
#1 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français | [Español] | Deutsch
Hola Homins

Esta es la parte de OOC relacionada con el anuncio oficial del Libro de gremios (Book of Guilds, /appzone 1960) y contiene información técnica no-RP sobre el proyecto.

Mi idea principal era intentar escribir una aplicación para Ryzom y familiarizarse un poco con las limitaciones y habilidades del sistema de zona de aplicación. La falta de una verdadera lista de gremios fue una buena oportunidad, así que empecé a trabajar en la aplicación RyGReg. Puedes encontrar una versión alfa en la zona de aplicación o ejecutar (escribe una línea de chat) /appzone 1947.

RyGReg, registro de gremios en Ryzom, obtiene la lista cruda de gremios de la API de Ryzom y la extiende con algunas informaciones editables. La idea (al final) es dar a todos los homins una herramienta multilingüe fácil de usar para ver, buscar y editar la información del gremio. Cada líder del gremio podrá editar el registro de su propio gremio o permitir que algunos altos oficiales lo hagan, sin mi ayuda. Estas dos características clave permitirán que la lista de gremios se mantenga actualizada. Hemos tenido 27 nuevos gremios formados en el corto tiempo desde que comencé con él.

El estado actual es que la autenticación no está funcionando, por lo que el líder del gremio debe ser rellenado. Entonces él / ella puede editar su propio registro de gremio sin ninguna contraseña. Si no está en la lista y quiere jugar con los datos ahora en la fase inicial de desarrollo, podemos cumplir. Muéstrame el título de líder y te añadiré.

Todos los cambios que haces en RyGReg también se muestran en el Libro de Gremios, esas herramientas comparten un DB. Mientras trabajaba en RyGReg herramienta y gracias a la retroalimentación positiva tengo una idea de unirse a mi interés en los gremios con algún juego de rol y mi idea actual es, si alguien está interesado, para hacer una serie abierta de pequeños eventos en torno al Libro de Gremios y la investigación.

El libro de los gremios se supone que es una interfaz de usuario de rol a la base de datos del gremio y reflejará los cambios futuros en él. Se supone principalmente que es un suplemento de juego de rol, pero cubre la mayoría de las características de RyGReg. Lo mantendré de esta manera, pero estoy buscando traductores. El sistema permite añadir cualquier idioma, por lo que es posible traducirlo a su idioma o a cualquiera de los idiomas de la nación. Cualquier ayuda es bienvenida como cualquier otro realimentación.

El futuro de RyGReg en sí depende de todos ustedes. No está terminado y es más una demostración de posibilidades. Entiendo, por favor, que deseo discutir los 3 principios básicos de la aplicación principal:

1) Datos almacenados sobre un gremio
Actualmente hay muchas opciones editables. Me gustaría oír lo que extrañas, lo que sería útil para ti, para presentar tu gremio. URL? ¿Actividad? ¿Zonas horarias?

2) Salida de datos
Dado que es una base de datos, básicamente se puede combinar todo con todo. ¿Qué datos le interesan? ¿Qué datos son importantes para usted para ver, qué buscar? ¿Qué datos (sobre) vería usted utilizaría?

3) Herramienta UI
No soy diseñador y observo que las posibilidades de aplicación en el juego son limitadas, por lo que RyGReg tiene una interfaz de usuario mínima, sólo para permitir que se utilice. Te pregunto por maquetas y sugerencias: ¿cómo debería ser la interfaz de usuario de la herramienta?

Usted puede enviarme un mensaje o, mejor, un correo de Izam, pero el mejor si usted está interesado en la reunión. Podría combinar una parte improvisada del jugador de rol con una pieza técnica de OOC / HRP que sigue después. En caso de interés, trataré de organizar.

Gracias por su atención.

Phaedrea's Tears

Editado 5 veces | Última edición por Moniq (7 años hace) | Razón: link to current stable

#2 [en] 

A similar list exists, maybe some data can be copied manually?

Good luck with your app :)


#3 [en] 

A similar list exists, maybe some data can be copied manually?

Good luck with your app :)

Thank you :) I know that list, unfortunately it's far to be complete, just roll a bit down... And I also seen other lists too, but feel free to post any links, will be useful in future research of guild histories.

#4 [en] 

Thank you for this amazing idea and nicely done app!


#5 [en] 

Thank you for this amazing idea and nicely done app!

Thank you.

#6 Multilingüe 

superbe travail Moniq :)

#7 [en] 

Thank you Kiwa :)

Anyway, german version of the book is now available, thanks to hard work of Glibber and help of Sorum.

#8 [en] 

Great, Moniq! :)
BTW, you can find a lot of guild in the encyclopatys ( for instance for FR)
There, generally, guild pages have name such "Guild of...", "Guilde ..." or "Guilde:...", for instance "Guilde:Cercle du Bois d'Almati", "Guilde:Hoodo". Those pages have full explanations. I do not know if it is useful for you. Maybe also you would add URL.


Zo'ro Argh
Chargé de recherche dans la guilde du Cercle du Bois d’Almati.
Ambassadeur des Rangers auprès des Matis.
Président de la N’ASA et fondateur de Hoodo.

#9 [en] 

Ahhh ... I didn't pick up this thread as RyGReg wasn't in the title or would have commented sooner and added suggestions for future additions here.  Love the app so in the interests of making it even better before version 1.0 arrives, .... will list the ones we spoke of for open discussion so folks following the thread can comment and add as I get more experience using it.  So here's my "Wish List".  Most of these fall into "two categories"

a.  User added info
b.  Data there, GUI tweaks

1.  Add a field for a link to the guild's IG forum thread in  "Guild Registry"

2.  Add space for a link to the guild's out of game web site if they have one.

3.  When you open the app, on "home page" put a quick link to folks own guild so they don't have to search for themselves.

4.  Right below allow users to add a quick link to  "Sister Guilds" (folks they are especially friendly with) so they can keep up with their friends activities.

5.  Search function for peeps in the RyGreg database.  So if I searched for Moniq, i would know that, for example, you left PT and joined a Marauder guild :) .... yeay, you added that since we spoke :)

6.  A spot to list origin of guild pre-merge .. i.e. "Arispotle Server , September 14, 2004"

7.  A "News" section where they can post  news Like "Bittymacod marries 4th wife"

8.  A way for guilds to "hide" members (status active or inactive)  w/o deleting them from the database.  Maybe add a "Inactive Members" page in case folks wanna see the status of a IG friend from years ago and how long since been around.

9.  A say for users to "hide / unhide" the activity list and / or control what is "on screen".

10.  An option to "Hide" the MOTD from display.  For example if you had "Phaedras Tears planning to declare on Fluffy Bunnies OP on June 14", you prolly don't want that being publically vieweable :)

Última edición por Fyrosfreddy (7 años hace)


#10 [en] 

1. Add a field for a link to the guild's IG forum thread in "Guild Registry"

2. Add space for a link to the guild's out of game web site if they have one.

Guild forum thread, guild web, related lore link... whatever. Yes, that will be added.

3. When you open the app, on "home page" put a quick link to folks own guild so they don't have to search for themselves.

Start page contains searching so you can quickly use the tool. Your details will stay in your profile page (1 click), you can open your guild profile from there (2 clicks) and see your guild members in guild profile (3 clicks). Maybe, in some distant future I will allow users to select which section will be the starting one.

4. Right below allow users to add a quick link to "Sister Guilds" (folks they are especially friendly with) so they can keep up with their friends activities.

It's a tool for searching and browsing guilds, not social network :P I will allow users to create list of favorite guilds (that list will be available in your profile) and specify a list of friendly guilds to your guild (that list will be available in the guild profile). I think you misunderstand activities. It's just a log of actions related to the user (user was online, user updated guild profile, user added guild member...). Nothing else, mostly actions that did update your guild last activity date and time and the list of actions itself is not too important.

6. A spot to list origin of guild pre-merge .. i.e. "Arispotle Server , September 14, 2004"

Some options to specify guild origin (non-RP info) and date when the guild was originally established will be added.

7. A "News" section where they can post MOTD or other news Like "Bittymacod marries 4th wife"

I will think about this. But honestly, this type of information is not important. Again, it's a tool primary to help others to find data about guilds. It is not important if Fyrosfreddy has new mek and what's it's name :P

8. A way for guilds to "hide" members (status active or inactive) w/o deleting them from the database. Maybe add a "Inactive Members" page in case folks wanna see the status of a IG friend from years ago and how long since been around.

Why? You import members to hide them afterwards? Just remove those you won't show. I will add more options like keep list of members up to date using API key or select those to include in one-time import. Plus some additional options like homin full name, guild title (master trainer, artist... whatever you specify) and so... suggest.

9. A say for users to "hide / unhide" the activity list and / or control what is "on screen".

I don't understand, can you be more specific?

10. An option to "Hide" the MOTD from display. For example if you had "Phaedras Tears planning to declare on Fluffy Bunnies OP on June 14", you prolly don't want that being publically vieweable :)

MOTD is not displayed and I don't plan to. You see it because you are allowed to edit your guild details and this "tool" is there in case you need to copy and use it somewhere else.


All changes in backend are not easy because of the Book of guilds. I must do things carefuly with back compatibility to not break (much) the book. Even when a lot of things are not done the best way, because a lot of aspects occured during the time. The first release of the book is final and will not be extended and I do not plan any changes. It will be replaced with second release in the future which will contain all new features.

#11 [en] 

I don't think I what I trying to convey is getting across, let me try and explain better.  The app is a very useful tool, though one has to be a bit careful on how one interprets some of the information presented.  But having TMI (too much information) on a  screen can often make it harder to find the information you want.

Those 10 items are things that,  to my eyes, will improve the user experience and / or, make the even more useful.  Now keep in mind I have no means by which to judge whether the added functionality is worth the T&E (time and effort) to provide them.  So while I think that these would be useful and welcome additions to the app, they might just require too much T & E to make it worthwhile.  So if something requires too much if  atime investment, feel free to say "Stuff it Freddy, I have a life ya know" :)
1 and 2 - Guild forum thread, guild web, related lore link... whatever. Yes, that will be added.

Super !
3.  Start page contains searching so you can quickly use the tool.

As does any web browser, but don't you think the "home page function" in a web browser is a useful function ?  Same thing.  One single action would be welcome for something that will be done repeatedly ...  right now its 6 actions for me,  ... click - 3 keystrokes (Flu)- click-click to select which of the 2 guilds come up.  Now if it takes 3 hours of programming to make that happen, then I'll feel guilty whining about 6 actions
4.a  It's a tool for searching and browsing guilds, not social network :P I will allow users to create list of favorite guilds (that list will be available in your profile) and specify a list of friendly guilds to your guild (that list will be available in the guild profile).

There was nothing suggested about any type of social networking type activities so I think that metaphor is inappropriate.   But as it has been defined as a  "Guild Browser", the appropriate metaphor would be a web browser.  And a web browser allows one to make bookmarks so as to provide a means to quickly access oft visited pages.
4.b  I think you misunderstand activities. It's just a log of actions related to the user (user was online, user updated guild profile, user added guild member...). Nothing else, mostly actions that did update your guild last activity date and time and the list of actions itself is not too important.

I understand what a logging file does, I guess I didn't explain my point clearly.   My PC has lots of log files, but they are not taking up space on my screen all the time 24/7 when we are using programs and utilities.  Under **default** settings they are there but hidden, you only see them when you click a button asking to see them. When I use Adobe Acrobat, AutoCAD or  a Word Processor I can click on a button which will tell me a full history of all my document edits and when they were made.  I have used that button maybe 3 times in over 25 years.  If they were sitting there 24 / 7, it would just be taking up valuable screen real estate.  If it's not serving a useful purpose, it's in the way.

We have Event Viewer in Windows and it's a fantastic tool.  It logs all system events that occur on my PC.   But, when I land at the Windows Home Screen, I don't have it sitting there with hundreds of lines filling the screen.   I love that I can see them if I want to but when I don't, they are just in the way.  So what I am suggesting  if it can be accomplished without much effort is basic data visible by default, log file data by clicking a "show me more" button.

6.  Some options to specify guild origin (non-RP info) and date when the guild was originally established will be added.

Super Cool
7.  I will think about this. But honestly, this type of information is not important. Again, it's a tool primary to help others to find data about guilds. It is not important if Fyrosfreddy has new mek and what's it's name :P

Well perhaps it was a mistake to use a humorous example as I did.  We can all think of silly things to put in a news section ...  such as what body part the Kardashians have decided to put on display each day, but that doesn't make all "news" unimportant.

As you said, the goal of the app is for it to be a tool for new players to obtain info and be informed such that they can make choices about which guild to approach.  I don't see that any of the following "news items" would be "unimportant" to players so I do not understand why this doesn't fall into the "to help others to find data about guilds" category

[i]"The [insert guild name here] guild has seen declining membership and will, at least temporarily be closing it's doors as of June 30 and merging with [insert guild name here]".  The guild will remain as an alt / storage guild and, if we a resurgence of old members returning to game, we will reactivate it.  Watch this space for news on that topic".[/insert]

[i]"The [insert guild name here] will be sponsoring periodic craft fairs, primarily for new players seeking to gear up.  The first will be held June 15 at Cerakos Gate and will rotate around Atys as needed.  Watch this space for future dates and locations".[/insert]

[i]The [insert guild name here] has been an active [insert faction name here] guild for over 4 years.  However we are seeking a change of pace and are undergoing preparations go join the  [insert faction name here] as of July 15".[/insert]

[i]"The [insert guild name here] has lately experienced a significant influx of new players and in order to be in a position to adequately address the needs of those new members, will not be accepting any new members until after July 30, 2017.  Watch this space for updates."[/insert]

8.  Why? You import members to hide them afterwards? Just remove those you won't show. I will add more options like keep list of members up to date using API key or select those to include in one-time import.

Again, the goal of the tool is to provide accurate and usable information to new players.  A guild that has been around for a long time will have many inactive players.  These member are generally not deleted for various reasons say because every few months or years, they return for a stint and then take another "vacation from game".  Or they may have say joined a year ago, but had budget issues, moved and they may or may not be coming back.  If not seen for a certain time, many guilds cull the list after a certain time frame.

So if a new player is looking for a person to contact in that guild, a list that includes 50 players that haven't been around in 18 months serves no purpose, it's just "in the way".  The clutter does make it harder to weed out the 15 active players from the list that is often well over 100 players.

On that note, it sounds like it may be impossible, but is there any way to make the player status not dependent on whether the players are / are not using the RyGReg app ?

Let's say I am looking for a Guild and I find one called "Bunch of Drunks" and I decide they are "right up my alley" based upon what I read.  So I go to the app members page and for each of the 76 members listed it says "Last Seen = Never".    Now that would put an end to any thoughts I had about joining that guild.  Even though that guild may have had 12 players logged in at the moment, because they haven't installed the app, from what that new player is seeing, that guild is a "dead guild".  (perhaps an explanation warranted here)

If the guilds had the ability to edit the list characteristics and define who is active and who is not, now that player knows that he is considering a guild that currently has 18 active players.  They can send an IG mail or PM to people on that "active list" inquiring about membership with a  reasonable expectation of getting a response.  More importantly, he hasn't crossed the "Drunks" off the list of guilds he might be considering.  Yes, if course we could just import the list from the API and edit out those folks, but when they resurface, I'd rather be able to make them active with click than clciking "add", typing names in and selcting rank.

See item 9 for suggest way to address this ... again if feasible.if it's feasible

9.  I don't understand, can you be more specific?

Guild Home Page

Right now .... if scroll down to bottom of page I see  "Last Activity" with a long list of data I can scroll thru

What I am suggesting ...

... if I scroll down to bottom of page I'd like to see  "Last Activity (Hide)"  and once I click "hide"
... that long list wont be there any more and I will just see "Last Activity (Unhide)".  Whether I have that info taking up screen real estate depends on my choice at any give time.

Members Page:


No. of Members:
No. of Active Members
No. of Inactive Members:
Active Members List last edited: [date]
"Show / Hide Inactive Members" button

Again here it's all about easing screen clutter.  Most times the list of inactive members is of no use so it's just in the way.  But say I am a returning player an I wanna know say if an a old friend was in a certain guild is he still playing.  If not in active list, I can open inactive member list... if not there, then it's likely they moved on to a new family.
10.  MOTD is not displayed and I don't plan to. You see it because you are allowed to edit your guild details and this "tool" is there in case you need to copy and use it somewhere else.

Yeah, I think that would make lotta folks unhappy.

Can this be used to edit / change the MOTD ?  Right now I just edit a text file because typing it fresh, with my typing skills, usually means doing it 3 times :)

Question:  I would like to list our Alt Storage Guilds ... now when on the edit page I see "Alt guild to" ... which implies that this should be the Alt guild page and I should be putting "Fluffy Bunnies" in that space.

Do I have to create the pages for the alt guilds 1st, put FB in those pages to have them appear on the FB page ?   EDIT:  Well I tried it and it worked.

Editado 4 veces | Última edición por Fyrosfreddy (7 años hace)


#12 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français | Deutsch
Hallo homins

The new version of RyGReg, Ryzom Guild Registry, has been released. It has been a long time since last announcement so here are some details about recent changes.

What is new

Guild database structure became bit stable. Leaders (or other allowed members) can edit all basic guild details, edit members either manually or import from guild API, publish guild about/statement/history in all guild languages, set relationships to other Atys organizations and add links to related external sources.

Users are allowed to search guilds by several options or, newly, browse all guilds in database. The guilds list table is sortable by table columns and the display of columns can be customized. Instead of recent changes the guild activity is displayed. Users can also search guild members by name.

Guild activity seems to be working well and there is also Recent guild activity table that shows list of guilds active in last 30 days.

It is possible to export basic guild information in code usable to post in forum registry.

About and privacy changes

There are some new specifications in About section of this application. You should take a moment to read about information as well as privacy policy details. All feedback about this statement is welcomed.

Usage and installation

You can run the application IG using command /appzone 1947 from any chat window or install RyGReg from App zone. All suggestions are welcome.

#13 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Deutsch | Français
Hallo homins

I have released a new version of RyGReg, Ryzom Guild Registry tool.

Guild profiles

The layout of the Guild profile page has been changes. The Graph of time zones has been improved and a graph of guild languages has been added. The list of activities has been moved to a separate page where you can browse the full history and see a graph of the guild's activity. The profile export in forum code has been improved and can be affected by various options. For guilds with valid API key inserted you can enable automatic updates of the list of guild members.


The update of the guild list has been improved. It should prevent repeated updates when API returns outdated data and also loading API data when the update is already running. You can see the server state and more accurate details in 'Recent updates'.

Dynamic application icon

The application is using new Ryzom app zone feature that allows to display a dynamic icon in application bar or home page. In case you are a member of a guild you should understand that by installing and using this application you become of your guild activity measurement. That means your presence will be periodically logged into guild activity database.

Changes shared between applications

Besides the improved main menu layout, there have been several fixes for better display in the IG browser. You can also change the start page of each application in app-wide customization settings. These settings are reached from either the the About section, now accessible through a click on the application name in the main menu, or your Forms and filters options.

Usage and installation

You can run the application IG using command /appzone 1947 from any chat window or install RyGReg from App zone. All suggestions are welcome.

#14 [en] 

Will go take a peek.

But if I understand correctly ... guild activity is only recorded if someone has at least 1 of your applications installed. Which part of the API key must be included for this to happen ?

How often is periodically ? ... looks like about 2 hours. Two constraints here I would guess.... if you don't do frequently, some one who is on 1 hour a day will likely be missed ... if someone doesn't log out... you will have 12 entries a day, that leads to a lot of nuisance entries.


#15 [en] 

But if I understand correctly ... guild activity is only recorded if someone has at least 1 of your applications installed. Which part of the API key must be included for this to happen ?

None, just authenticated. I am not using last login/logout data from API.

How often is periodically ? ... looks like about 2 hours. Two constraints here I would guess.... if you don't do frequently, some one who is on 1 hour a day will likely be missed ... if someone doesn't log out... you will have 12 entries a day, that leads to a lot of nuisance entries.

Your presence is recorded every time any app see you online and if it is longer than ~60 minutes since last record. Thanks to dynamic icons I can do this also when you (re)load your app bar or home page. And in case you are guilded ofc.

Última edición por Moniq (6 años hace)

Last visit domingo 2 junio 05:38:37 UTC

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