#245 Añadido por Ghost of Atys 3 años hace
AgendaDatabase migration and webIg server changeFeedbacks on the Patch: Kitinlair occupations, Boss refactoring, Marauder gameplayRecrutement: Event team, Support Team, Translation team
Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Ghost of Atys (3 años hace)
#246 Añadido por Jadeyn 3 años hace
I'm going to review the migration and the patching that went on.We had planned to migrate the very old web server that contained the webig and nevrax tools to a new fresh server.In order to minimize the problems, it was agreed to migrate only the database (step 1), upgrade the server to a ubuntu version still in LTS (16.04) at least (step 2).Then on the server me.ryzom.com make a copy of the apps and test them in php 7 (step 3).Finally when everything would be ok, we would switch app.ryzom.com on me.ryzom.com (step 4).Then finally a new server will come to add the replication in case it is necessary to switch services (step 5).Well ... All this was without anticipating that the web server would fail.This forced us to finally do steps 1 to 5 in 24 hours.So, report of the operations :All our servers are currently running Ubuntu 20.04.The old web server is going to leave us (but no one is going to mourn it ...).We have the main applications running without major errors (quite a few warnings that we will correct as we go along).But overall, it's a very good thing done and no more big migrations are planned.The next updates will be done during a reboot on the Atys server so that the game will not be blocked anymore.So for the migration, we are not bad.If there are any questions about this, don't hesitate.
If no other questions we can move on to the patch.There is still a problem to fix concerning the occupations of the Kitin Lair which are bugged.This will be solved soon, but we don't know if it'll be necessary to patch and reboot the server or not.We'll keep you informed.Boss refactoring has been fixed at launch and for the moment is running normally.If all goes well, at the next reboot/patch we will apply the system to all Atys.
If no other questions, openssl ?I know everyone is looking forward to this topic.So, to put it simply, our clients are no longer compatible with a modification of the let's encrypt certificates.Which remains one of the major authorities for providing ssl certificates.To understand : it is thanks to them that we secure our websites in https.And as a result clients are no longer able to access https sites that have a let's encrypt certificate (which is the case for our servers).There is a configuration that allows to keep compatibility with clients using openssl 1.0 (so the old version).This is what we did while waiting to update the clients.Currently we are testing Windows 64 bits and Linux 64 bits clients with openssl 3.0 and no major issues.We will apply the same modification to Steam and Macos versions.If you are hosting webig apps that are no longer accessible from the game, you can come see me and I will help you configure your server to enable compatibility (this is a certbot option).Well, it's still under discussion but we wonder if we will continue to maintain 32 bits versions under Linux (and Windows).There are really very few people left on 32 bits configuration.
Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Jadeyn (3 años hace)
#247 Añadido por Margote 3 años hace
Agenda[list]Current projectsPen-and-paper role-playing game in Ryzom universeOP refactoringRecrutement: Event team, Support Team, Translation team
#248 Añadido por Nilstilar 3 años hace
For some time we have been working on a role-playing game in the Ryzom universe. The goal is to be able to play outside the New Lands, either on the Old Lands, now or before the Swarmings, or in other more remote places. Places that will never be in the MMO, for example places where resurrection does not exist.There is a playable first draft, and I need testers, initially one or two teams of four people. People to play and point out what works well and give suggestions for improvement. For the moment, the working version is in French, and my level in other languages means that I can only have people playing in French. But if a game master wants to get involved, we can also set up tests in other languages.
The outpost refactoring project is Dev's current #1 priority.Now that GvE tests are finished, we are preparing the next tests on Atys, which will involve GvG. Like GvE tests, these ones will be performed on special outposts.Ulukyn (Dev) will come to present this GvG part in detail during the next Ryzom Forge meeting on Monday, December 6th.
Support TeamThe Support team continues its recruitment campaign for volunteers.We need you, your availability, your technical and gameplay knowledges of the game but also your diplomacy, to expand our ranks and best meet the expectations of players.To learn more, please consult this post: https://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22047/2 #2 .To apply, contact Tamarea exclusively at tamarea@ryzom.com, and do not tell anyone about your application!Event TeamWe're looking for volunteers who want to help write event scripts, or who want to become actors by playing a character in the events we play.Training is provided, and the entry into acting is done very gradually to give the recruit time to get used to it.Join us to benefit from this unique experience!To apply, contact Tamarea exclusively at tamarea@ryzom.com and do not tell anyone about your application!Translation TeamWe are looking for volunteers to translate in-game texts and official announcements into English, German, Spanish, Russian, French, as well as to proofread texts in these five languages.To apply, contact Tamarea exclusively at tamarea@ryzom.com.That was the last topic for today!If you'd like to contact Drumel about tabletop roleplaying, you can do so on chat.ryzom, or reply to the meeting minutes on the forum when they're posted.The next meeting will be held on Monday, December 6th!The two main topics will be Bugs and testing, and Outpost redesign.
Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Nilstilar (3 años hace)
#249 Añadido por Kaetemi 3 años hace
Editado 9 veces | Última edición por Tykus (3 años hace)
#250 Añadido por Magez 3 años hace
I have a hard time understanding the principle of taking people out of the MMOThat's the dumbest argument against community projects ever, and this sort of closed minded thinking is why Ryzom will never recover. Adding more target markets does not take away from your existing niche target market. Growing the community does not shrink it.
I have a hard time understanding the principle of taking people out of the MMO
Última edición por Magez (3 años hace)
#251 Añadido por Gidget 3 años hace
It would tho, any ryzom player playing another game is taken away from playing ryzom.
#252 Añadido por Magez 3 años hace
MagezIt would tho, any ryzom player playing another game is taken away from playing ryzom.Look at the resurgence of CP2020 when Cyberpunk 2077 came out and you'll see how wrong that is. It's a little different there since CP2077 is not an MMO so many peopel will stop playing after beating it a few times, but my point that it's not a zero-sum equation remains.
#253 Añadido por Kaetemi 3 años hace
but what i mean is time cannot be spend on both at the same time, spending those 1-2 hours on the board game are 1-2 hours that you are not present/active/engaged into ryzom
Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Tykus (3 años hace)
#254 Añadido por Kaetemi 3 años hace
dev-time and resources spend there could have been spend on the main attraction
Editado 3 veces | Última edición por Tykus (3 años hace)
#255 Añadido por Sinvaders 3 años hace
Regarding the board game itself, i understand the 'fun' but not the benefit of it, the splitting of players activity/time aside, dev-time and resources spend there could have been spend on the main attraction, i also fail to see how it will attract new players besides circles of friends that likely would have already mentioned ryzom if there was interest among them (i hope), in the case of marketing i have doubts and raise the question why marketing ryzom isn't done more in stead and in the case marketing ryzom is already exhausted i fail to see why the board game would then raise new players in its place.
#256 Añadido por Magez 3 años hace
The person behind this tabletop rpg project is already active in the Lore Team. He is not a developer of the game. So his time wouldn't have been spent on development. Working on a tabletop rpg is a good continuation of the lorist work: it will use the existing lore and extend it.It is NOT a marketing project too, it's a tabletop rpg that a passionate is making and wants to share it with the community.
#257 Añadido por Ghost of Atys 3 años hace
AgendaUpdate on recent crashesFeedback on the Client's beta testsFeedback on Boss refactoringProgress on OP refactoring (GvG)
#258 Añadido por Nilstilar 3 años hace
Nous allons parler un peu des récents soucis du serveur, il y en a eu plusieurs.Le premier souci, le plus critique, était assez particulier et pouvais faire planter n'importe quel services de Ryzom. En effet, un serveur Ryzom se compose de nombreux services qui gèrent aspect un aspect du jeu : l'EGS qui gère les entités (PNJ, créatures, actions, etc…), l'IOS gère lui les textes et les chats et d'autres services plus petits mais dont le rôle est également important. Or le bogue pouvait se produire dans un de ces services et jusqu'à 2-3 fois par jour, ce qui en fonction du service qui plantait pouvais provoquer des réactions en chaîne (et donc un serveur qui plante totalement). La raison du crash est un peu technique (je pourrais donner plus de détails si besoin) mais un correctif a été appliqué et depuis lors aucun des services n'a planté à cause de ce bogue.Un autre bogue a pu enfin être corrigé. C'est l'un des plus vieux connus dans le jeu. Nous nous doutions qu'il venait des missions et nous avions l'intuition qu'il ne survenait qu'avec des personnages revenant en jeu après une longue absence. Nous avons pu examiner ce bogue car nous l'avons sans le vouloir provoqué en déplaçant les métiers dans la Kitinière. Cette manœuvre, en effet, a provoqué eneffet, à notre insu, la modification des alias (numéros d'identification sauvegardés dans le fichier du personnage conservé par le serveur) des missions concernées. Or, si une mission change d'alias et qu'un joueur a conservé l'ancien alias dans la sauvegarde d'un personnage sur sa propre machine, le serveur plantera dès le chargement du personnage en question. Car les alias n'ont pas à l'origine été conçus comme susceptibles de changer... nul n'avait prévu que certaines missions seraient déplacées d'un continent à l'autre. Pour finir, ce diagnostic a permis de plus facilement trouver et corriger le bogue et au malheureux joueur qui faisait planter le serveur à chacune de ses tentatives de connexion d'enfin se connecter sans anicroche.Un troisième bogue a été identifié dans l'IOS, il se produit assez rarement. Nous avons fait l'hypothèse qu'il survenait lorsque'un message était envoyé par le serveur sur un canal de discussion dynamique, au moment même ou un des joueurs se déconnecte et avons ajouté plusieurs vérifications permettant d'aviter cette conjonction. Pour le moment pas de nouveau plantage constaté. À surveiller cependant.Enfin, les derniers bogues (qui provoquent des ralentissements et retardent énormément l'envoi des messages) se produisent quand le SU plante (SU = Shard Unifier , service surtout utile quand plusieurs serveurs tournent – tels Aniro, Arispotle et Leanon – ou quand des sessions Ring sont actives). Nous en avons déjà corrigé un, un autre est en cours de correction. Nous allons renforcer la partie du code du SU gérant l'écriture en base de données.Voilà pour les informations sur les récents plantages. Y a-t-il des questions ?
Voir forum.Nous avons besoin d'un maximum de retours, car le délai d'application du prochain patch en dépend : plus rapidement nous validerons le client bêta, plus rapidement nous patcherons les nouveautés.Donc, y a-t-il des gens qui ont pu jouer régulièrement avec le client bêta ?
See forum.Quels sont vos retours, en particulier sur le nouvel algorithme d'apparition des Rois ?Nous souhaitons en effet savoir si son activation dans toutes les régions d'Atys est désormais possible ou s'il nécessite encore des réglages.
Le projet est plutôt bien avancé.Nous menons les derniers tests alpha et ceux sur les serveurs de tests (Yubo & Gingo) devraient démarrer bientôt. Pour le moment ils portent sur de nouveaux avant-postes en mode GvG dans les zones 50 et nous permettront de déterminer si le réglage des PNJ est bon (il est à son minimum, mais combattre simultanément une guilde et des PNJ peut être un défi un peu trop difficile).Pendant ce test du GvG, nous avancerons sur le reste du projet. Certaines modifications déjà prêtes comme la réduction à 1h de la durée des batailles et la baisse du coût des attaques, pourraient être mises en place rapidement. La rotation des matières premières et la prise des avant-postes par des tribus hostiles de PNJ viendraient alors dans une phase ultérieure de développement du projet.Nous sommes convenus de donner un coup d'accélérateur au projet durant les deux mois à venir.
Editado 5 veces | Última edición por Nilstilar (3 años hace) | Razón: Typos
#259 Añadido por Kaetemi 3 años hace
***DEL***Against the CoC, see: https://en.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/Ryzom_Code_of_ConductI.2. Slander or rumour about a Ryzom Team member or Winch Gate(Major/Minor offence: depending on the degree, the Support Team will decide on each case)Spreading rumours, false accusations or lies against a member of the Ryzom Team or against Winch Gate, in order to harm them or their reputation or honour, is strictly prohibited.The Support team reserves the right to make appropriate decisions based on the seriousness of the facts.
Editado 3 veces | Última edición por Kaetemi (3 años hace)
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