Account and game login problems.

And just to share 3 other pieces of info with you...

1) If you take a look at the Name colors here in the forum:
grey = guest
yellow = player
red = support
blue = event team
(as far as I've noticed)

So: no, Bitty Mac'od is no CSR person thingy ;-)

2) For the forum here you need the character name as login and not your account name - so as long as you haven't created a character you won't be able to use the forum as registered user.

3) While being in game you can look if any csr are online by typing the following command into the chat
/who gm

It will display a list of all supporters online AND visible in your system info.
Usually you should also get an info that a ticket has arrived once a CSR sees you online (at least I did the few times that I had to write one)


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Last visit mardi 2 Juillet 17:43:01 UTC

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