

#16 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Actually, I don't think any of us had even considered that there was a possibility of being muted other than for taking it so far that it really would be harrassment of players. Definitely being muted without being warned that that's what we were risking was... unexpected. We were expecting DP, and would have accepted that without (much) complaint.

BTW, Beeficus, telling people who're angry that they have nothing to complain about and should shut up is a great way to provoke insults. Not saying they're justified, but you did kind of bring it on yourself. Shouldn't you have expected that sort of response to what you were saying? ;) (Joking... in case you couldn't tell.)

#17 Reportar | Citar[en] 

well honestly expecting DP would have been a small punishement i think giving the intruders -50 matis fame making matis guards agro them would have been great and at -50 they would still have to been able to grind fame up again


#18 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Hmm, well, did you really want to go back to the fires issue, being as all the posts were deleted? And are you really telling homins off for saying what they didn't like about the response? Oh well ...


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#19 Reportar | Citar[en] 

We Kami thought our actions where entirely justified considering the princes previous actions against innocent Kami followers.

Meagan mentioned the point that there is often more going on than we know...well isn't this always the case? All we can do in RP is act as our characters would in a given situation. The Butcher of Thesos decides to hold his wedding in a pretty little glade a short jog from the city he burned to the ground...that was invitation if I have ever seen one. We did not know or care what else was going on...only that this is our FIRST opportunity since the prince murdered peaceful Kami worshippers to express our displeasure at his actions...and by the breath of the dragon, we took it.

We expected to be killed and/or teleported out. When some of us were muted, this was surprise, but not one we will be unprepared for again. The anger at being muted was not about the muting...it was about the lack of response when we asked how long it would last.

#20 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Besides...this thread is discussion is moot...(not mute =)). Now we know Karavan/Matis have the ability to silence us at will...and how long it lasts...we can expect it and plan to counteract its effects =)

#21 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Some people do not attend all events and so have only rumors to go by. Some people leave the game for a period of time and then return, and they too only know of events second hand. This can cause problems as there is no single accurate historical logs of events anyone can read for enlightenment.

The history as I recall it was that there were rumors of the Matis planning an invasion of the desert. The Fyros responded to that by stationing an army by the SD to HS portal . This army would attack anyone with low Fyros fame as Matis are born with. Trekkers with low fyros fame who came to close were attacked. Then the Fyros sent another army to Hidden Source to occupy the other side of the portal. Which killed more unknowledgable trekkers.

It was after this that the Prince ordered the attack on these two armies and as punishment ordered Thesos taken and burned.

If i missed anything of importance in this condensed version please post.

Seeing a true previous history event log might improve things.

#22 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Dont forget genocide practiced by the Matis; the untold number of yubos killed in the development and use of their "Secret Weapon"

They are, perhaps, the true unreported victims here...

Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Loryen (1 década hace)

#23 Reportar | Citar[en] 

roleplay gone wrong.

Beefie, if it was done In Character, it is not "Role-Play gone wrong." It is "Role-Play moving in a direction other than what was expected, anticipated, and desired by the organizers." And that is 100% acceptable. ESPECIALLY in a sand-box game like Ryzom purports to be.

If you are going to have a public RP event, be prepared for it to go in a way other than what you expect. You can't sit high and mighty on your RP throne and expect that everyone will just tremble at your fingertips and abuse your powers to make that happen if they don't.

If something happens in-character, respond to it in-character or not at all.

Muting was not acceptable.
Teleporting was not acceptable.

Acceptable Response:
  • Resetting Matis fame to -50
  • Then spawning guards sufficient to kill the "unwelcome guests"
  • After killing the unwelcome guests, let them know that continuing to return to the event would be considered RP-griefing and dealt with harshly (by porting and muting)

I think a public apology from the events team for responding in an out-of-character manner bordering on abuse of powers is appropriate, as well as a promise not to do this again.

Última edición por Erizon(arispotle) (1 década hace)

#24 Reportar | Citar[en] 

No yubos died during the event, they all ran back safely after dropping their explosive devices. You should have been there and seen for yourself. As I said before, an accurate recorded history is needed to avoid all the false rumors.

Última edición por Xatokar (1 década hace)

#25 Reportar | Citar[en] 


Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Loryen (1 década hace) | Razón: Self censoring...way off topic, sorry for highjack...maybe others still have relevant opinions to give.

#26 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Yes, i was there. The Matis had a yubo specialist who had spent his whole life learning to communicate with the yubos. But I did not understand any of the wierd noises he used when speaking to the yubos . I suspect the yubos were his only friends as I have never seen this guy socialising in Yrkanis.

#27 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Hmm, well, did you really want to go back to the fires issue, being as all the posts were deleted? And are you really telling homins off for saying what they didn't like about the response? Oh well ...

Fires issue? Im not going back to anything. I stopped paying attention to that when a couple of peope took it too far and dragged it on for too long. I mentioned it as an example of roleplay gone wrong. And thats exactly what it was. That caused arguements and bad blood and for absolutely nothing.

I did not tell anyone off for saying how they feel about anything. There are ways and places (and limits) for that sort of thing. I would like to point out that the people I see here in this thread with valid points to make were not the people making personal attacks at anyone else in uni. I did not think they had that much to be upset about, but I didnt call them whining little children. I simply said "its over, get over it" and was abruptly attacked in a personal way.


#28 Reportar | Citar[en] 

It wasn't roleplaying, it was harassment. Pure and simple.
Dozens were there to enjoy the event, and a few people decided to turn up with no other intention than to ruin it for all of them.
I applaud the CSRs and event team for the way they handled it. First attempting to solve things in character, and only after taking the extreme step (after several in character warnings) to get rid of the troublemakers.

I've no trouble with improvising during an event, and the event team did just that.
But I do have trouble with people trying to ruin the enjoyment of others, which the culprits here were clearly intending to do.


So long and thanks for all the fish

#29 Reportar | Citar[en] 

It wasn't roleplaying, it was harassment. Pure and simple.

moar stuff

Iala you are always too bitter and biased. Marelli said clearly that it was known they would come and protest, and even gave blessing, so how can you state what you say. Its probably more the event team not having the tools or the people, to be able to react in a more pleasant way.

#30 Reportar | Citar[en] 

roleplay gone wrong.

Beefie, if it was done In Character, it is not "Role-Play gone wrong." It is "Role-Play moving in a direction other than what was expected, anticipated, and desired by the organizers." And that is 100% acceptable. ESPECIALLY in a sand-box game like Ryzom purports to be.

I like Loryen but she hit that "butcher of Thesos... Bloodsoaked clothing" macro 3 times before you were all silenced and ported. If this was meant to be taken as a serious attempt to include the Fyros' issues into the pre-organised roleplay event and not a purposeful disruption, perhaps things could have been done differently to avoid confusion. The repeated use of a chat macro probably didnt help matters. Still it seems some of you are picking specific things out of my posts to comment on. My biggest problem and the only one I will not yield to different opinions on is the lengthy heated complaints in uni afterwards that dragged everyone else into it. It was shameful.


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