all agree on that.

I'd support Bitty in that in my ideal world of Atys with Rangers, we'd have existing bushes, trees, rocks, waterplants, etc marked by the game as entrance points to portals, connecting like the big spiralling portals to a fixed place elsewhere. If someone is an acknowledged Ranger (whatever that will mean), she should be able to right click -> travel on that landscape object. Remembering the fun amber cube event where we had to inspect palm trees this seems doable with the existing world modelling and the arcc/webig system as it is right now.

Possibly, in a later version, the point-to-point connections could be available to low level Rangers (again "low level" to be defined in the Ranger context, not based on lvls in skill tree), while higher level Rangers may be presented with a choice where to go to. The higher the level, the more choices.

This should not be overpowered. But it makes sense that Rangers can go on invisible paths. And the more experienced they are, and the more other Rangers trust them, the more they get shown the secret passageways of Atys.

Why the "right click->travel" instead of just entering a new "empty space portal"? Well, the empty space portal would required modelling changes of the landscape and this has not been done since a long time, probably due to the low dev resources. The time it takes to do the "right click object -> travel" dance reflects the time it takes a Ranger to re-find the secret passageway and to disguise the entrance after entering.

On the Drain-By-Half: Good idea! Paying Dappers or the like for such a transport wouldn't make sense in the Ranger context. But transport should definitely cost something. So having it drain HP and Stamina is an excellent idea, imho. Maybe the penalty to pay should be higher for stamina than for health. And again this could depend on the distance of the passageway, and it could decrease with the homin's level of fame in the Ranger community.

Great stuff, Bitty! I'd love this to be implemented. It would support immersion, motivation to  climb the Ranger ladder, could be balanced over time by the csrs, and if implemented with arcc it could even be used during events to temporarily open/close/redirect passageways.
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Last visit vendredi 20 Septembre 13:32:12 UTC

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