

#210 [en] 


Última edición por Jorgensen (4 años hace)

#211 [en] 

That is much better, thanks.

#212 [fr] 

thank you for the transcript. I'm curious how it will work out in practise :)


#213 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting ( November 30 th 2020)

Date: monday, November 30 th, 20:30 UTC (21:30 CET)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public channel RF
orDuration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.
Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
    New launcher

Última edición por Tykus (4 años hace)

#214 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | Français | English

Ryzom Forge meeting report – November 30th, 2020

New launcher (Tykus)

We have noticed that the current launcher ( ryzom_installer .exe) has some difficulties with patches [...]. So Ulukyn has coded a new one that should fix all these problems. It will allow you to import your profiles from the old one and to install in 2 clicks the test servers if needed. It will also allow you to create profiles for each of your accounts, which will be able to connect automatically, as shortcuts. The launcher is the software that launches before the game. It allows you to manage the servers and the patches, then the game will launch without any problem.

Q: Do we need to download the new ryzom_installer.exe and do you have an ETA?
A: For the moment it is in test phase, it is already downloadable for testing. The ETA will be defined by the test results.

Q: These words ''import your profile from the old one'' - does this mean that the new configurations (structure or hierarchy) will be somehow different from the current configurations? Why else would you use the word "import" instead of "copy"?
A: Yes, it's different, the new launcher makes the difference between profile (which is a folder with the backups, the .cfg client etc) and shortcuts which are the saved login information to connect quickly. At the first launch, the launcher will import the ryzom_installer settings as profiles AND shortcuts.

Q: I didn't understand the thing about profiles and shortcuts. Is it possible to explain it again? If I have several characters on several accounts, I have several profiles, right?
A: In ryzom, the client can use profiles to store screenshots, character backups and client settings. But several characters can be in the same profile without worries. Having only one profile works very well when you have several accounts. We used to make one profile per account with the ryzom installer. With the new launcher, this is not useful, just make shortcuts. It's simpler and it allows you to have only one folder to save.

Q: Is it for the Linux client as well? Q: All these .exe, it doesn't seem very suitable for mac clients. Is that planned?
A: There will be a launcher for each windows, mac and linux platform, of course. For the moment, only windows and linux are being tested.

Q: Once the new launcher is ready, will we have to re-install the game with it?
A: No, it can be installed instead of the other one without having to uninstall the old one.

Q: Can we also test it? Or is it reserved for developers?
A: No, you can ask Tamarea to be part of the testing team, the more testers there are, the more efficient the tests will be. It's mostly the different linux distributions that need to be tested. There are so many variants that we can't cover all aspects.

End of meeting

Última edición por Maupas (3 años hace) | Razón: Fixing displays of EN version


Liosta Frerini
Dame de Compagnie de la Karae Tamiela

#215 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting ( January 21st 2021)

Date: monday, January 18 th, 20:30 UTC (21:30 CET)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public channel RF
orDuration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
    New launcher
    Boss refactoring
    Storyline et events

Última edición por Tykus (3 años hace)

#216 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting report – January 18th, 2021

1 - Ryzom Team activity in 2020

Tamarea (RT) – 20:34 UTC
This page of the Ryzom Wiki lists the activities of the Ryzom team in 2020 :
It remains to be completed but thanks to the members of the Wiki group, who created it.
NB • The link is given for information so that you can read the page… later: the list is a long one!

2 - New launcher and installer

Tamarea & Ulukyn (RT) – 20:39 UTC
Windows, Linux and Mac versions of the new launcher and installer are in test.
We are looking for a maximum of volunteers to test this new launcher with the maximum of Windows, Linux and Mac versions.
The testers will not have to uninstall the game but just connect to Atys via this new launcher and check that the updates are done correctly.
Those who use different profiles on the current launcher will also be able to check that they appear on the new one.
If some of them wish, they can also test the installation of the game via the launcher. Please make sure to back up your data before doing so. If you make a new installation next to the one you usually use, please allow 8 GB of free space.
If you wish to help with these tests, please contact Tamarea on or by email at

Q: At the last RF meeting only testing for Linux and Windows computers was possible… Can testing for Mac computers start now?
Yes: the development phase of the Mac launcher was completed just today!

Q: Can you give us a link to download the new launcher?
Not here nor now: so that we can solicit feedback from all testers, this link will only be given upon individual request made to Tamarea.

Q: Will the new launcher allow two characters from the same account to connect simultaneously on Atys?
No, this is not technically feasible. As today, therefore, the simultaneous connection of several characters will only be possible if they are under different accounts.

Q: Will our guild channels soon benefit, like others, from automatic translation?
Most likely, yes. This is one of the requests under examination within the RT.

3 - Implementation of high-definition textures

Tamarea & Ulukyn (RT) – 21:11 UTC
Icons, user interface textures and all Atys maps have been enlarged by IA to get an improved HD version.
This improvement, currently under test, will be added in-game in the next patch.

Q: Will this HD version compensate for the visibility defect found when the value of the local interface parameter (scale) is greater than 1.00?
Yes, with these HD textures the tests confirm a very correct visibility for a value of 2.00 and they continue in order to improve the icon texts for intermediate values.

Q: Will the API be updated accordingly?
We are working on this update, but it is not without difficulties. However, all the images made available in the API will be in their HD version as soon as the next patch is released.

4 - Boss refactoring

Tamarea & Riasan (RT) – 21:28 UTC
For those who are not familiar with this project, it is detailed in the (FR) document available at this address: et qui sera publié sous peu sur le forum.
Latest developments :
- all the new spots of Boss' pop have been added ;
- all new Bosses and the loots they drop have been created and their translations are under testing.

Q: Will the names of the current Bosses be changed?
Non. Mais il y en aura de nouveaux !

Q: Will the value of the items collected from the remains of a Boss be related to the level of the latter?
Yes, the loot obtained from a low level Boss has less value than that obtained from a high level Boss.

Q: Is another test phase scheduled? And if so, for when?
Yes, a test phase on the development server will start soon (there are still some problems with the new loots and we hope to have it finished by the end of this week.

Q: Will a Boss of level N now be able to give up to his executors a loot of higher quality than N?
No: a killed Boss still provides a loot of equal quality to his level.

Q: Will there be Boss level lower than 70 and intermediate to the current scale (70 | 120 | 170 | 220 | 270)?
No, but the number of Bosses will increase significantly for each level of the recalled scale.

Q: When will these changes take effect in game?
As soon as possible, i.e. as soon as conclusive tests are completed... tests whose duration depends on the number of volunteer testers.

Q: Will there be new Bosses accessible for beginner characters (on Silan)?
No, the project concerns only the continents and the Prime Roots.

Q: Will there be other "corrupt" Bosses, like Cratchakyo was?
No, this is not planned at the moment.

5 - Events

Tamarea & Ulukyn – 22:04 UTC
The live events (scripted ones) resume at the rate of one per week.
Regarding the Storyline, the end of episode 1 is approaching and the beginning of episode 2 is coming soon!

Q: Is it planned to link live events to the Storyline?
Yes, a first one will take place soon, by the way.

Q: Will the Storyline prologue (the rumors) be debugged before the launch of its episode 2?
Yes, this to allow newcomers to unroll the episodes in order. It will also be improved in its operation to make it easier to play.

6 - Recrutement

Tamarea – 22:19 UTC
We are now focusing on recruiting volunteer testers. We have several additions under test (launcher, Boss refactoring...) and in order for them to come quickly into play, we need more testers.
If you are interested in joining the testing team, contact Tamarea on or by email at

Q Are volunteer testers notified individually of the dates and times of the tests they are asked to run, or do they have to watch for a request to appear on a page listing all of them?
No. The dates and times are, if necessary (group testing), determined jointly on the dedicated Ryzom Chat channel where the use of the @all mention allows all testers subscribed to the channel to be notified by email. But individual test requests are simply posted on a scheduling table. The suggestion of individual notification for casual testers will however be carefully considered.

Q: What exactly is expected of a tester?
Play an addition or a patch to the game, spot possible bugs in its operation and then tell us about them on the document gathering the feedbacks from the testers. But also, if it is an addition, give us your opinion on it, so that we can improve it before it is put into service on the game server.

Q: When a test is in Waiting column of the scheduling table (KanBoard), is it still possible to complete the feedbacks' pad?
When a test is in Waiting, it means that the test object has been handed to the developers for them to fix the bugs reported by the testers. It will be handed over to the testers (put again in column Testing) once the correction completed.

Q: Shouldn't volunteer testers be trained and accompanied, even if only a minimum, when they first join the team?
Yes, probably. We are thinking about that.

Q (off-topic): Is the Scenographic Editor scheduled to come back in game?
A (unexpected):
Yes, this is the next scheduled development task, by the way.

The meeting is closed at 23:00 UTC.

Última edición por Nilstilar (3 años hace)


#217 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (March 15th 2021)

Date: monday, March 15th, 20:30 UTC (21:30 CET)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public forge channel
  • Ryzom Chat, channel #pub-forge-xx (ex

Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.

: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
    Information about the new launcher
    Feedback on the last patch
    Refugee Days (Easter OOC events)
    News of the volunteer team (Ryzom Team)

Última edición por Tamarea (3 años hace)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#218 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | [Français]

Compte-Rendu de la réunion de Ryzom Forge – 15 mars 2021

1 - Informations sur le nouveau lanceur

Ulukyn (RT) – 20:34 UTC
Le nouveau lanceur/installeur ayant déjà été presenté lors des précédentes réunions Ryzom Forge je ne vais pas m'attarder dessus et je souhaite simplement vous donner ici un petit état des lieux et des avancées le concernant.
• S'agissant de Windows plusieurs gros bogues gênants ont été corrigés, mais un majeur demeure. Après sa correction (et si aucun autre gros bogue n'est découvert d'ici là), nous pourrons, je pense proposer le lanceur en beta test à davantage de joueurs.
 • S'agissant de Linux, rien de particulier à signaler. Mais comme cet OS présente un grand nombre de déclinaisons, notez bien que celles non testées sont probablement, elles aussi, nombreuses.
 • S'agissant de macOS, c'est l'OS le moins testé pour lors. Nous avons donc fait à nouveau appel à des testeurs l'utilisant couramment et si certains ici veulent se joindre aux tests en cours, ils sont les bienvenus, particulièrement s'ils utilisent ses plus anciennes versions.
Nous sommes donc assez proches d'une version diffusable à destination des bêta-testeurs (auxquels il est recommandé de sauvegarder leurs données avant d'entamer le test... on sait jamais). Mais nous ne pouvons pas aujourd'hui préciser la date de cette diffusion, vu que, entre autres, la décision de localiser ou non l'interface dans les cinq langues avant le beta test n'est pas encore prise.

2 - Retours sur le dernier patch appliqué

Tamarea (RT) – 20:48 UTC
Quels sont vos retours (avis et suggestions) sur les nouveautés et améliorations apportées par le patch appliqué le 11 février dernier (voir ici pour ses caractérisques) ?
Pour ceux qui ne peuvent pas consulter le lien ci-dessus, le patch en question portait sur :
  • Améliorations graphiques
  • Renommée des Maraudeurs
  • Améliorations diverses
  • Mises à jour de l'auto-traduction (DeepL)
  • Le Cap
  • Gameplay Maraudeur
  • OP de test au Nexus

Q : Ce patch rend-il-possible la désactivation permanent de la traduction automatique en jeu via DeepL ?
R :
 Le wiki indique (ici et ) la commande (disponible depuis août 2019) pour ce faire. À savoir :
/a setDontTranslateLangs [sigles des deux langues concernées separés par le caractère "pipe"]
Exemple : /a setDontTranslateLangs us|fr désactive la traduction automatique en français des phrases envoyées par un client américain.

Q : Comment signaler à l'Équipe Ryzom les nouvelles erreurs commises par DeepL ?
R :
Pour noter les exceptions de traduction à ajouter à DeepL, vous pouvez utiliser le forum RYZOM FORGE, fil Traduction » DeepL translation exceptions list.

C : Ne pourrait-on éviter que DeepL traduise les noms de personnage apparaissant dans une phrase ?

Q : Les mises à jour et patches sont-ils automatiquement téléchargés ou y-a-t'il une adresse où chacun doit se rendre pour les télécharger ?
R :
Le téléchargement des mises à jour et patches sur votre machine intervient automatiquement à votre première connexion suivant leur application sur le serveur.

Q : L'impossibilité où se trouve un personnage venant de quitter la faction Maraudeurs d'intégrer une guilde ou d'avoir accès à la téléportation ne serait elle pas une conséquence du patch ?
R :
Probablement non, mais elle peut faire l'objet d'un ticket à l'Assistance.

Q : Le défaut de traduction au coup par coup (page blanche au clique sur le bouton [Traduire]) des posts des forums ne serait il pas une conséquence du patch ?
R :
Non, probablement. Mais, là encore, ceci peut faire l'objet d'un ticket, précisant l'OS et le navigateur concernés, à l'Assistance.

3 - Fête des Réfugiés (events HRP de Pâques)

Tamarea (RT) – 21:38 UTC
Les events HRP de la Fête des Réfugiés (events de Pâques) auront lieu du vendredi 26 mars au lundi 12 avril.
Le détail en sera, comme d'ordinaire, publié auparavant sur le forum.

4 - Nouvelles de l'équipe de bénévoles (Équipe Ryzom)

Tamarea (RT) – 21:39 UTC
Je tiens tout d'abord à remercier l'ensemble des bénévoles de l'équipe Ryzom qui, en donnant de leur temps et de leur énergie, en apportant leurs idées et leur dynamisme, contribuent au quotidien à faire vivre et avancer ce jeu qui nous tient tous à cœur. MERCI !
• S'agissant du gameplay, cette année, l'objectif de l'équipe est de terminer les projets en cours et d'implémenter des fonctionnalités promises de longue date, sans pour autant délaisser la Storyline qui, elle, apportera de nouveaux contenus. Nous prévoyons aussi de retravailler un peu Silan afin de mieux guider les nouveaux joueurs sur cette île tutorielle.
• S'agissant du roleplay, nous continuons à vous offrir des events réguliers, au rythme d'un par semaine, en rapport ou non avec la Storyline.
• De plus, suite aux retours des testeurs, le mode de fonctionnement de l'équipe de test est en cours de révision avec la mise en place d'une organisation plus structurée et plus simple.
• Enfin, afin de faciliter le travail des bénévoles, les Devs sont en train de créer ou de mettre à jour divers outils internes :
    – un outil pour les CSR, incluant un nouveau système de tickets ;
    – un pour les testeurs afin de simplifier leur tâche ;
    – un outil pour les traducteurs afin de faciliter les traductions et corrections du texte en jeu ;
    – un outil pour la communication (broadcasts, annonces sur le WebIG).
Je laisse la parole à ceux souhaitant réagir sur ce sujet.

Q : Quels sont les projets en cours ?
R :
C'est un point qui mérite en effet d'être développé. Vu l'heure, je le note comme sujet de la prochaine réunion de Ryzom Forge.

La réunion est close à 22:00 UTC

Editado 5 veces | Última edición por Nilstilar (3 años hace) | Razón: Closing hour


#219 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français
Precision given after the meeting end: The list of current projects is visible on the roadmap (button ''roadmap'' on the WebIG homepage).


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#220 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (April 12th 2021)

Date: monday, April 12th, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CEST)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public forge channel
  • Ryzom Chat, channel #pub-forge-xx (ex

Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.
Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
    [Feedback] Your opinion about the Refugee Days OOC events
    [Information] Progress of ongoing projects: new launcher, marauder gameplay, OP refactoring, AIS changes

Última edición por Tamarea (3 años hace)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#221 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting report – April 12th, 2021

1 - Feedback on the OOC events of the Refugee Days

Tamarea (RT) – 19:32 UTC
The Refugees' Day events have just ended, so we would like to get your feedback on them.
What did you like about these events? What do you think could be improved?

Nine comments:
• The image to be reconstructed could have been a bit larger, but the whole thing was great.
• A good point for the radar not displaying the positions of the small eggs, but this seems to have had an effect on the range of said radar.
Ullukyn confirms: even if they do not appear on the radar, the small eggs are among the entities visible to the player and thus reduce the overall visibility.
• A pity the refugee eggs didn't reward me with any interesting item (only dappers, which are of no use to me), but I liked the whole thing.
• Nothing to say about the events (like the rendor hunt), except that I would have liked them to be more numerous and collective since the pop of eggs everywhere on Atys, that I have seen far too often in the past and it causes bugs and lags.
• Unlike last year, the rendors had no social behavior. I wonder if this is a good thing, since it doesn't compel players to form teams and allows everyone to farm at their own pace (including solo).
• I found the distribution of eggs well thought out (they were not really "everywhere"), but I think it would be better to make them even scarcer, to increase the pleasure of the search.
• As for the rendors, I found their "strength" to be disproportionate for Silan, and to see your level 250 character killed by a level 22 mob was, at the very least, strange. It seems to me that it would have been better to position them in Almati Wood.
Tamarea clarifies: the rendors were positioned on Silan so that new players could enjoy the "diversion" from their apprenticeship that the presence of the beasts (and that of their hunters) would bring. One attendee confirms that he has had at least one positive feedback from a new player.
• Overall, the party offered few activities that were accessible to low-level characters, except for O'Dunny's egg hunt. The latter was a good idea, by the way: the counter provided motivation for the search by setting a goal.
• As for the picture to be reconstructed, I would have rather been able to visit all the tribes of Atys at my own pace than having to wait 30 minutes before knowing the next one to visit: playing more than 15 hours in a row is impossible for me.
Thank you for your comments, which will all be passed on to the creators of these events.

2 - The future launcher/installer Ryztart

Ulukyn (RT) – 20:02 UTC
Fearing that a later addition would be problematic, we have wanted to take the time to add functionality to Ryztart before its release.
To wit: Ryztart now allows you to log in with your account name and password without having to enter them when launching the game and it will automatically retrieve the list of your characters and that of the servers (Atys, Yubo and/or Gingo) your account is granted access.
The objective of this addition being to make the launcher more secure, most of the work was to design a system that avoids having to store account name and password on the computer. Thus, Ryztart now only stores a token, which allows, and allows only, the connection to the game. Ryztart can also create shortcuts on your desktop for your characters that, too, do not contain either the account name or the password. Last, these shortcuts or Ryztart itself can launch the connection of a character without going through the "Character selection" step. (NB: this is already possible for those who know what parameters to provide to the current launcher).

Q: Since some people use more than one (to connect under different accounts), will the profiles be saved?
Yes: Ryztart allows to import them from the current launcher and it manages both profiles (folders 0 1 2 3 ...) and shortcuts.

Q: Will there be a version for Linux?
Yes: the Linux and Windows versions are already used by the first testers. Only the macOs version needs a little more time.

Q: Will the old launcher still work, just in case?
Yes, as well as the ability to launch the client directly. However, as soon as Ryztart is officially released, we will no longer provide user support for the old version.

Q: Will the shortcuts (Windows) allow two characters from the same account to log in simultaneously?
No: multiple characters from the same account will still not be able to log in.

Q: What about Windows 7?
First tests have been conducted, but the latest version of Ryztart is still to be tested under Windows 7... with your help, if you wish. In any case, we will keep you informed.

Q: What are the feedbacks for the tests on macOS 11 ?
As Ryztart for macOS is not yet 100% operational, tests are still to be done there too.

3 - Refugee Days (Easter OOC events)

Tamarea (RT) – 21:38 UTC
The OOC events for the Refugee Days (Easter events) will take place from Friday, March 26th to Monday, April 12th.
Details will, as usual, be posted on the forum beforehand.

4 - Outpost fights refactoring

Ulukyn (RT) – 20:27 UTC
We've strated the work on the outpost battles refactoring project.
As some may have noticed, four outposts have popped in the Nexus, of four different "levels" (100, 150, 200 and 250).
Their names suggest that they are not "like the others" and will not function in the same way at all. In fact, their ways of working will evolve following the avancement of the refactoring project.
At first, their conquest will be the object of GvE battles (a single guild fighting the NPCs defending the outpost), none of them will be owned by a guild (nor will they host any drill). That in order to test the impact of the projected shortening of the battle duration (from two hours to one) in the best conditions.

Q: During this test period, will the battles still include two phases?
No, because these are test outposts. If conquered after one hour of battle, an outpost will be returned immediately to its owners: the defending NPCs (out-of-faction marauders). But, if any battle can be a rewarding challenge, it costs equipment, ammunition, and time for those who fight it. So, the guilds that test will be rewarded for their commitment (to a degree yet to be determined).
We're planning for a guild to launch one attack per week, so hopefully four tests per week (one for each of the outposts) will allow everyone to participate.

Q: Will fighters be tagged and PvP allowed during these test battles?
These are outpost battles, so attackers will be OP tagged, yes. But they are also GvE battles in which, in order to not skew the tests, only the attacking guild's PCs will participate, with no allied or enemy PCs, so no PvP fight will be available.

Q: Will the level of NPC defenders be the same for all four outposts?
No. As with outposts in other regions, the level of the outpost is determined by the quality of the materials it can produce. The "level" 100 outpost in the Nexus will, as elsewhere, be easier to "conquer" than the level 250 outpost, so a guild will be able to judge its progress in the fight exercise by the level of the outpost it manages to conquer or the threshold it manages to make it reach.

Q: Will the level of each outpost be unchanging?
Yes, and once the project is finalized, i.e. once the redesign of the outposts is effective throughout Atys (the tests at the Nexus are indeed just the first ones of a long series), only the nature of the materials produced by any outpost will change between battles, not their quality.

Q: Are there any plans to establish new outposts, for example in the Prime Roots?
No. For now, our priority is the completion of the current project: we don't want to slow it down by spreading our efforts.

Q: Given the "PvP area" status of the Nexus, what will prevent anyone from attacking the guild busy testing an outpost battle?
Outpost PvP prevents guild PvP by construction, plain and simple.

Q: Does this mean you can quietly drill or hunt for an hour in the Nexus as long as your guild is engaged in an outpost test attack?
Basically yes. Relevant comment.

Q (off-topic): When will range weapons be finalized, like 1H weapons were?
Since our goal is to finish as many of the current projects as possible in order to have a constant rhythm and an increasingly efficient team, we had to postpone the launch of some others. Thus, the final development of the shooting weapons is not abandoned, far from it. It is just put on hold.
However, if you wish to participate in the working group that is nonetheless reflecting on the subject, you can contact Tamarea privately.

Q (off-topic): Are there any plans to do anything to boost non-outpost PvP to make it more attractive? If not, wouldn't it be possible to have a meeting to discuss this?
We'd like to be able to address all the topics, issues and difficulties that players may encounter. But we can't answer all the requests right now, it would be counterproductive.

5 - AIS improvement

Ulukyn (RT) – 21:12 UTC
This enigmatic wording actually refers to the additions made to the server to improve the artificial intelligence (AIS) that is managing the actions and abilities of the creatures and NPCs evolving within it.
These additions, I'm sorry to have to tell you, have given ideas to our dear Teanwen which will make you sweat a lot.. For they result notably in the extension to the NPCs involved in punctual events of certain abilities until now specific to outpost NPCs: launchers, bombs, healing, etc. Thus, as she was in the past, Teanwen will again be in charge of designing and driving animations and events where players will have to fight "mini-bosses" able, this time, to use a launcher, to heal themselves, to throw bombs or gas...
These mini-boss events will be announced in advance by in-game broadcast. Note that the AIS modifications have greatly increased the technical possibilities: be prepared, therefore, for many surprises during these little events!

Q: Will these additions improve the NPC patrols (which I find a bit dull) in the various areas?
No. They only impact animations and events. They do not constitute an overhaul of all the NPCs and creatures in the game, but only allow for new possibilities for animators and ARKitects.

The meeting is closed at 21:32 UTC.

Última edición por Nilstilar (3 años hace)


#222 [fr] 

From Agenda: [Information] Progress of ongoing projects: new launcher, marauder gameplay, OP refactoring, AIS changes.

So Marauder gameplay haven't been discussed at all, right?

#223 [en] 

Right, Sinvaders.
Not an oversight of mine.


#224 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (April 26th 2021)

Date: monday, April 26th, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CEST)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public forge channel
  • Ryzom Chat, channel #pub-forge-xx (ex

Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.

: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
    [Presentation] Ryzom's marketing plan: increase player loyalty
    [Presentation] Silan Refactoring project


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)
Last visit domingo 2 junio 15:14:44 UTC

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