#65 Añadido por Trilexis 6 años hace
#66 Añadido por Laoviel 6 años hace
#67 Añadido por Siela 6 años hace
Yesterday I received the notice that one of the Karavan guilds on Atys, has 20 masters in their ranks. Crafting master, or magic and melee master? Well, I don't remember seeing more than five or six members on the battlefields from this guild. Often rather less so. I cannot claim that the Kami Guilds can regularly lead all their members into battle, but there are almost always all the guilds involved, with some of their members . With the Karavan, this fluctuates a lot.
No after reading the statement of another player at another topic, Im not that sure anymore that removing of Phase 2 is a good idea, because of timezone. People should have the chance to hold an outpost, when they are awake/not at work.
#68 Añadido por Tamarea 6 años hace
Date: monday, December 3rd, 20:30 UTC (21:30 CET)
AgendaStatus of projects (by Ulukyn):OP refactoringGuild IslandsJena Year 2601 Patch
Última edición por Tamarea (6 años hace)
#69 Añadido por Moniq 6 años hace
It has been completely redone, still in the same place: go to the offside WebIG, and click on the "Roadmap" icon. Everything we are working on is in it, with the degree of progress. I let you look at and give me feedback, either here, or in response to the meeting report on the forum, or on RC.
Quick for the moment because as you can see, we have set up a poll to find out what changes might be of interest to the majority. It appears that for the modification of the price of attacks, it is very mixed. So, for the moment, we will do nothing, obviously, the modifications can come later, nothing is fixed. For the rest, the vast majority agree with the proposals. For questions about how each element will be implemented, the team will think about it and will share the proposals with you. We will take into account the comments that have been given and that may be added in the coming days.
The islands are being tested. I would like to quickly remind you of the principle: The guild leader will be able to choose from 5 islands in all ecosystems. There are no restrictions in the ecosystem of its choice except that each continent gives access only to one ecosystem. Thus a fyros guild could very well have a guild island in the lakes, but access to the island will be close to FH. Once the island is chosen, the leader can go there and appears on an island, the guild window will offer a new tab allowing the chef to choose the entrance for his guild members but also the entrance for visitors. The interface will also allow you to add scenery via the scenographic editor and a special guild bag will appear. The special guild bag will allow you to populate creatures, service pnjs, buildings, etc... It will be possible to win or get new elements to populate.
As announced we have decided to make a patch every new year of Jena. That is, every two and a half months or so. As you all know, Jean's New Year's Eve has already passed and... there was no patch. We're going to be honest, anlor + atysmas + jena patch it was a lot of work in a row. So the patch is still planned, but... we'll do our best to get some pretty good patches. Some of the additions could be done at the same time as the Atysmas patch and the rest just after. In the content of the Jena Year patch there are new plushes, new hairstyles, a new zig, Xl tokens and gift outfits, among others. A new boss, the guilds islands and boss to fight in the guilds islands. As well as expected changes such as patching Ranger gameplay.
#70 Añadido por Tamarea 6 años hace
Date: monday, December 17th, 20:30 UTC (21:30 CET)
AgendaRyzom Team:Team infosRecruitementRyzom Projects:Project infos
Última edición por Tykus (6 años hace)
#71 Añadido por Moniq 6 años hace
Commençons par les infos de l'équipe Ryzom. Mes deux rôles principaux sont de manager l'équipe Ryzom et ses projets, ainsi que d'assurer la communication extérieure et celle auprès des joueurs. Mais pour cela, il faut du temps. Beaucoup de temps. Ce qui implique que je dois m'entourer au maximum d'assistants au niveau de chaque équipe afin de pouvoir me libérer du temps et me concentrer sur ces deux rôles. Cela se traduit pas les changements suivants:Tykus devient mon assistant côté management de l'équipe Ryzom. Tykus me remplace comme "tête du Support"Jayvaraman devient mon assistant pour le MarketingArionasis m'assiste pour la Communication.
Communication:Création de tracts pour communiquer de façon visuelle sur les futurs ajouts (en plus de la version détaillée en texte), à publier sur le forum, les sites web, les réseaux sociaux...Réflexion en cours pour améliorer la communication (principalement avec les joueurs et en dans l'équipe)Marketing:Bubbason (RF) a rejoint l'équipe.Réflexion en cours afin de rédiger un plan marketing.Developpement du nouveau site web en cours.
Gros applaudissements à pour le travail et la publication d'Azazor sur les tribus fyros. Il ne fait pas partie de l'équipe Lore, mais son travail est validé Lore et donc devient donc un document officiel. Et merci à Siela d'héberger tous ses textes ! J'espère qu'ils seront tous publiés sur le Wiki de Ryzom !
Depuis la dernière fois, j’ai essentiellement travaillé sur catégorisation des wikis afin qu’elle s’adapte aux différents utilisateurs. Les utilisateurs comme les développeurs, les animateurs, s’attendent à trouver facilement leurs espaces documentaires, alors qu’à l’autre extrême les joueurs de chaque groupe linguistique ont leurs intérêts qui ne convergent pas nécessairement. Entre les deux, il est intéressant que les guides et conseils de jeux soient facilement accessibles et comparables. L’idée est donc de créer quatre racines :Encyclopatys pour tousWikipatys, la boite à outils de nos wikisForgeLoreEncyclopatys donne des ramifications qui correspondent aux divers intérêts communs du jeu, comme « Comment crafter ? », « Qui sont les Fyros ? », etc. Ces arborescences de départ sont les guides des 5 wikis linguistiques, mais les petites ramifications et les feuilles sont l’histoire libre de chacun. J’ai écrit ce plan qui sera fini pour dans une semaine à peu près (j’espère). Voilà, et un énorme merci à Nilstilar.
J'aimerais maintenant vous présenter une toute nouvelle équipe sur le point d'être créée : l'équipe « Lanceurs d'Events ». Observation : notre problème actuel est le suivant : nous avons scripté des events HRP (mini-boss et invasions), nous avons un outil pour les lancer simplement (il suffit de sélectionner et cliquer) mais.... personne ou presque n'est là pour les lancer. Raison : ce n'est pas le rôle des acteurs de lancer des événements HRP scriptés, ni celui des Arkitectes qui ont créé ces événemeRésultat : trop peu d'événements HRP scriptés sont lancés. Solution : création d'une équipe (NDA + RF) dont le rôle sera de lancer ces événements : l'équipe « Events Launchers » (Lanceurs d'Events).
Cette semaine, je souhaite mettre en avant les trois équipes suivantes : Ark, Event et Event Launchers. Nous payons très bien en cookies et en café virtuels ! En fait, notre meilleure récompense, c'est le sourire des joueurs. C'est pour eux que nous sommes tous là ! :) Le point commun entre tous ceux de l'équipe Ryzom, c'est qu'ils aiment ce jeu et ont choisi de donner un peu de leur temps pour lui et sa communauté. Certains ont beaucoup de temps à lui consacrer, d'autres très peu, mais peu importe. Car tous ensemble, pas après pas, nous faisons avancer les choses. Un certain nombre de nouveautés et d'améliorations sont en cours. Mais il nous reste des goulets d'étranglements : les équipes en sous-nombre. Et c'est là que nous avons besoin de recrues.Ark team (NDA facultative): pour travailler sur Ark, l'outil permettant de créer du contenu en jeu (des « Pocket Worlds », mais aussi des missions, des rites, des Rois, des évènement scriptés, etc.)Event Launcher (NDA facultative): (voir explications ci-dessus)Event team (NDA obligatoire): pour jouer le rôle d'acteur pendant les évènements RPSi certains d'entre vous souhaitent postuler ou simplement obtenir des informations supplémentaires, qu'ils m'écrivent SVP à tamarea@ryzom.com.
Rappel : vous pouvez voir la Feuille de route et le Calendrier sur la page principale du WebIG. (l y a une icône pour afficher la feuille de route. Je vous conseille de le faire hors jeu pour un meilleur rendu. Quelques dates :20 décembre : Patch d'Atysoëldu 21 décembre au 6 janvier : Événements Atysoël6 janvier : Premier événement RP de 2019En test / Bientôt en test :Evénements d'AtysoëlNouveau Roi (Yubokin)Îles de Guilde (étape 1)Équilibrage du jeu RangerJetons excellentsEvénements DynamiquesUne partie du patch de l'an de Jena 2601 aurait dû avoir lieu le 20 décembre, en même temps que le patch d'Atysoël, mais le délai sera trop court pour tout terminer et tester correctement, donc nous préférons attendre janvier pour le "Patch de l'an de Jena 2601".
Última edición por Moniq (6 años hace)
#72 Añadido por Tamarea 6 años hace
Date: monday, January 21st, 20:30 UTC (21:30 CET)
AgendaRyzom TeamRecruitementTeam infosRyzom Projects:Content of next patch (JA 2602)
Welcome to Drecyan, new recruit of the FR Event team, to Zeligmane, back in the same team and to Waum back in the FR Support team!Now we would have to do the same on the English, German and Spanish sides and that would be perfect.We also recruit volunteers to join Graphics team (3D and/or 2D), Development team and ARK team. If interested, please send an email to tamarea@ryzom.com.
Ryzom's marketing action plan for 2019 has been completed and has been used as a basis for preparing the general planning for the year for the entire Ryzom team. This general planning sequences 2019 in Jena years (aka "JA"). Each JA, we will work on several categories of tasks, the main ones being as follows:Ingame content – New content, improvements, fixes of bugs explloitable or not, events, rewards.Places – New website, Ryzom wikis, Forum, Steam Ryzom page, AppStore, Social networks.Communication – Promotion of JY patches and events, press releases, improvement of keywords research / SEO*, presence on websites and forums…Volunteers – Recruitment and training.—————— * SEO (Search Engine Optimization) : "process of affecting the online visibility of a website or a web page in a web search engine's unpaid results" (dixit Wikipedia).
A Saga storyline is in preparation which will be used at events played regularly in 2019. (We have more Events team members this year, enough to restart roleplay events on a regular basis.)Fix of the issue which blocks the sending of some responses to tickets since several weeks or even months. (If you have sent a ticket to support@ryzom.com and are still waiting for an answer, please contact us again.)Fix of an API bug.Mini-patch applied on Atys, to fix the bug of reconnection in Fyros territory when the character was disconnected in an apartment, a Guild Hall or under the Scenographic Editor.The fix of the K/K Oflovak mission bug (validation failure) is being tested on Atys since the bug does not exist on Yubo (testing server).Fix of Aen respawn after a bug of hers.Statue of Ashuleila: it was finally erected, but unfortunately, it did not withstand a heavy storm that occurred last night. And our schedule doesn't allow us to build it again... So we will discuss this again in 2050.
You can follow the progress of what is scheduled for the next patch into the roadmap, accessible via https://app.ryzom.com, "Roadmap" button.Direct links to the roadmap by language: German (missing translation to come soon), English, Spanish (missing translation to come soon), French.The patch is scheduled for February 1st.New contentPowo Creator: Guild Islands (step 1) – Choose your guild island from five, add a scenery, NPCs and customize it! Friends and guests admitted! Have a good time!New Boss on Silan – Yubokin Boss will appear on Silan. So cute!!!!!!!! But it's a Boss… How are you going to react?Excellent tokens – Did you dream of them? They're coming! Thanks to them, you will have access to better rewards… And you will also have a better chance of winning the new Gubani mount!Wheel Rewards – A new companion (zig), new wigs for all races, refugee clothes of different colors, colorful underwear… Which ones will you get?Maintenance & improvementsUltimate balancing of the Ranger gameplay: addition of resurrection points to the Paths of 250-regions and Prime Roots regions, capitals' Paths moved closer to a K teleporter and Wastelands' Path moved toward Midway Point.Improvement of the user interface: this is only a first step because there is a lot to do. But we'll go on!Improvement of the WebIG browser.Marauder gameplay: new recharging shop for teleporting crystals and new color of these ones so that not to confuse them with sap crystals.Abolition of neutral status in the combat zone of outpost battles.Fix of a bug of campfires (since this is an explotable one, I won't say more).Automation of skill titles. You will no longer have to contact us to ask for them!
#73 Añadido por Kyriann 6 años hace
The planned patch has been delayed due to the test server. It was postponed by a week.
The redesign of the range will go into public test mode at the end of the week. We need volunteers to carry out these tests, especially in PVP. For those who are interested in participating in the tests and who do not yet have access to the test server, contact Tamarea.
An idea for revising the pvp is currently being studied in the GameDesign team, we are trying to make it a little more dynamic, you will have more news in the coming weeks .
We are looking for volunteers for the GFX team, in 2D and 3D, if you have the skills and some time, contact Tamarea.We are also looking for CSRs in EN and FR.
Editado 4 veces | Última edición por Kyriann (6 años hace)
#74 Añadido por Tykus 6 años hace
Date: monday, march 4th, 20:30 UTC (21:30 CET)
AgendaNew serversRange weapons refactoringPVP 2.0Feedback for guild islandRecruitement
Última edición por Margote (6 años hace) | Razón: [EN]Fixed multi-language [FR]Correction multi-langages
#75 Añadido por Kyriann 6 años hace
We decided to change [the servers] (staying at OVH) for cheaper and much more efficient servers, which should considerably improve game performances. It's always ssd stuff.We also acquired a 2nd test server (named Gingo) which [...] will be a mirror of Atys, which will allow us to manage any bugs as closely as possible.Finally, the billing server will also be replaced.All these changes have been validated by Winch Gate and are already underway.
The shooting tests are entering the 2nd week of testing, we will carry out team tests, for this you need a significant number of players present at each session. We need shooters but also tanks and mages (off and heal). The more numerous we will be, the more effective the tests will be and the closer to reality.
The first things we will modify/add will be:- the gain of PVP points in PVP primes roots ;- the addition of "Resurrection NPCs" in the arenas (which will allow you to resurrect directly in the arena when you die there. From a PR point of view, they will be healers (resuscitators).
These two amendments are part of a broader plan to reform/refresh the PVP.The whole plan will be implemented over the next few months, in various small patches and not during a large one, […] allowing us to better manage any remaining bugs.
The guilds islands have been implemented with the latest patch. What do you think about them? What improvements would you like to have in the future? Do you encounter technical problems?
[...]I think a post on the forum would be the best (with a link on wiki tutorial).
We're always looking after Graphics (2D and/or 3D) and some CSR's all language.If you're interested, please contact Tamarea by email to tamarea@ryzom.com
#76 Añadido por Tamarea 6 años hace
Date: monday, march 18th, 20:30 UTC (21:30 CET)
Agenda[In Dev] New interface for K/K TPNew serversPublicationsRecruitement
Última edición por Maupas (6 años hace) | Razón: Date of meeting
#77 Añadido por Nilstilar 6 años hace
To introduce this project, i would like to talk about the current teleportation system, which is starting to be old now.The religious factions are using what we call pacts, imagined as a pearl for Kamis and ticket for Karavan. It allows one player to teleport easily over the world of Atys, by and using the law of the Powers. In Gameplay it is related to having one pact per zone in the inventory. As you know already, when one pact is used a player needs to replace it manually by buying a new pact from an altar. It is approximately 45+ pacts in the bag, and takes 0.2 bulk each pact.So, here is the original request: https://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=post/view/191858.So players did request a modernized interface, as an answer to this we will provide you an easy to use interface client side. It will act as a container for existant in-bag pacts. Important note: the system is local and without any loading time over network, so it do not rely on ARK (like some players asked). Since it is based on a booklet method one player can also use the old teleportation system. It is elastic enough to be used in a lot of different ways, depending the situation. Alright, to finish, It will have also an auto pacts feature, sort of "click & forget" option allowing a player to buy pact automatically without clicking on the altar every time.I hope you will be happy with this new system, I will monitor the feedback with care ! :) Any questions?PS: One more thing, to introduce the new system we will remove the bulk of teleportation pact for everyone.
The new "Gingo" test server is installed. It is an Atys mirror, which will be used exclusively for pre-patch tests.The billing server has just been changed. The switch from the old to the new was smooth, although it caused two days of blocking account creation and subscriptions via WorldPay . Everything has been operational again for a few hours. From now on, account.ryzom.com replaces secure.ryzom.com.A new storage server has just been purchased, it will be activated soon.The next server to be changed will be the game server ( Atys).Finally, we will change the WebIG server.These new servers (still SSD) are cheaper and much more efficient than the current ones, which should considerably improve game performance.
Several sites have published or built on our latest press release (on the JY 2602 patch) or on our recent publication about the game backstage ("Behind the Scenes"):JeuxOnLine – Des îles de guilde pour RyzomLinuxFR – Ryzom : correctif de l’année de Jena 2602mmORPG – Ryzom Team Releases 'Jena Year 2602' Update & Looks to the FutureMassively Overpowered – Ryzom goes behind the scenes to talk guild islands and a new boss monsterММОзговед – Затерянный мир
We are looking for CSRs (DE, EN, FR, including CSRs in American time zones).We are also looking for Animators (actors) to play roleplay events (DE, EN, FR, including animators in American time zones).
Editado 5 veces | Última edición por Nilstilar (6 años hace)
#78 Añadido por Tamarea 6 años hace
Date: monday, aprilth, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CEST)
AgendaRyzom WikisRefugee DaysJY 2603 patchRecruitement
#79 Añadido por Kyriann 6 años hace
The merge of the Forge and the Lore is [...] completed. But, as patrolling, I still find some little fails. So, as for now, I'm mostly working on categorization and aesthetics for them to be uniform and to Ryzom universe fit. Among other tasks, I am now answering a demand from Tamarea about Lore and Events: infoboxes for NPC. Contributors are not numerous but they are very active and work on the three original wikis (DE, EN & FR). When I find some time, I personnaly do some little bits of translation into spanish.
The Refugee Day, which began earlier, will end on April 23. It includes two OOC events: a treasure hunt and a small egg hunt, and a roleplay part, which will take place on April 18th. This RP event will highlight a part of Lore around the First Great Swarming, the Exodus and the Refugees, but also the history of the Rangers, directly linked to this part of the history of Atys. The event will continue with an expedition.
The progress of the work can be viewed on the roadmap: https://board.ryzom.com/?controller=BoardViewController&actio n=readonly&token=c46b5ea0f37c83d155f3eacc3acf6956ee75cbfca4af a3f2c107fcb4e74dNew features:Addition of Kitin dynamic invasionsAddition of a roleplay reward systemAddition of another dynamic event later in 2603: federal merchantMaintenance :Move billing on a new server (done)Move server test Yubo on a new serverCreate a second Test server: GingoRebuilding of New HorizonsAmelioration of K/K pact interfaceMove Masters of the Goo to marauder tribeWheel of Fortune: Fix of several bugsPoWo Guild Islands: Fix of several bugsTitles: Fix of several bugsStore user created channels (Store user created channels (dynamic) and restore them. This will prevent the loss of channels at server crash or reboot.)Next changes to come for 2603 or 2604:Move Atys on a new serverMove WebIg on a new server
We are looking for CSRs, Devs and Graphics members (DE, EN, FR, including CSRs on US time zones).We are also looking for Animators (actors) to play roleplay events (DE, EN, FR, including animators on American time zones).Finally, we are looking for russian and spanish translators and proofreaders.To apply, please contact Tamarea (tamarea@ryzom.com)!
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