

#18 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Moniq - Yea I know you can take things out but not put back. Might make a note of that in the chart? As is it implies full use.

Hm? For F2P it says "-" and for Unsubscribed "Withdraw" resp. "Drop" only.

#19 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Ok never mind me, I didn't read it correctly :-P


#20 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Out of combat run speed - My first thought is that going in and out of that speed would cause enough motion sickness to make some folks quit for medical reasons. My second thought is that Super Speed (200% movement for a few seconds) is a power, and I still have a few hundred Speed Eggs collected from events that allow me to use that double movement even when my action is on cooldown. And my third is that I rarely run for long distances except when I am scouting and thus less interested in a destination than in who I find along the way.
-- Motion sickness? from a Sprint? That's absurd and suggests you would have the super speed ability removed as well.-- Super Speed is an ability... you can't expect new players to have completed X,Y,Z events.-- as for your personal experience, it seems irrelevant. you have found an area that you can settle into, your most-likely established with a litany of port scrolls.how it works: Player toggles it on, if they are aggro'd it toggles off. they complete fight or wahtever and have to toggle it back on themselves, it doesn't turn on automatically.

#21 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Motion sickness? from a Sprint? That's absurd...
And that is offensively ableist. If you think that ailments that you yourself do not suffer are absurd enough to warrant insulting people, then you probably laugh at people in wheelchairs, mock diabetics, and think senior citizens are ridiculous.

If that's not how you want to be thought of, if you want to be taken seriously, then don't insult those who are not exactly like you or who don't agree with you 100%. I also want to help Ryzom and make it more enjoyable for new players, but it's hard to work with those who ridicule those who are not exactly like them. We're on the same side, but that may not last if you attack your allies like that again.
...and suggests you would have the super speed ability removed as well.
You had no way of knowing this, but I use Super Speed often enough that it's almost a trademark move of mine. The thing is, it lasts for a known and specific duration that's entirely predictable. That means no disorientation since there's no jarring randomness.

However, given that mobs move, different mobs have different agro radii, server lag is a thing that exists, and other variables, the net effect is that running speed would be disorientatingly random. Even if you have to turn it back on every time after the fight is over, the random kicking out would be problematic, especially if you do anything involving teams. If some people "drop out of warp" while others continue on, team cohesion is tricky. If the whole team drops when one member gets agro, then people are simply less likely to team with players of lesser skill/experience or who have different styles; agro magnets are not terribly popular.

It's not that I don't like the intent behind your idea. I simply see enough potential problems with it that I cannot help but have some reservations and concerns that I feel need to be addressed. And the biggest ones boil down to the unpredictable deactivation.
you can't expect new players to have completed X,Y,Z events.
Hitting 20+ in at least one of the four branches of the skill tree is not that onerous a task. The XP rewards alone from the Fight missions in Silan will put you past 15, and that's not counting any XP you earn while doing the missions. And a couple Chiang missions require 25+ before you can take them. A new player might take a few days for that, but isn't really a high hurdle in light of how much XP the mission-givers hand out.

That said, I think that Silan could be a bit more educational. For instance, when I see someone around Fight 15 wondering why those baby Yubos just outside the Ranger Camp are not giving as much XP as they used to, I can't help but think that the devs should've done a little more to teach new players instead of relying on having experienced players be the tutors. Also, I think a lower price for the Silan TPs (Ranger Camp, Shattered Ruins, and Kami of the Lake) would be good, along with a bit more instruction about what TPs even are.
-- as for your personal experience, it seems irrelevant.
Would it be relevant if I agreed with you 120% though? I suspect it would. Watch the friendly fire there.

I recognize that new players, by definition, cannot work around certain things the way older players can. My point is simply that there are ways around certain limitations that are a bit more accessible than you think.
you have found an area that you can settle into, your most-likely established with a litany of port scrolls.
You forget that I was new myself once. We all were. Part of the reason us more experienced players are so helpful to new players is precisely because we remember how tough it was starting out.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#22 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Just run away from here Kalzin lol, you found the worse to debat with :)
Everything is offensive to Gidget, since age now.

(Don't see any personal attack bud, just fact noticed with time spent in forums)

About the subject, I think Ryzom is different from other game, its based on survivalism most of the time.
And yes, its a pain in ass very often because thing are getting old and not refreshed.

I think the teleportation should be renewed yes, instant TP could be good, or at least reducing the wait time.

The trek part is... a tradition in Ryzom.

I think if you remove this, it lose a lot of charm but that my own selfish opinion (based on my experience).
Someone less social with less interaction and less help, would think it is a nightmare to trek out of Silan, it can lock a player pretty well in place for month.

Maybe a service like New Horizon can be expanded to do the capital via Air ship or something.
Mixing steam punk Tryker engine and Zorai magic.

A player could be projected in instance, completing a few missions while been on the ship, to travel to other capital.

Speed can be increased via "Runes" on your armor, that could give you a +5 or +10 on your 100 base (so 105, 110) speed, It won't make you vomit and its useful.
Could be even more useful in case of over weight (aka malus on your base 100).

In the case of the +150 bonus speed (via power up) the ground interaction should be smoothed, to prevent camera sickness when it stop abruptly.

The Radar effect should be included in your map IMHO.
And the map improved to show the terrain via satellite view.
Available once you discover all zones of the map (or with a cartographer ritual).

About the inventory players ask for it since beta.
We need more space, more GH space and more personal bags space.

Nowadays people use alt character and alt guild to use more spaces, it is poisonous for the game in my opinion.

For personal bags, we learned to deal with it, still a refreshing mechanics could be very welcome.

Experience sharing could be improved by scaling the level of the master to the group.
Yep as simple as that.

But well.. the community is very conservative with the game, most idea are rejected by the Lore team, for the unique reason it is not to their taste.

Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Revvy (5 años hace)


#23 Reportar | Citar[en] 

imo that conservativ comunity killed game ;x

this game need updates now not in year in future, not in plan... just now!

if u cant do anyhing to fix some gamemechanics like bag or animation or tons of other bugs and nice imprving game mechanics... save some money for fukin sake, and pay to somone who can adapt to game this things in few weeks. gosh so many years...

i wish to see world bosses who spawn once at random 250 areas in 2 weeks and need masiv team (100) players to kill, and with 0,0x% chance to reward each player who help to kill. or something like that.
i like to see some more endgame craftplans and skins.effects for armmors and all craft items.

#24 Reportar | Citar[en] 

imo that conservativ comunity killed game ;x

this game need updates now not in year in future, not in plan... just now!

You are wrong, the game doesn't need update now. It needs update yesterday, the week before, the months before and years.

i wish to see world bosses who spawn once at random 250 areas in 2 weeks and need masiv team (100) players to kill, and with 0,0x% chance to reward each player who help to kill. or something like that.
i like to see some more endgame craftplans and skins.effects for armmors and all craft items.

It will never happen at least on short terms. There is not enough players for such things ...

#25 Reportar | Citar[en] 

what I experienced is that most of the new players left before even hitting the 125. They leave Silan with a level that is massively restricting their ability to do things on the Mainland. You can't really walk a bit out of a city to do a mission without dieing fast. While this is quite nice for some (I like it), for new players it can be quite a demotivating issue as they realize they have to grind a lot to even survive outside the main Cities.

One thing I would suggest is to make experience catas free for all until lvl 75/100, so it's a bit less grindy at start and new players won't feel like leaving cities would be their death, but what else should they do?. Also so they have a bit time to get into the game and getting more spells/abilities to play with.

Another reason for this:
Giving xp catas from start and taking it away also has a bigger effect than never having it, only if you pay for it. Why paying for something that you had no idea could be so practical? It's just basic psychology.
Let new players level a bit faster until a certain level so they see a bit more from this game as they dive in more.

Yes I know, you get usable catas as f2p, but that's not comparable to have it all the time. The way it is now looks quite a lot like a pay2win system. Pay and all is easier/faster/more convenient. Oh and you can level beyond 125. As f2p it is already a big grind session to reach 125, if they ever see the sense to reach 125 as f2p. Their decision process "to go sub or leave the game" is much earlier. So help them get past this by helping them at start with a few levels. That would be the easiest compared to reworking a lot other stuff.

Just a suggestion :-)

#26 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Yazoo - Considering that it's a small team of volunteers working on inherited code, I think a little conservatism is, unfortunately, quite justifiable. That said, it would be nice if they were a little more receptive to input, especially from those outside of the UTC+2 time zone.

Sinvaders - Agreed on both counts.

Adriaxi - I think the real problem there is that many things, especially progression, work differently enough in Ryzom that the lack of quality instruction makes for a steep learning curve. Sure, an experienced player who knows the mechanics can easily get both Fight and Magic to 30+ in under an hour, but new players will take considerably longer; I think it took me a couple of MONTHS the first time. I was legitimately ready to quit until an experienced player taught me what the Silan NPCs did not, and I went from 35 to 135 in less time than it took to go from 1 to 35.
However, there are some who feel progression is too fast because they can use various advanced techniques to master their 12th weapon in only 3 days, and/or that they got masters before cats were a thing and want others to suffer as they did, so expect a bit of pushback.
As for free cats until a certain level, a lot of folks hand out cats like candy, so there's little need for change; just ask in Uni and you'll probably get some. But like I said earlier, knowledge of the mechanics speeds up progression so dramatically that one cannot help but think that much frustration would be avoided if they simply made Silan more instructive. If you could get to 100 in under a week without cats simply by being taught correctly, would you be willing to take just a few minutes to learn? If so, then maybe you should ask why you aren't being taught better.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#27 Reportar | Citar[en] 

I have freely given out cats, even to the poster of this thread. But alas, game mechanics and lack of quality instruction are the deciding factor on leaving early for a more polished "fun" and less grindy game elsewhere.

The only thing cats do is make a person expect easy mode. Like it was said, having them and then not is essentially worse than not having them at all. But having them all the time just ensures boredom faster. It is a tough call to use xp boost as a means to attract and retain players.

Also, a fresh new player likely will have zero clue that cats exist.

I still think having speed eggs drop all the time from select mobs, maybe semi rare drops....and not just holidays, would go a long ways towards the grindy running for hours aspect.


#28 Reportar | Citar[en] 

I still think having speed eggs drop all the time from select mobs, maybe semi rare drops....and not just holidays, would go a long ways towards the grindy running for hours aspect.
Yeah, that's why I spend so much time around Atysmas doing little else except hunting Speed Eggs. If Speed Eggs were a bit more accessible then I would be able to enjoy my holidays a bit more!

I have always questioned the long cooldown on Speed though. Sure, at higher levels it's a bit shorter, but there's no reason for it to ever have gone over 10 minutes. That sort of cooldown may be good for Invulnerabiltiy and the three Protection Auras, but Speed is one that really should have it's cooldown time adjusted.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#29 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Regarding the speed counts point. I believe it should stay as it is. It's a temporary buff that allow players to escape a risky situation. If you were able to run more frequently at this speed most of the dangers you can encounter on Atys won't be as dangerous as it should.
That's also why I dislike a lot speed eggs. But what could be a nice idea is an occupation to allow players to craft their own speed pact (or whatever you want it to be called). I also like Revvy's idea about speed buff on armor.
And maybe add another threshold than just increase speed by 100% as eggs and speed stanza is doing.

At the moment, if you want to go fast you still have the mount option.

#30 Reportar | Citar[en] 

I have freely given out cats, even to the poster of this thread. But alas, game mechanics and lack of quality instruction are the deciding factor on leaving early for a more polished "fun" and less grindy game elsewhere.

The only thing cats do is make a person expect easy mode. Like it was said, having them and then not is essentially worse than not having them at all. But having them all the time just ensures boredom faster. It is a tough call to use xp boost as a means to attract and retain players.

Also, a fresh new player likely will have zero clue that cats exist.

I still think having speed eggs drop all the time from select mobs, maybe semi rare drops....and not just holidays, would go a long ways towards the grindy running for hours aspect.

Actually cats did have a lot more importance before.

It used to be produce by Outpost, pushing players to be very active in fight and the geopolitics of Atys.


#31 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Sinvaders - I might be more inclined to agree if they didn't take 1.0 Bulk each. As it stands, I do have to watch my loadout, and I think having to make some sacrifices for speed is appropriate. However, I don't want them to ever be so plentiful that you don't have to make a prolonged deliberate effort to get them either.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#32 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Actually cats did have a lot more importance before.

It used to be produce by Outpost, pushing players to be very active in fight and the geopolitics of Atys.

I do remember those days as well. I still felt the same about cats back then. I also hated OP battles as well :-P


Last visit sábado 28 septiembre 23:30:34 UTC

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