
#1 Reportar | CitarMultilingüe 

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Topic to publish all your feedbacks around "Creation of Ranger Rite" ongoing project: comments, questions, bugs report, improvement proposals...


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#2 Reportar | Citar[fr] 

I remember a while back it was mentioned at one of the ranger meetings (out of Character), about the Devs receiving input about where we might want the 'Pathways' located on Atys. I don't know where to post the suggestions, so I will put them here.

  My desire would be mainly to have a pathway in forbidden Depths near the Kinreys nest, ( a safe place!). It makes sense, since it is the Rangers duty to monitor the kitins, and practical-wise too, it is real hard for a Ranger to get down there currently!

Also, my only other preference is a spot near the nest in Elusive Forest and perhaps also midddle to upper Windy Gate, someplace in the middle of Gate of Obscurity and perhaps at the top of Land of Continuity.

Sunken city I can live if it is put anywhere, can't ask for it to be too easy, but please not on top of Kinchers, lol.
~Thanks :)

#3 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Thank you for your suggestions, Naema.

There will be a Path entrance/exit in each of the Prime Roots areas and also on Nexus, in addition to the Paths currently known to the Apprentice Pathfinders.

Although Path entrances/exits are not guaranteed to be safe, as you well know, the Prime Roots entrances are not going to be significantly more unsafe than those you currently know.

-- Cerulean
Event Team

#4 Reportar | CitarMultilingüe 

It is now nearly 3 months since the completion of Ranger Rite has been announced for end of June. As no date for a Ranger assembly has been announced up to calendar week 28 (mid of July), and no announcement have been made, it seems unlikely that this will take place in July at all. Moreover, the Latest Developments -> Ongoing Projects -> #42 Creation of Ranger Rite does not show any change since mid of February: still 50% complete.

Ranger aspirants have shown a lot of patience and understanding for postponements since 2012. At least some information whether the completion can be expected in 2017 would be the least. The Ranger rite should not compete with Berlin airport construction.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#5 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Daomei and all other patient Rangers Aspirant.

You are correct that we are almost certainly not going to make it by the end of June.  I am hoping for July.

Work on the Rite has been actively going forward, but my vision for it is straining the available Dev time (which is interrupted frequently by such things as the F2P accounts modification, keeping the server running, etc.).

My vision is also straining the capabilities of the interaction between the Ryzom programing and ARK programming, so that workarounds are constantly needed and the result is suffering from project creep.  Riasan, who is my primary coder, curses my name daily.

However, a detailed outline IS in place, the background regions and NPCs for the Rite have been successfully created, and the rewards (Title and Map) for completing the Rite are very close to done. (The title is the easy part. No, I'm not going to be telling you the details about the Map. That's going to be a surprize.)

The hard part is the logic of the Rite itself -- making the NPC interaction with the players "realistic" and consistent with Lore and roleplay.  Conceptually that is simple.  Translating it into code is significantly less so. Riasan has worked minor miracles already.  More are in the works.

I promise another (OOC) update at the end of June unless we somehow manage to complete it earlier. Thank you all for your patience.

-- Cerulean
Event Team

P.S. How long did the Berlin airport take?  I want to know what kind of a deadline I have.
-- C

#6 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Thanks, Cerulean. Btw., to beat Berlin Airport, a delay of 7 to 9 years would be necessary :). From conception to completion it even beats Heathrow Terminal 5.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#7 Reportar | Citar[en] 

To all Ranger Aspirants, both patient and impatient, I promised you an update at the end of June and this is it.

Work continues on the Ranger Rite, but the chances of having it fully tested and in place in July are looking less and less likely. Summer is a time when the teams are free from some of their burdens in the world outside Ryzom, but it is also the time when the volunteers plan vacations with their families. (That includes myself, I'm afraid.) Development continues, but is slowed.

Three of the five modules needed to make the Ranger Rite work have now been completed and partially tested. The other two are being worked on. Art assets are 2 out of 3 finished.

There will be a Rangers Assembly Scheuled in mid July as soon as I clear it with the rest of the Event Team. Please continue to act as good Rangers to be.

-- Cerulean

((P.S. - If anyone feels like translating this to other languages, please feel free to do so.))


#8 Reportar | Citar[en] 

As you may have noticed, there has not been a Ranger Meeting, but there does continue to be progress. Art Assets are now 3 for 3 and several "impossible" things have been done.

I praise Riasan for creating miracle after miracle. We also now have additional help from the Level Design Team.

Enjoy your vacations. Mine will be interrupted by periodic sessions of testing and development, but that's OK -- I like my work.

Work has not ceased. It's going to be amazing and it is going to test your responses to all the Precepts, so keep them in mind.

Thank you, as always, for your patience.

-- Cerulean
Event Team and Ranger Responsible.

((P.S. - If anyone feels like translating this to other languages, please feel free to do so.))

Última edición por Tamarea (8 años hace)

#9 Reportar | Citar[fr] 

Thank you so much Cerulean and Riasan for 'Impossible' things. I look forward to it :)

#10 Reportar | Citar[fr] 

Traduction du post de Cerulean
Comme vous l'avez sans doute remarqué, il n'y a pas eu d'assemblée Ranger, mais il y a toujours des avancées. Les assets artistiques en sont maintenant au stade 3 sur 3 et plusieurs choses "impossibles" ont été faites.

Je loue Riasan qui crée miracle sur miracle. Nous avons aussi désormais une aide supplémentaire de l'équipe de Level Design.

Profitez de vos vacances. Les miennes seront interrompues par des sessions périodiques de test et développement, mais ça me va -- j'aime mon travail.

Le travail n'a pas cessé. Le résultat va être épatant et testera votre maîtrise de tous les Préceptes, alors gardez les à l'esprit.

Merci, comme toujours, pour votre patience.

-- Cerulean
Event Team et Responsable des Rangers.

Última edición por Tamarea (8 años hace)


Peu importe que la chope soit à moitié vide ou à moitié pleine, tant qu'on a le tonneau.

#11 Reportar | CitarMultilingüe 

*encourage la team*

Merci pour les nouvelles :)

#12 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Well, we have September now, and as the Event Calendar shows, there will be no new development until October. Then, the preparations for Anlor Winn will interfere, and afterwards, those for Atysmas.

I would welcome some realistic information about the state of the project. At least, the developments roadmap, project #36, has changed from 50% to 75% completion. Given that this took about a year, it does not seem extremely likely that the project will be finished (meaning open for players' bug reports) before 2018.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#13 Reportar | CitarMultilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français
Hello, the project has progressed very well and will be in test soon on Yubo (the test server).
By the way we will need 6 Ranger players to join the work group as Ryzom Forge members (so no NDA to sign): 2 Windows users, 2 Linux users and 2 Mac users. They will be "Ranger Players representatives" and will test the Ranger rite on Yubo, both to make bug reports and to give their opinion about the rite. If you are interested, please contact Tamarea by email (tamarea@ryzom.com) or by direct message on chat.ryzom.com

Editado 3 veces | Última edición por Tamarea (7 años hace)

#14 Reportar | Citar[de] 

@ Daomei

ich kann dir nur sagen, wie ich es sehe. die Leute die am Ranger Ritus rumfummeln, fummeln nicht am anlog oder atysmas Event rum ^^
außer wenn einer mal ein Problem hat, und Hilfe bedarf ^^

so hab ich das zu mindestens mitbekommen ;)

ist ja jetzt nicht so das da nur 3 Leute in der kompletten forge sitzen ;)

ps: na gut manche fummeln überall rumm :)) das liegt dann aber mehr an der Größe dessen forge Gruppe, oder eben daran das sie schon ein Thema durch haben ;)
als kleines beispiel, nur weil ich schon an atysmas Sachen bastel, (da ich die anderen sachen durch habe) bedeutet es ja nicht das es alle anderen auch tun ;)

Última edición por Remigra (7 años hace)


"Decateis I Kamirac" "Necateis Sye Mideshye"
"Decateis I Loke" "Necateis Atys Morhdeis"
"I Nidran Sye Alede E Sye Neyde Ilya Necateis I Ulca"

"Liberi I`Margus"

_ Graphic-Team _

#15 Reportar | Citar[fr] 

gads i hate to be so negative, but this was a project almost 2 years ago... titles, teleports, etc

i actually quit being a ranger not because of RP, but mainly because of low interest in updates
Last visit martes 25 febrero 23:48:38 UTC

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