

#233 [en] 

[b]As the off-peak period ends in the early afternoon for players in Australia and New Zealand, and that some European players might want to use their alts as well, I was wondering : if the test goes well and the community largely wants it, would you consider in the future the possibility of extending this increased tolerance to more time zones?

I have the impression that you understand it the wrong way: the general limit is 2 accounts: In European night time (22 UT - 5 UT) four accounts are allowed. So why would it impact the multi accounts outside Europe more than in Europe? Also: reducing this the the very intention...

That said, basically everything can be done with 2 accounts other than killing certain bosses - where you then need 2 or 3 actual players.

Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Elke (3 años hace)


#234 [en] 

I have the impression that you understand it the wrong way: the general limit is 2 accounts: In European night time (22 UT - 5 UT) four accounts are allowed. So why would it impact the multi accounts outside Europe more than in Europe? Also: reducing this the the very intention...That said, basically everything can be done with 2 accounts other than killing certain bosses - where you then need 2 or 3 actual players.

I fully understand that there will be fewer European quad-boxers, but I have the impression that you do not understand my criticism. And that's fine; I'm far from the most eloquent, and depressingly accustomed to being misunderstood. Let me attempt to clarify my thinking. 

In Eastern US/Canada night time (1800-0100 EDT) four accounts are allowed. No problem. In fact, they make out quite well as they have practically unrestricted quad-boxing privilieges unless they have truly odd sleep schedules. Lifting the restrictions will work as intended. And I will concede that half of the US population is in that time zone, so if you can only pick one time zone to get more North Americans on, that's the one you should pick.

In Western US/Canada afternoon/evening time (1500 to 2200 PDT) four accounts are allowed. Quad-boxers might have to log off two alts at some point, especially if they are night owls who don't go to bed early. It may or may not be worthwhile for them to have more than two accounts, so the effectiveness of lifting the restriction is questionable. If I ran 3-4 accounts, this would make me drop a subscription or two, and I have a hard time believing that there aren't any other left-coasters that feel the same. 

In Australian day time (0800-1500 AEST; 0600-1300 AWST) four accounts are allowed. Except for the people in Western Oz that want to play for an hour or so before work, they will simply never be on when four accounts are allowed except on weekends. And Asians and Pacific Islanders are also in/near the same time zones. It simply would make no sense for them to bother with more than two accounts, period. Just as it makes little sense for European players that generally are not up between midnight and 7. 

So we have something that helps half of North America, doesn't really do much for the other half, and doesn't do a thing for pretty much anyone else around the Pacific Rim. That limits the benefits of allowing four accounts in ways that feed my skepticism. There is also an (unfortunately unavoidable) inequality there that just rubs me the wrong way. Combine that inequality with the dubious effectiveness and you will get pretty close to the reason for my having reservations about this whole thing.Does that clarify anything?

Like I said, I hope to be proven wrong, and we won't know if we don't test it. But if I'm even partially right, I hope that my input will help craft a more effective solution.

Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Gidget (3 años hace)


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#235 [en] 

Gidget, I envy your ability to use timezones.

The short of it is that the times were chosen because it's when the population is consistently the lowest. It's definitely not perfect but it is something to try to help fill some gaps in making teams for bosses and other activities. And hopefully a few more homins around if fresh ones need answers. Perhaps it can be expanded after the trial month.


Homin Reaper Karavan

#236 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (July 12th 2021)

Date: monday, July 12th, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CEST)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public forge channel
  • Ryzom Chat, channel #pub-forge-xx (ex

Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
    -Test of Ryztart, the new Ryzom installer/launcher
    -Upcoming update of the Code of Conduct
    -Events in july and august
    -Recrutement: Event team

Última edición por Tamarea (3 años hace)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#237 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting report – July 12, 2021

1 - Test of Ryztart, the new Ryzom installer/launcher

Ulukyn (RT) – 19:39 UTC
I inform you that Ryztart has reached a rather satisfactory stage (even if there are still some small things to be polished and translations that could be missing).
It is now stable enough to propose it in beta version on the Ryzom website, at least the Linux and Windows versions (the Mac version has not been finalized). We will also make a post on the forum to get your feedback. In the meantime I give you here the links for the downloads:
• for Linux >>>
• for Windows >>>  (this is only 64b version, for those who are still in 32b, be patient).
It is not necessary to uninstall ryzom_installer, nor even Ryzom, but it is strongly advised to save the folders 0/ 1/ 2/ 3/... which contain your backups and which are located in :
• under Windows >>> C:/Users/<USERNAME>/AppData/Roaming/Ryzom
• under Linux >>> ~/.local/share/Ryzom
You can find more information on the wiki.
That's it for Ryztart. Any questions or comments?
  • I've been testing Ryztart for a while and overall, it's really easier to use, which is great. I have a question though, most of the time I get stuck on "Checking" and I have to restart the installer for it to work. Is this something that has been reported already?
    Yes, several returns and several reasons for it to block (in fact, a crash and it blocks). So I can't assure that everything is correct, there can be particular cases that block. If it happens again you can post it on the test channel or on the forum and I will contact you (don't post a copy of the debug window, it could show sensitive data).
  • Will this new tool be mandatory or will it be possible to do without it? Especially when applying patches?
    Ryztart remains compatible with ryzom_installer. In fact, with the option to patch without using Ryztart, basically everything is possible. Ryztart launches the client with a no-patch option (since it already patches). But the client is still able to patch itself and it is also possible to use the ryzom_patcher.
  • Where are the sources published and under what license?
    You can find them here, under GPL Affero (maybe not the best suited license).

2 - Upcoming update of the Code of Conduct

Tamarea (RT) – 20:05 UTC
We will soon update the Code of Conduct with regard to multiboxing, courtesy rules and sanctions. I will present to you what we will change.
As a reminder, the current Code of Conduct is available here (click on the language flag to change it).
Addition of a penalty scale
Adding (in B. Warnings and sanctions) a penalty scale for ''Major Offence'': 1 week of suspension / 1 month of suspension / 1 year of suspension (NEW) / Permanent ban.
Precision in the Courtesy Rules
Adding (in I.7. Bad behavior on a chat channel of the game (Game server, IRC, forums and Rocket chat included)) homophobic ones to the list of prohibited comments.
[b]Modifications about Multiboxing and PvP & Multiboxing during off-peak hours[b]
Three additions in III.4 Multiboxing, namely:
a) Adding all PvP situations to the list of those subject to limitations: to clarify the code of conduct, we will extend the limit of 2 simultaneous accounts to all PvP, i.e. PvP on outposts, in PvP regions (i.e. including super nodes and the Nexus), and everywhere on Atys.
b) Adding a new paragraph ruling multiboxing during off-peak hours: to allow US players to access the high-level game again and to give us a chance to repopulate the server during US hours, we are currently (until July 15) testing the tolerance of 4 simultaneous accounts for everything but PvP during off-peak hours, from 10pm UTC to 5am UTC (0-7am CEST), so during the hours when it is necessary for proper gameplay. As the community response and the impact on the number of US connections/subscriptions is positive, this rule will be added to the CoC in a few days, as follows.
III.4.4 Multiboxing during off-peak hours
Multiboxing is tolerated for up to four simultaneous accounts for all activities except PvP during the hours when it is a gameplay necessity due to low game server traffic (22h-10h UTC, i.e. 0h-12 CEST).

c) Adding a summary of the multiboxing rules, as follows.
At times when the game server is busy enough - 10:00 UTC-22:00 UTC (12:00 CEST-00:00 CEST)
Multiboxing limited to 2 simultaneous accounts during:
  • PvP
  • Bosses Hunts
  • Marauders bosses assaults
  • Storyline scripted events
Multiboxing tolerated at 4 simultaneous accounts for all other activities.
At times of low game server traffic - 22:00 UTC-10:00 UTC (00:00 CEST-12:00 CEST)
Multiboxing tolerated at 4 simultaneous accounts for all activities except PvP.
Do you have any comments or questions?
  • I would just like two confirmations: kitin invasions are not scripted events and 4 simultaneous accounts are possible at any time?
    Yes. The scripted events are very often missions, and the NPC who gives them displays a Storyline icon. Only exception at the moment: cartographer stones.
  • So, whatever the time, I can have 4 accounts connected at the same time except for the activities mentioned?
  • I just wanted to clarify the rules for PvP. Can you take more than two characters into PvP areas (like Lands of Umbra) as long as you don't engage them all in PvP fight?
    Yes, 4 characters can be in a PvP region at the same time, as long as no more than 2 of them engage in PvP combat. But be careful: only these two can take part in the fight (including healings and resurrections), and in case of defeat, the other two cannot engage in their turn (resume the fight).
  • When the time changes (for Winter time), will the designated times stay on Central European Time?
    I can't answer this right now, but we will make sure that this doesn't penalize those who play at low server traffic times.
  • Should we report offending players to you, or are you able to check if someone is multiboxing while hunting for Kings or any other prohibited activity mentioned?
    If you notice any abuse (more than 2 simultaneous accounts on a King, etc...), you should send a ticket to, along with a screenshot or video showing the 3 or 4 characters and the date and time in game (radar or map).
  • If, in a PvP zone, one of my characters gets killed but I don't want to fight in PvP, can I heal my character with a third one?
    This is a special case, and we will think about it in the Support team.

3 - Events in July and August

Tamarea (RT) – 21:03 UTC
As many people are absent in July and August, both among the players and the animators, the Storyline events as well as those of nations and factions usually proposed by the Event Team (one per week) are put on pause until September.
The summer leaves room for player events, mini-bosses, kitin invasions, atmosphere events… Atys Games should be back during the whole month of August.
Any questions?

4 - Recruitment : Event team

Tamarea (RT) – 21:06 UTC
We are looking for volunteers who want to help write event scripts, or wish to become actors by playing a character during the events we play.
Training is provided, and entry into acting is accomplished very progressively to allow time for the recruit to bed in.
Join us to benefit from this unique experience!
To apply, contact Tamarea exclusively at [i][i].

5 - Other issues

(21:07 UTC)
  • What are the plans for the Marauders faction? Is it scheduled to continue to develop it even though it has now very few players (about 5 active)?
    Yes, we continue to develop it, and besides, the next episode of the Storyline will highlight it. If you want to know more about it, you can ask to join the marauder gameplay working group and participate in its development.
  • I know people want new content for Ryzom, but can I ask, on behalf of many players, that the Encyclopedia quests be reviewed, please (many are buggy and some are completely out of order)?
    We have made some progress on this by preparing a tool that will make it easier to add to the Encyclopedia.
  • About the Marauders... Will the light and medium bosses ever arrive? And could the loot for light bosses include pants and robes, or are those items reserved for those of the Event Team? And couldn't we change the colors of the marauding dresses that can currently be earned (via PvP points) to blue, white, black and red? And finally include the robes of the colors of the other current bosses in the loot dropped by Dante and Pei-Ruz?
    These are interesting questions, could you post them on the Ryzom ideas forum please?
  • When will we have the Trytonist faction?
    The Trytonist game can of course be done in roleplay, but we don't plan to develop it in gameplay.
The meeting is closed at 21:48 UTC

Editado 5 veces | Última edición por Nilstilar (3 años hace) | Razón: FR typo


#238 [en] 

Regarding new players in Silan - a huge part of why i kept playing more than a week is that at the time there were advanced players there who spent most of their time helping the noobs. I met them almost instantly. It gave me a sense that this was a community. I know many people still help the newcomers in silan, but we should remember to encourage these silan mentors for the work they do to keep people playing. Perhaps even make mentoring an official thing?

#239 Multilingüe 

J’ai aussi l’agréable souvenir d’avoir été aidée sur Silan par quelques joueurs qui m’ont reçu d’une façon exceptionnelle. Avec de la rigueur et du sérieux, ils m’ont conseillé pour pouvoir avancer dans le jeu. Je ne citerai pas leurs noms car j’ai peur d’oublier quelqu’un. Mais je suis complètement d’accord avec l’idée d’un « mentoring », leur dévouement et gentillesse ne mérite que gratitude.

#240 [en] 

Regarding new players in Silan - a huge part of why i kept playing more than a week is that at the time there were advanced players there who spent most of their time helping the noobs. I met them almost instantly. It gave me a sense that this was a community. I know many people still help the newcomers in silan, but we should remember to encourage these silan mentors for the work they do to keep people playing. Perhaps even make mentoring an official thing?
a + on the mentoring part, but what 'reward' or benefit should they get?
maybe an 'invite' to become a mentor, resulting in a better experience share when teamed up (like not having the exp dropped to half if you are teamed with your mentor)

in truth tho, this is discouraged by the players themselves, old players to be exact, don't ask me to drop names, you know they are out there.



#241 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (September 20th 2021)

Date: monday, September 20th, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CEST)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public forge channel
  • Ryzom Chat, channel #pub-forge-xx (ex

Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
    - Ryzom installer/launcher: RyZtart
    - Wiki: Forge portal update
    - Next patch: Kitinlair occupations, Boss refactoring, Marauder gameplay
    - OP refactoring
    - Recrutement: Event team, Support Team, Translation team


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#242 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting report – 21 September 2021

Ryzom installer/launcher : RyZtart

So ryztart has been set as default for Windows and Linux. For Mac I continue the development (which progresses slowly).
An announcement has been put on the forum : .
Any feedback is welcome. Moreover on the announcement we are also looking for python/web developers who would like to participate in the creation of modules to facilitate the life of the players.

Q : RyZtart didn't work on my computer (arch linux), I had to use Steam. Would it be possible to develop AUR, .deb or .rpm ?
A : Any contribution is welcome. Managing all the packages is not an easy thing. One aur I could do, the rest I don't know.
Q : How long can we keep the existing system ? Will it work with the next patches ? Or do I have to install RyZtart now ? (Linux here).
A : There are 3 ways to launch the game :
1 - Run the exe and have everything on one folder (the very old method)
2 - Launch ryzom installer
3 - Launch ryztart
The 3 work with the same patch system and will continue to work.
However, if there are patching problems, in most cases, Ryztart will fix the problem.
Because Ryztart patches the game itself, where methods 1 and 2 use the client to patch itself.
If it misses ... The patch is no longer possible.
On the other hand, the ryzom installer will not be updated anymore.

Q : Ryztart will separate the part : Atys, Yubo and Gingo in the save files ?
A : In the same way as the ryzom installer does. The compatibility is 100%.
If you use RyZtart, then switch to ryzom installer, it will be able to patch the game and vice versa.

Q : I use method 1 and Steam to patch my files. Should I switch to the new installer ?
A : This is an original way of doing things but it also works very well. So no reason to change.
Q : I'm talking about those poor victims of Windows 10 and their strange sound cards : the old installer had a button to call the old Ryzom configurator where you can set the sound driver - FMod, etc.
A : It was added two days ago.
Q : I am still on Windows 7. Will I be able to use the new installer ?
A : Normally yes. But if there is a problem, please contact me.
Q : The old installer worked fine. Why did you change it ? Just curious.
A : For many reasons.
But the main one is that it did not patch the game.
The patching of the game was the responsibility of the client itself, which is never a good thing.
If the client misses the patch, there is no way to patch.
Or go through the separate patcher but that only works for Atys.
The second reason is that the ryzom installer is a pain to manage the access to the test servers.
We can spend afternoons trying to add the Yubo server or the Gingo server.

Q : Gingo, Yubo ... Are they all test servers ?
A : Yes.

Wiki : Forge portal update

We will update the Forge wiki page a bit.
Especially since we were able to simplify some processes and installations thanks to the work of ryzom core (especially Kaetemi).
Here is the new portal mockup : .
The links are placeholders, it's mainly to present the new vision of the Forge wiki.
With the idea to orient the player according to what he knows or would like to do.
We will try to add as much information as possible knowing that for new contributors, finding documentation is more difficult than leveling up all the jewel creation branches ...

Q : Is building the client and server still a pain in the ass or has it become easier ? I know this was a sticking point for some people a few years ago.
Especially running an operational ryzomcore server rather than the build itself.
Why not provide some basic primitives to have a working ryzomcore ? I'm thinking for example of the old racial start zone.

A : The client build is now done via a small script on Windows, the same script will be adapted to Linux.
As for the server, the build is also simple, but ... The server build is more complicated, especially since it requires private datas.
But ryzomcore provides a complete archive, turnkey to launch a core server.
Which in the vast majority of cases will suffice.

Q : Wasn't the rudimentary data available from Silan when the client/server became open source ? Is it still available ?
A : It is still available and ryzomcore is adding missing data continuously.

Next patch : Kitin Lair occupations, Boss refactoring, Marauder gameplay

The next patch will be accompanied by a long migration operation that will block the whole day.
We will indeed update the web server and all its components.
For this, we will do it in 3 steps :
1 - Migration of the game database and the webig to a server already up to date (and check if everything goes well)
2 - Test the code on a server already up to date (and check if the code is still functional)
3 - Update the web server
In the next few days we will proceed to step 1.
Steps 2 and 3 are planned for later.
We will take advantage of this patch day to add the last Marauders mini-camps, move the NPCs and items of the Kitin Lair occupations in the Kitin Lair and add the new bosses in the Prime Roots (boss refactoring project).
Occupations have 2 elements, an NPC that gives the occupation and the missions.
And a targetable element that allows to create the products of the occupation.
These are the NPCs and this element that will be moved.
So the NPCs and the table will now be in the Kitin Lair.
I forgot to mention that we will be implementing bosses in the Prime Roots and the next step will be to finalize the project by adding them to all of Atys

Q : Does this mean that the larvester and scroll maker tables will be moved to the Kitin Lair ?
A : Yes.
Q : Will the existing Prime Roots bosses be removed ? Will the new Prime Roots bosses change ?
A : Please see this post : which explains the boss refactoring project in detail.
Q : Is there an approximate deadline? An update date? It would be good to know the approximate date so that we can plan it a bit.
A : If everything goes as planned, the patch with all-day closure of Atys will take place early next week.
We will of course keep you informed as soon as we know the exact date.

Q : For the newbosses : will there be new bosses in the Kitin Lair too ?
A : There are no plans for new bosses in the Kitin Lair at this time.
Q : Will Rocket Chat stay open ?
A : We will open the Ryzom Discord so we can communicate with you while Atys and Rocket Chat are closed. The link will be given on the forum.
The Ryzom Discord will be open this weekend. The link will be given on the forum and will be visible on the Atys login page during maintenance.

OP refactoring

Since a few weeks the tests are in progress at Nexus.
From the information we have, it seems to be quite well balanced, but we would like to have feedback (here, in the forum or on the project channel).
The idea is to validate this step to move on to the next one, the GvG (guild against guild) which will require a different NPC setting.

Q : Any context on OP refactoring, or links on forums we can read about it ?
A : 0 .
Q : Some guards stand behind mountains in places that are difficult to reach. Maybe you could check all the positions again ?
A : I'm going to apologize, I put them there to see how the players would react. There is no problem about moving them.

Recrutement : Event team, Support Team, Translation team

The Support team resumes its recruitment campaign.
We need you, your availability, your technical knowledge and gameplay of the game but also your diplomacy, to expand our ranks and best meet the expectations of players.
As a CSR, you will have a variety of tasks to perform that you feel most comfortable with :
- IT support for players : help them to run the game correctly on Windows, Linux or Mac ;
- Technical support : answering players' questions about using the client and about gameplay issues ;
- Bug handling : help players facing a bug, check the bugs reported by the ticket system and then forward them to the Development team;
- Role of tester on the test server ;
- Ensures that the rules of the game are respected ;
Moderation of discussion channels, forums and any other media used by Ryzom.
To learn more, please see this post : #2 .

We're looking for volunteers who want to help write event scripts, or who want to become actors by playing a character in the events we play.
Training is provided, and entry into acting is done very gradual to allow time for the recruit to get his bearings.
Join us to benefit from this unique experience !
To apply, contact Tamarea exclusively at

We are looking for volunteers to translate in-game texts and official announcements into English, German, Spanish, Russian, French, and to proofread texts.
To apply, contact Tamarea exclusively at

Editado 3 veces | Última edición por Jadeyn (3 años hace)


Jadeyn | Senior Game Master | Polyglot/Multilingual
Ryzom Support Team

#243 [en] 

Q : Is building the client and server still a pain in the ass or has it become easier ? I know this was a sticking point for some people a few years ago.
Especially running an operational ryzomcore server rather than the build itself.
Why not provide some basic primitives to have a working ryzomcore ? I'm thinking for example of the old racial start zone.

A : The client build is now done via a small script on Windows, the same script will be adapted to Linux.
As for the server, the build is also simple, but ... The server build is more complicated, especially since it requires private datas.
But ryzomcore provides a complete archive, turnkey to launch a core server.
Which in the vast majority of cases will suffice.

You can link to this directly, and you're welcome. (This is still in preview, so please share any issues.)

The package provides not only the server & client development environment, but the complete graphics and leveldesign pipeline.

It only takes about an hour to set up a local development environment and shard.

We'd love to see the old islands fully released, but WG so far won't allow us. They are empty for now.

Q : Wasn't the rudimentary data available from Silan when the client/server became open source ? Is it still available ?
A : It is still available and ryzomcore is adding missing data continuously.

We only have permission to release data that does not contain any unreleased balancing or mob placement data, and only the essentials to make the assets, client and server fully build and run.

Landscape can be fully built now. We painstakingly restored several missing source assets for the Ring landscape that were lost in the transition from Gameforge to WG. (And in the process fixed some islands that were broken in the original build.)

Additionally, a group of disgruntled ex-players is working on creating tools and spreadsheets to generate new data procedurally. Currently all mobs and equipment items are usable, allowing you to create your own world using both World Editor and the Ring. Player actions and materials are not yet available and still in the works.

***DEL*** irrelevant.

Editado 6 veces | Última edición por Tykus (3 años hace)



#244 [en] 

Currently all mobs and equipment items are usable, allowing you to create your own world using both World Editor and the Ring. Player actions and materials are not yet available and still in the works.

I'm following this project for a while and I had tears in my eyes seeing (a more or less empty) ring shard working on my own machine! I miss this game mechanic so much and I am very thankful to all the people involved who fixed the many issues this project had.

I hope to see some of these mechanics return to the main game again, esp. for roleplay and / or events this could add some excitement granted the tools and shard is stable with a larger group of players.

I'm excited for Ryzom to see so many new projects appearing, interest in the game is still strong.



#245 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (October 4th 2021)

Date: monday, October 4th, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CEST)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public forge channel
  • Ryzom Chat, channel #pub-forge-xx (ex

Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
  • Database migration and webIg server change
  • Feedbacks on the Patch: Kitinlair occupations, Boss refactoring, Marauder gameplay
  • Recrutement: Event team, Support Team, Translation team

Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Ghost of Atys (3 años hace)

#246 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting report – 04 October 2021

I'm going to review the migration and the patching that went on.
We had planned to migrate the very old web server that contained the webig and nevrax tools to a new fresh server.
In order to minimize the problems, it was agreed to migrate only the database (step 1), upgrade the server to a ubuntu version still in LTS (16.04) at least (step 2).
Then on the server make a copy of the apps and test them in php 7 (step 3).
Finally when everything would be ok, we would switch on (step 4).
Then finally a new server will come to add the replication in case it is necessary to switch services (step 5).
Well ... All this was without anticipating that the web server would fail.
This forced us to finally do steps 1 to 5 in 24 hours.
So, report of the operations :
All our servers are currently running Ubuntu 20.04.
The old web server is going to leave us (but no one is going to mourn it ...).
We have the main applications running without major errors (quite a few warnings that we will correct as we go along).
But overall, it's a very good thing done and no more big migrations are planned.
The next updates will be done during a reboot on the Atys server so that the game will not be blocked anymore.
So for the migration, we are not bad.
If there are any questions about this, don't hesitate.

Q : We have just seen that a server failure can always happen. However, as I understand it, there are not enough servers to ensure true redundancy.
Is this taken into account in the BCP/DRP ? In fact, is there such a thing as BCP/DRP ?
Not everyone is familiar with the technical terms, can you rephrase ?
Business continuity plan / disaster recovery plan : basically, the crisis management plan.
(Cf. SGDSN guide on the topic).

A : The database will be replicated with, the code too. and will be mirrored in order to take over in case of.
All via ip failover to not have to wait for DNS propagation.

If no other questions we can move on to the patch.
There is still a problem to fix concerning the occupations of the Kitin Lair which are bugged.
This will be solved soon, but we don't know if it'll be necessary to patch and reboot the server or not.
We'll keep you informed.
Boss refactoring has been fixed at launch and for the moment is running normally.
If all goes well, at the next reboot/patch we will apply the system to all Atys.

Q : When will that be estimated ?

A : Difficult to say, it will be necessary to adjust this according to the feedback of Boss Refactoring and the events of Anlor Winn.
Also missing are the icons for the Marauder mini camps (which will be added without needing a patch).

Q : If the old Boss system has a minimum respawn time of ~2 days, what's the minimum respawn time for the current new Boss system ?

A : Very good question ...
It is exactly of ...
Damn ... They deleted my post !
Well, too bad !

Q : Good evening. The wheel had problems, is it spining correctly ? And above all to bring back prizes ?

A : Yes. According to my tests, it is good.
I have added the id and the name of the items that we win in the info system.
If the wheel is blocked or an item is not won, just send us the screenshot of the info system.

Q : Does it work when you win a whole furniture too ? I feel like I've never been able to recuperate them.
The Id of the item, it also works for the complete pieces of furniture that we win at the wheel ?

A : Yes. So if it bugs, I'll know which item.
If no other questions, openssl ?
I know everyone is looking forward to this topic.
So, to put it simply, our clients are no longer compatible with a modification of the let's encrypt certificates.
Which remains one of the major authorities for providing ssl certificates.
To understand : it is thanks to them that we secure our websites in https.
And as a result clients are no longer able to access https sites that have a let's encrypt certificate (which is the case for our servers).
There is a configuration that allows to keep compatibility with clients using openssl 1.0 (so the old version).
This is what we did while waiting to update the clients.
Currently we are testing Windows 64 bits and Linux 64 bits clients with openssl 3.0 and no major issues.
We will apply the same modification to Steam and Macos versions.
If you are hosting webig apps that are no longer accessible from the game, you can come see me and I will help you configure your server to enable compatibility (this is a certbot option).
Well, it's still under discussion but we wonder if we will continue to maintain 32 bits versions under Linux (and Windows).
There are really very few people left on 32 bits configuration.

Q : Your last sentence let me suppose that I have my answer : is there a volume of Windows (7, 8, 10), Linux (I don't make the list), MacOS clients with 32 or 64 bits precision ?
Without revealing it to us of course. Or percentages, maybe ?

A : We use Steam's stats as a basis, but we don't have this kind of information on our side.
MacOS it's easy : there are no more 32 bits clients for years.

Q : My new laptop that is Windows 10 will only run ryzom on 32 bits config so what will happen to that ?
I had to go into advanced config and choose 32 bits, to make it work.

A : The OS is 32 bits ?
So we have at least one player still in 32 bits.
We can talk about it again in private message, it can be interesting to know what forces the use of 32 bits.

Q : Hum, why openSSL 3.0, and not 1.1 ? 3.0 seems a bit too experimental, for now.

A : It has been stable since September 7.
It is only used with curl in a very basic way.

Q : If I may interject, that wasn't a change in let's encrypt certificates : one of their root certificate expired, which is quite different.
All the certificates were cross-signed and therefore there was another path to valid root.
As far as I know the issue was that old versions of OpenSSL have troubles finding this alternate path.
New certificates shouldn't have this issue, therefore a quick workaround could be to rotate the certificates before their expiration date.
That's not perfect because each app would have to do so, but it seems better that whatever hack.
By the way, there is better ACME client than certbot, but this is a different topic.

A : We based this information on : e/ .
And indeed, an openssl 1.0.2 client doesn't work, if you upgrade it to openssl 3.0 it works.

A : Yes, that's what I explained.

A : Ah ok, great then !
This meeting is quite technical !

Now the last topic : recruitment.

Support Team
The Support team continues its recruitment campaign.
We need you, your availability, your technical knowledge and gameplay of the game but also your diplomacy, to expand our ranks and best meet the expectations of players.
To learn more, please see this post : #2 .
To apply, contact Tamarea exclusively at

Event team
We're looking for volunteers who want to help write event scripts, or who want to become actors by playing a character in the events we play.
Training is provided, and entry into acting is done very gradual to allow time for the recruit to get his bearings.
To apply, contact Tamarea exclusively at

Translation Team
We are looking for volunteers to translate in-game texts and official announcements into English, German, Spanish, Russian, French, and to proofread texts.
To apply, contact Tamarea exclusively at

Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Jadeyn (3 años hace)


Jadeyn | Senior Game Master | Polyglot/Multilingual
Ryzom Support Team

#247 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | [Français]

Réunion de Ryzom Forge (8 novembre 2021)

Date: lundi 8 novembre, 20:30 UTC (21:30 CET)

Lieu :
  • Atys, sur le canal public forge
  • Ryzom Chat, canal #pub-forge-xx(

Durée : 1.5 heure

Participants : tous les joueurs de Ryzom le désirant.

Nature : réunion d'information, de questions / réponses et de feedback.

Sujet : Projets terminés, en test et prêts à être testés.
Ordre du jour
  • Projets en cours
    • Jeu de rôle papier dans l’univers de Ryzom
    • Refonte des avant-postes
  • Recrutement : équipe d'animation, équipe de support, équipe de traduction
Last visit sábado 28 septiembre 23:04:16 UTC

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