silan packer rental idea

I was going to vote yes, but voted "other" instead.

The idea of having rental packers on Silan is quite good I think. There should be no need of alts for extra storage!!

I'd make two changes though:
a) The packers on Silan should be "normal" packers that add to your pets. (maybe adjust buy price to fit Silan)
b) Players should be able to go back to Silan again once they left it.

From my point of view, it makes no sense to never return to Silan again. Returning would allow experienced players to help newbies. And since there is no real benefit (game-mechnaic wise) to high level players, I think that would be good.

The packer you have on Silan becomes optional once you go to the Mainland. The player decides when to free it for the additional pet slot. Also it adds pets to the "tutorial" area.

Some thoughts on the previous posts:
I agree that there has to be a sink for money to keep the economy stable. But the 60k are nothing compared to the millions you can obtain on the mainland. So I think Silan is the wrong place for that.
Also, like I said: there should be no need for alts just for storage or because the game restricts access to certain regions.

Yours Cotare


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Last visit vendredi 20 Septembre 16:37:00 UTC

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