

#1 [en] 

Daomei finishes her report and readies the scroll to be transmitted by the izam

I hereby want to report about the latest developments concerning the goo progression in the void. As already reported, we had to harvest materials for a barrier against the Goo on demand of master magnetizer Gioi Qiai-Zhan, a task which was accomplished considerably fast in cooperation of homins from all peoples. Only the need to wait for summer to harvest excellent zun amber delayed a bit, but in spite of the adversities of harvesting zun in summer (as it can be foraged under high humidity conditions only, which are rare in summer), the materials were gathered before autumn.

Next outstanding task was the meeting with the Master of Goo, Quarta Fallenor 4 2.AC 2595, a task for us Ranger Aspirants. As the Master of Goo had held out in their goo engulfed camp so far, we expected to have to speak to the tribe leader inside the camp, and developed schemes to send our envoys there under constant healing.

In fact, these preparations did prove unnecessary. On our visit, we found the camp largely abandoned. In the vicinity, a considerable number of homins from the clans of the marauders had gathered who also wanted to speak to the tribe leader Bo-Qung Fao. Instead, we first met the daughter of the tribe leader, Sao-Ko Fao, who informed us that the tribe had to evacuate the camp as the goo conditions had proven unsustainable, with her father being critically ill from goo contamination. The tribe had already gathered southwest of the camp with their belongings packed on mektoubs. Sao-Ko Fao asked for assistance to escort the tribe to their new, provisional location in the tunnel between the Void and Maiden Grove.

I had the opportunity to interrogate Sao-Ko about her and her tribe's knowledge about the causes of the goo progression. She confirmed that they neither knew how this phenomenon had developped nor were she aware of any remedy. She decisively denied any participation of her tribe in activities that may have caused this phenomenon hitting her tribe so hard.

The marauder followers had a message to the tribe they insisted to deliver to the tribe leader. Though very weak, Bo-Qung Fao, who long had opposed the evacuation, came to receive the message. The marauders did not attempt to keep it secret (I had offered to retreat in case they wished confidentiality) so I have no problem to disclose it. Chei Pui-Yan, from the marauder clan of The Hopeless, was announcing his soon arrival in the new territories, and asked Bo-Qung Fao for a renewed pledge of allegiance. This vow was confirmed by Bo-Qung, as well as by his daughter. Due to the critical health condition of Bo, we pressed to start the trek, as even marauder politicians could not win any gain from a dead tribe leader.

We all then escorted the evacuation together, pushing aside aggressive creatures on the way. But a large group of bandits of the Villains of the Void gang tried to ambush the caravan. We took up the challenge and managed to defeat the attackers who did their best and threw reinforcements against us. Anyway, they could not escape their defeat and eventually retreated after their losses had become unsustainable.

Eventually, we reached the final destination of the trek, the new location of the tribe. Due to the critical condition of her father, Sao-Ko asked us to escort her to the Shadow Runners' tribe in the neighbouring Maiden Grove region to obtain pain relieving medicine for her father. So we did. We learnt from the Shadowrunners' tribe leader, Ba'Roley Hathy, about the long lasting relationship between the two tribes. Long ago, Bo-Qung had led an attack against the Hamazan tribe freeing the Shadow Runners from slavery those Matis had held them in. Therefore, the Shadowrunners were glad to be able to help their old ally and deliver the medicine (they had most probably stolen from Tao Sian or an other dynastic healer, yet it's not my business to judge about).

We then returned to the new camp, and Sao-Ko thanked us all for our help. On request, she promised me to inform about any information she could get about the goo progression and its causes.

Última edición por Daomei (7 años hace)


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#2 [en] 

MacOd Bittty sips his stinga rum in Liffan's bar in Fairhaven and applies quill to paper. Cursing under his breath, he opens the ink bottle, dips the quill in, and writes clear words in black ink.

To Wuaoi Yai-Zhio, greetings:
I have just finished running what I call The Goo Line to see if the Zorai packages had any effect. The answer is that they have had some effect. The golden glow in the three locations has faded and the incursion of the Goo has retreated in almost all areas. The overly active Goo Clouds, however, continue to wander far from the border where Goo damage occurs, and the boundary has not pulled all the way back to where it was before the incursion.

The end result is that the Masters of the Goo camp and the Zorai Kitin Observation Camp are now free of the Goo. The guards have returned to the latter, but the tribe continues in its temporary location, not trusting this change since it was brought about by Zorai action.

The places where it has not pulled back include the area just to the west of Kipucka Hill where the Void entrance to the training Path is located, and the Mull of Despond where the boundary has actually advanced significantly at the eastern end of the Mull.

I trust this message meets with your favor.

MacOd Bittty
Ranger Aspirant

Bittty transcribes a second copy of his letter so that he can post the results to the Rangers at large, then summons an Izam and sends the letter on its way.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
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