
#53 [en] 

Pick my reason .......

1. I wanna see the dragon

2. I want a new area to explore


#54 [en] 

Dig dig dig! Let's make history! Excavate!

#55 [en] 

Better to permanently seal off the prime roots, blocking in the kitin menace and leaving them alone down there where it is damp and dark.
Had the Fyro not released the kitins in the first place, the Great Swarming would never have happened.
And now that same irresponsible race wants to do it all over again, just to see what's down there?

They're worse than that madman Zorai reporter who set out to interview the Dragon, they're either actively seeking the destruction of hominity at the hands of the kitins in another Great Swarming or they've forgotten history's lessons about what happens when homins dig too deep.

Homins of all nations, come together to stop this madness!

#56 [en] 

Better to permanently seal off the prime roots, blocking in the kitin menace and leaving them alone down there where it is damp and dark.

Because the Kitin are completely incapable of creating their own tunnels and passages. Go out and see things for yourself instead of blindly trusting your Karavan masters. If you actually looked, you'd see breaches through which Kitin have been observed to travel scattered all over Atys. Those are certainly not Homin-made.

#57 [en] 

Yeah no kitin, that would be sooooo fun ..... same ole, same ole ..... let's just keep doing the same stuff we doing for the last 8 years. maybe I could master a new dig tree (yawn)......nope, all done.


Been a year and half since anything new happened. I'm ready for something exciting.....someplace I haven't been before.

New Plan ...... getting my zorai electric pick and excavating tunnel from Egg Room to under a certain apartment.

Última edición por Fyrosfreddy (1 década hace)


#58 [en] 

Heyt Deles:

It's been ab Atys year and a half.....have Nisti and those egghead researchers finished their studies ?


#59 [en] 

Delea Silam homins of all countries,

The Karavan has sent a research report to the Royal Academy, which I hereby redirect to you:
During the investigation of the samples provided it was noted that they were contaminated. Thus we could not use all the collected secretions. After isolation of the secretions of interest to us, and with the involvement of existing studies, we have come to the following conclusion:

From the large Kitin eggs hatched, as expected, a bluish species of Kipesta, which is widely known as Kipekoo. These Kipekoo appear not only distinguished by their color but also in size of conventional Kipesta. This particular type of Kipesta also seems to be much smarter than their smaller relatives. In addition, it is possible for them to travel longer distances.

The Kipesta's task consists of reconnaissance of large areas to find new areas of settlement and construction for new Kitin nests. Since the Kipekoo have a higher degree of intelligence, it is likely that these play an important part in the expansion of the Kitin's Lair in Almati Wood.

This is the end of the report sent to the Royal Academy.

Nisti Tinanti
Royal Kitinologist

Última edición por Stories of Atys(arispotle) (1 década hace)

#60 [en] 

Methinks ya shud send some Fyros down there to remove the blockages and investigate.


#61 [en] 

I agree with Freddy. I'm sure we could find enough volunteers Fyros and/or otherwise to go down there smack the Kipekoo and remove any obstacles so we can move in deper to see what actually is going on in there. A Karavaneer Researcher may tag along if the Karavan wishes.

Última edición por Amnesia(arispotle) (1 década hace)

#62 [en] 

Looks like this adventure hit a dead end.


#63 [en] 

Coming up on one year anniversary ..... excavation team ever gonna get down there and remove that blockage ?


#64 [en] 

Kitin-Guards (goo infected) and Kitin-workers are in Darkmoor, reports of Kitin-Workers else where. Fairhaven Liberty Lakes Kitin Observer knows nothing. Now they can do their research closer to home :)
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