[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

Thanks for considering my idea and giving your opinions :)

In response to the subsequent posts:

No, PvPing is not a skill - but why should that deter from the fact that the ultimate thing in this game is Wars - which are unfortunately dictated by politics and not a reliably regular activity - PvPing is not dictated by politics. It is an activity for which there IS demand and since Ryzom already have PvP content in place, I don't think you can undermine its importance and therefore cannot compare it to fame runs etc...

Active PvP is an element of the game which in my opinion draws from ALL of the skill branches. I was talking to Drezar the other night and he said: "All that I do, is in order for me to become better and better in PvP". But he doesn't limit his activity to just finding someone to 1v1 PvP with day and night, he (a) Hunts, (b) Digs, (c) Crafts and (d) Trades - All of the major skills. It creates a buzz of activity and purpose where mats are traded and bosses are farmed and sups are highly regarded CONSTANTLY... Why? Because constant PvP wears out gear!

Virg had his jewels break after 5 minutes during an OP War because he had been PvPing so much beforehand. So he NEEDS to do all the above (whether on his own or relying on others) in order to keep PvPing. I, personally, would welcome such an environment!

But I feel the focus should first commence at the root... in Silan.

PvP Trainer/NPC - SILAN

I feel its important to be neutral when considering this option.
These are a few ideas of mine for missions which I hope can be easily implemented:

1. Rewards = Crystals = Enable players to experience the use of enchantments and learn the importance of Crystals.

2. Tagging = Anyone who takes a mission and completes the Training can Tag themselves.

3. PvP Vendor = Mission giving PvP points, requiring player to purchase an item of their choice from the Vendor.
(Entice players and inform them of the existence of PvP rewards)

4. PvPing = Just like how an NPC is used in Aligning, an NPC can be used in this mission in order for a player to kill him and obtain points. I was hoping (dreaming big) that the NPC could MPA when HP hit 50% for example...

5. Stanzas = Making use of the PvP Arena = Stanzas like Critical Attack, Aim For etc are enabled when in the PvP zone and disabled when not in the PvP zone. This would enable players to experiment with such stanzas.


I think this is also very important. I simply don't get why people are so against more PvP rewards....
I feel that some people feel it is a competition as regards to rewards which are obtained from PvPing and through Skills. For the reasons I set out above and that I will set out below, I feel that there should be more rewards implemented for PvP.

If we look at this as an example:

OP Wars = Number of Ultimate Boosting Rewards
NPC Hunt = Number of Arguably Ultimate Rewards
SN's = All Mat Types = Ultimate Reward
Occupations = Number of Rewards
PvP = Very Few

If we look at how many points are required for a Skirt and calculate how long it would take to obtain said points, I really can't see how anyone would be against implementing more Armour type rewards where you need thousands of points just for one piece...
I mean really... :/ Is it at all any different from sitting in PR waiting for a whole day for the weather to change into Sap Storm?? At least this way you are actually actively doing something... *wearing out your gear doing more PvPing ;) and needing your Guild and Friends to help with their skills for more gear etc* And the wheel keeps turning :D


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