Magic Resistance is problematic

Spell resistance is completely independent from magic protections.
You inflict 50(100) points of magic damage on xyz -> 50% magic protection
You inflict 50 points of magic damage on xyz, although using a spell that can hit for 100 and mob is still alive -> partial resist (rare)
Xyz resists your spell -> full resist

Mobs can have protection on some kinds of magic and resistance to others. That means it's not always the best idea to use a spell that does full damage.

As a new player you only got 3 types of elemental magic available. There might be mobs that are resistant and/or protected from all 3 kinds. Anyway it's most important to find the right magic type against an opponent.

At Level 125 you will get 4 more types of elemental magic. Those help a lot because it's much more likely one of seven spells is effective against a given mob. With a few exceptions of mobs that are protected against all kinds of magic an elemental mage at 125+ should have no trouble hitting creatures 10 level above his own level (maybe 10-20% partial or full resists). Creatures 25 Level above the player's level can still be killed easily, quickly getting worse if the difference gets bigger.

Gingos are nasty creatures. Their presence in front of Yrkanis makes it the hardest starting place for new players. They resist a lot, they got above average hp, they blind you (making you unable to hit, dodge or cast spells).


Casy * Foreign Secretary * Alliance of Honor
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