Do you agree with the four proposals detailed in this first post? / Approuvez-vous les quatre propositions présentées dans ce premier post ?
I agree with proposal 1. / J'approuve la proposition 1. 21 (1)
I disagree with proposal 1. / Je désapprouve la proposition 1. 29 (4)
I agree with proposal 2. / J'approuve la proposition 2. 50 (5)
I disagree with proposal 2. / Je désapprouve la proposition 2. 8 (1)
I agree with proposal 3. / J'approuve la proposition 3. 49 (6)
I disagree with proposal 3. / Je désapprouve la proposition 3. 8
I agree with proposal 4. / J'approuve la proposition 4. 53 (5)
I disagree with proposal 4. / Je désapprouve la proposition 4. 7
Otro 4
Abstenerse 4
Encuesta cerrada

#51 Reportar | CitarMultilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français

Patch - 2021-05-17

The four outposts recently established in the Nexus are activated (opened to homin attack). The characteristics of the battles to be fought for their conquest not only differ significantly from those of the "historical" outposts, but will evolve as the redesign project progresses. Below are those adopted for the first phase of testing:

  • Mode: Guild vs. NPC (GvE), where only the guild having declared war can participate in the battle (no allied or enemy PCs on the battlefield).
  • Duration: 55 minutes (11 rounds of 5 minutes).
  • Declaration: Only one battle per week per guild and per outpost is allowed (so any guild can fight, at best, four battles per week, one on each of the four outposts).
  • Schedule: a new battle can start at the beginning of each hour for each outpost. A guild wishing to attack must make its declaration within 5 minutes before the start time. For example, a guild wishing to be the attacking guild for the 9pm battle must make its declaration of war at the earliest 8:55 pm, but before 9:00 pm. If several guilds wish to register, only the first one will be retained, the others will have to try again for a next battle.
  • Victory conditions: the attacking guild must pass the threshold set for it (10 at most) at the outpost it is attacking.
  • Outcome: A won battle does not give the victorious guild possession of the concerned outpost (the latter is returned within the hour to the NPCs who defended it) but any battle fought closes with the granting of a reward.
  • Reward: its nature and size are determined by the threshold of the attacked outpost and are displayed as soon as the war is declared. It is automatically awarded to the testing guild at the end of the battle.

    The thresholds set for a given guild at the outpost that will be the target of its next test battle and the rewards to be expected for the latter will evolve as follows:

  • The initial threshold for the four outposts is set at 3.
  • The higher the threshold, the higher the reward... and the reverse is true.
  • After a defeat (outpost threshold not exceeded during the battle), the outpost threshold will remain the same for the guild.
  • After a victory, the offered threshold of the outpost at subsequent battles of the same guild will be increased permanently by one. But if this new threshold is found too difficult to exceed by the guild, the latter can choose to set a lower threshold to the outpost for the next battle.


    A guild attacks for the first time the outpost 250 of the Nexus (whose threshold is then for it set to 3) and wins. From then on, it can choose, for its next test battle, to attack the same outpost with threshold 3 or threshold 4. In the first case, even if the said next battle is victorious, the threshold that will be proposed it for a third battle will be 3. In the second case, the latter threshold will be preset to 5 (if victorious) or 4 (if defeated).


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#52 Reportar | CitarMultilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | [Français]

Ryzom Forge meeting - 24-06-2021

  • Deux guildes n'ayant pas chacune un effectif suffisant peuvent-elles se réunir en une seule pour le temps d'une bataille-test d'avant-poste au Nexus ?
    Oui… Pour le moment, car ce ne sera plus possible plus tard, vu que ces batailles-test participent en fait au développement du futur système d'avant-postes.
  • Je trouve les nouveautés testées sur les avant-postes du Nexus très rafraichissantes mais réduire le temps des batailles d'avant-poste est-il toujours l'objectif fixé à la refonte ?
    Oui. Il reste seulement à déterminer la force des PNJ défenseurs, vu que le nombre de rounds sera réduit de ce fait.
  • On a vu ces derniers mois sur Atys plusieurs batailles dépasser de beaucoup les 10 rounds. D'où ma question : à réduire le temps des batailles d'avant-poste ne risque-t-on pas d'appauvrir les stratégies ?
    Ce débat a déjà eu lieu. Par respect pour le groupe qui a longuement discuté, argumenté et finalement trouvé un accord, nous ne reviendrons pas sur les décisions prises. Mais il reste de nombreux points à paufiner et vos avis, retours et suggestions demeurent très souhaités.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#53 Reportar | CitarMultilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français

Patch 904 (2022+04-25): OP refactoring

The patchnote is available here.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#54 Reportar | CitarMultilingüe 

Multilingüe | Deutsch | English | [Español] | Français | Русский
Tabla de equivalencias de los niveles de escuadra


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#55 Reportar | CitarMultilingüe 

Multilingüe | Deutsch | English | [Español] | Français | Русский
Requisitos para la apuesta por Puestos de Avanzada en modo GvA (GvE)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#56 Reportar | CitarMultilingüe 

Multilingüe | Deutsch | English | [Español] | Français | Русский
Nueva app oficial: Información del Gremio (app 2835)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

Last visit miércoles 15 enero 18:37:57 UTC

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