
#1 [en] 

I have a need to make a particular piece of HA, the problem I have is that I need it to be white, and I would like to be at least choice quality. Since I am a citizen of Fyros, I can only get the mats for myself in Fyros-land, and I HATE to buy mats.

Now, I have done a brief look at Balistic Mystix, and I cannot find any reliable way to harvest/kill some white mats.

Can someone give me a hint? Please?

Thank you for your assistance in this bizarre matter.


I am a Fyros. What more do I have to say other than that?

#2 Multilingüe 

White and Black are both PR.


#3 [en] 

Crap! .... Thank you....

Damn.... time to get killed!


I am a Fyros. What more do I have to say other than that?

#4 [en] 

Indeed crap :P

But the white material only has to be the most prevalant mat in the armor, for a HQ HA there are 40 mats in the big pieces and 32 in smaller pieces. Meaning if you do 13 red mats 13 blue mats, than only 14 white mats are needed in a big piece; for a small piece it is just 10 red 10 blue and 12 white mats.

f you add in basic or fine mats (such as fine kirosta tail) that will divide the color down even more.

Also, I'm sure if you had some dug desert mats of choice or excellent someone would trade them for a few white PR mats.

#5 [en] 

But you can craft choice quality in all colors, except white and black, these are only possible with PR mats.

Blue or red with your digged mats.
And you can buy choice faction mats at the faction merchant in each capital.
Pyr = beige
Yrkanis = green
Fairhaven = turqouise
Zora = purple
If you don't have any faction points to buy, easied way for me to aquire them is by giving occupation products to the New Horrizons transporter.

To archive the color of you choice, there has to be only 1 mat more of that color in sum.

#6 [en] 

There are choice mats in PR, so you can craft black or white choice items :)

#7 [en] 


I have approximately 42,000 faction point. I have NEVER "spent" them, so I will take your advice.


Thank you for clarifying things. I only have level 7 in crafting, so I don't think anyone wants to buy/trade my "crap"


I am a Fyros. What more do I have to say other than that?

#8 [en] 

The faction picks are also nice, they have a focus bonus and the Q250 one has hp bonus as well.
And they have more hitpoints than the normal picks I think.

#9 Multilingüe 


Thank you, I will start spending my faction points on things.


I am a Fyros. What more do I have to say other than that?

#10 [en] 

The faction picks are also nice, they have a focus bonus and the Q250 one has hp bonus as well.
And they have more hitpoints than the normal picks I think.

They have 200 HP. I've only broken 2 this month, and that +200 Focus and +80 HP from the q250 is nice. However, the boosts on the other ones are less-than-stellar, and the q250 can only be used by master diggers.

While I spend a fair number of points buying replacement Ry-Piks, most of my points go towards feeding my addiction to sap crystals.

I find that the Choice potatoes are rather steeply priced, though when my Lakes Forage was ~100 points lower, they seemed like a better deal than they do now that I can fill a bag in 20 minutes or less.


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