Level Design


#16 [fr] 

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Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Deed (9 años hace)

#17 Multilingüe 

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Use this link to write your ideas (Use your native language)
=> Ideas - Level-Design

Editado 5 veces | Última edición por Ptitbill (9 años hace)


P'tit Bill
Level-Design [FR]

#18 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français
2nd of November 2015 

1 New Level Designers
Ptitbill: we have one new member in the team : Ascansa, who joined this week. On Ryzom Forge side, I've received some answers following my big shout of last week: I have finally got proposals for zorai nation. Rikutatis has two projects of missions that we are going to work with as soon as possible. Phileur has also contacted me and I'm waiting for his proposals. So we have Tryker, Zorai, Matis... I need to shout again to obtain fyros propositions this time!

2 RF missions
The projects in preparation well progress.Zendae's project is pleasing, we tested a small part a week ago and on our side we like the concept very much.Bastien is going fast to script his mission... it will be hot! But I can't say more.Deed is working on a different field, he prepares a new occupation.We will have to list soon (before the end of week) all the missing elements for those projects because they don't all use existing graphics.If you want to join, it will be with pleasure.

Última edición por Gaueko (9 años hace)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN


#19 [fr] 

Use this link to write your ideas (Use your native language)
=> Ideas - Level-Design

Um, link no longer works it seems :(

#20 [en] 

Use this link to write your ideas (Use your native language)
=> Ideas - Level-Design

Um, link no longer works it seems :(

Hello, the pad is up again!


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#21 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | [English] | Français
16th of November 2015

Missions in preparation

PtitBill: The missions being currently coded progress quietly, we've had a big part of the fyros project changed because of an anomaly regarding the Lore.As for the Tryker part, there are lots of projects, Zendae's one is taking its course... and during demonstrations it seemed to be liked by everyone.Lots of proposal by Bastien as much for the Trykers as for the other countries with a simple adjustment... but it's a bit early to talk about it.Rikutatis has joined us with Zoraï project, we're waiting for his texts.Some surprises for all countries. The players will have surprises which will change their habits.Deed is working on his Matis occupation but if other "matis" volunteers have ideas and feel like being authors, they can contact us.

Última edición por Tamarea (9 años hace)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN


#22 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français
6th of december 2015

1 New Encyclopedia

The Level Design group will work differently from now, to be more efficient. The actuel workflow is too counterproductive. the group will just create scenarios, positions and names of objects and NPC and dialogs, without creating itself scripting, which belongs to Ark group work.

2 Missions in preparation
Ptitbill: I have for now 3 super authors that prepares new stuff. Those new missions should, with the new workflow, be in game earlier. Those addons will be missions and occupations you are not used to do, we want to surprise you and not to make clones for existing missions/occupations. Regarding Encyclopedia, the matis 50 rite in ongoing, will come next the geographical zorai 50 and a tryker which will be ... geographical 100. Before going further in the writing, I wait to see the result of the first, the matis. The new workflow should allow me to hold my schedule, which is 1 rite per month. But, writing new stuff, despite being not difficult, needs time. And to get this time we are lacking, the more we will be, the more new stuff will appear in game. So I ask, as each week, if new authors are willing to join (ptitbill@ryzom.com). I would need, if possible, a person that dive in forums to get ideas posted by players. Some are really interesting but now in the depths of the topics. The new simplified workflow will be soon available. Any person that wish to help and bring a new spirit in Ryzom can contact me (ptitbill@ryzom.com). I remind we want to make new stuff and not copies of existing ones.

Gaueko: I usually do that Ptitbill (dive in the topics) for other Team reason, so I can try to do focus on this too. Of course, any help will be welcomed.
Siela: For now i'm still busy but I'll be able to dive in forums.
Ptitbill: Thanks Siela, all help is welcome, I'll put a PAD online to gather those ideas: https://lite6.framapad.org/p/Ryzom_LD_RF_20151208000000.

Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Tamarea (9 años hace)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#23 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français
14th of december 2015

1 Creation of missions and occupations
PtitBill: Not much for me, i'm working on the "simplified" version of the original workflow as requested by the Ark group.

What to say more, except that I'm still looking for writers and spelunkers to rummage through the depths of the forums to get out from them the ideas proposed by the players and which would be good to install.

I give you again the link to writhe the ideas from the forums: https://lite6.framapad.org/p/Ryzom_LD_RF_20151208000000.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN


#24 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | Français | English
11h of january 2016

1 Matis rite 50
PtitBill: Creating the matis rite has, as said above, required to create new Ark modules. I hope it will surprise as many players as possible. It has been thought differently from what you're used to see daily on Atys. It's something of a test for me, and i'm waiting to see your reactions for the further steps. Knowing that next 3 rites will be in the same idea.

2 Missions and occupations
PtitBill: Regarding the Ryzom Forge Level-Design, the team had some holidays during the end of the year and we'll now dive again very soon in what we started.
I'll give again for the summary in the forum the links to hte pads for the ones who wish to help by proposing missions, occupations, or who have found ideas proposed in the depths of the forums.
We'll restart soon the validation of the proposals for the missions which were waiting forthe advices of the Lore and Level-Design teams. These proposals, except in case of negative recommendation announced which is seldom, arent forgotten but we sometime get stuck on the description given by the author.Please contact me to ptitbill@ryzom.com for any Level-Design topic.

Q: Some players have gotten discouraged about submitting ideas that they believe were ignored such as Virg's ideas and Rahael even Talkirc.
I am wondering about this disconnect or problem and how it may be improved. 
I hear complaints from players like this often. i try to tell them to join Ryzom forge.
A: We don't know of any proposal by Rahael or Talkirc. Virg one, yes.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN


#25 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français
01st of february 2016 

1 Report of LD group

PtitBill: The matis rite is moving forward, the Zorai is on stand-by, along with the tryker and fyros ones - On Ryzom Forge side, Zendy is working on the dialogs for her mission.
Bastien has progressed well on the fyros mission and has started several tryker projects, Depyraken is working on an awesome projet which will be adapted for all the nations and will trigger the incoming of submissions. 
I'm waiting for the projects of Talkirc and Bubbason.
And of course i'm still looking for authors.

2 Work on fishing occupation
Depyraken: Just a glimpse of what I've managed to do: http://ryzom.nicetuna.com/data/images/fisherman.avi.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN


#26 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français
8th of february 2016

PtitBill: "Nothing new for this week, the projects advance. Depyraken advances on his project of fishing and Zendae, Deed, Bastien and the others work on their missions. Deed waits for the growth of trees, Zendae a door for the fence, Bastien visual elements 2D/3D.
I make a new call for authors. Contact me at ptitbill@ryzom.com."

Última edición por Tamarea (9 años hace)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#27 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français
15th of february 2016

1 Missions and occupations
PtitBill: A huge majority of the current projects are waiting for the previous groups : Graphic and Ark. Deed and Zedae's projects are waiting for 3D elements and the Bastien's ones the Ark team. The matis rite is blocking almost everybody. Then will come the Fyros, Tryker and Zoraï. The "fisher" project is in progress, I let Depyraken talk about it.

Depyraken: As any video is better than any word... http://ryzom.nicetuna.com/data/images/fisherman2.wmv
Kervala: Depyraken, it's excellent!

PtitBill: Level Design group is still searching for authors wanting to realize a project (mission or occupation) with all its steps: synopsis writing, 2D/3D graphic step, Ark script, dialogs writing and of course test phases. For any questions, please contact me: pstitbill@ryzom.com. Only one obligation: show originality.

Talkirc: I've added 2 ideas to the pad for review, one is my "upper branches" project outline (i linked the original ideas forum post for the outline, each supporting idea is linked on that outline in the ideas forums (each idea has it's own thread, because the rule is one idea per thread), it's a very large project, and if needed I can explain anything in detail or clarify as needed.)
I also linked on the pad the RP stories I wrote to help support the idea. Both of these are public on the game forums. The 2nd idea I added is for a new mission giving NPC, which is also on the ideas forum, cross linked with another persons idea for amplifier crafting missions, because this NPC would be a simple solution to include their idea as well. I have many other ideas in waiting, as yet published on the forums, mostly because they build on the "upper branches" stories and ideas. Some of the work on the upper branches would require dev help for some minor parts (eg. respawn point, solution to not loosing mainland respawns when visiting the old starter islands, and possibly a few other things) the upper branches ideas recycle much content already coded to help lighten the workload, but will still require much effort and time.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#28 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français
7th of march 2016

Ptitbill: Zendae, Bastien, Deed and Depyraken are working hard on their project. Of course Steam is slowing down the whole of it. Zendae is starting the dialogs of her project. Bastien is working o several projects at the same time so that he doesn't lose time. Deed is the most penalised of all since he's missing lots of elements to finish his one. He's waiting, as many, that Steam is over. I've got a project to submit for validation, by Talkirc.

Depyraken: Depyraken: Regarding the fishing... I've started moving it into Ark. But I'm a bit stuck. I need for some files to be installed on the test server. And that the changes that I made on my client are approved and can be integrated.

Q: A question to Depyraken: is fishing intended to become an occupation or a hobby available in all the cities of the Bark?
A: Both aren't conflicting... but it's just my opinion.

Nilstilar: So the real question is: will there be some additional ponds in all the countries?
Ptitbill : No. But fishiing isn't necessarily related to fishes. You can fish other things. Frogs for example. Jungle, Desert and Forest have their watering holes, the ponds.
Depyraken: There are already enough watering holes on Atys. 


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN


#29 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français
14th of march 2016 

PtitBill: Hello. Like every Monday I'll ask for new authors for write some missions / quests. Your projects must be related to the Lore. You must be imaginative. Don't limit yourself to existing actions. Your story doesn't have to be necessarily roleplay but must have a logical with Ryzom. 

For any question or proposal, contact me: ptitbill@ryzom.com


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN


#30 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français
4th of april 2016

Fishing occupation

Depyraken: In what concerns me, I'm still working on the fishing occupation. I have added some functions on the server to handle what till now wasn't. Till now fauna wasn't able to go into the water, now... it can and can be blocked from leaving it. This progress should allow us to create Water mounts.

Artificer occupation

Q: Still for the fun... would it be possible to craft fireworks? (As for me, I'd resub just to get this option...)
A: it was possible to create fireworks during the OOC event for Ryzom 10 years, thanks to a special mission.
If it were reactivated definitively, it would be great!
A: The idea is to be considered, but probably not definitively, it would make the fireworks too common. Level-Design team makes a note of the idea, maybe for a next occupation.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

Last visit miércoles 5 febrero 23:18:01 UTC

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